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  1. L

    Expat Single's night this wed dec 15th

    Definitely fun although next time, we need to get more girls there!!! Also, umm hello caipiriñas de maracuya!!! So tasty!
  2. L

    Expat Single's night this wed dec 15th

    I'll try to make it as well!! I haven't hung out with expat guys in ages now!!
  3. L

    NLF-Bear DOWN!

    Not too sure yet, and no I wouldn't mind watching with a Patriots fan!!
  4. L

    Translation Cleanup

    Not sure if you're understanding the situation correctly. They had someone translate it, and it's crap, now they're furious as they're a multinational company (enter cash signs) and they want it fixed properly. Either way, it's not unreasonable to charge 0.20 per word?
  5. L

    NLF-Bear DOWN!

    Anyone want to watch the bears game this sunday?? whether you be a patriots fan or chicago... I'm down for whatever!!!
  6. L

    Translation Cleanup

    I've been here since March teaching business english, and have dabbled with some translating, resumes/cover letters, and letters of intent for US universities, but I've been asked to do something new. One of my students is the director of a large multinational company and the other day we were...
  7. L

    Play Some Futbol/Soccer?

    I can do Thursday, but at around 9pm or so or Friday afternoon. I played today in one of my tournaments and about died from the heat! Also, I was at Rosedal yesterday for a run, and was thinking we could just go and play there. use some bags for goals or whatever.
  8. L

    Nice places to run in Palermo area

    Rosedal is a great place to run... and if you're into "ladies" well, ladies with a close resemblance, go there around 10 or 11. you'll love it. just don't forget your wallet!!
  9. L

    Play Some Futbol/Soccer?

    I went there last night, but no one could tell me an actual phone number of who to call. I got a lot of, "Oh, I think it's a nacho, or pablo, or tio alejandro, blah blah." but I did just find this online I wouldn't mind meeting up in puerto madro...
  10. L

    Play Some Futbol/Soccer?

    I never use shinguards, when I play with guys, co-ed, whatever. I just talked to my roommate, an argentine guy who plays soccer all the time, and he just said that most likely at las heras, it's all tournament games. Buuut, he wasn't completely sure. He also said that if it was earlier, it...
  11. L

    Play Some Futbol/Soccer?

    I walk past here all the time and am dying to play there. I'm a chick, but for the past few weeks I finally found a group of argentine guys to play with, but I would like more stuff during the week. Wednesday nights would be perfect. Def count me in... Well that is if you're not scared!! My...
  12. L

    Cheap expats

    I hate to break it to you, but the world isn't full of puppies, kittens, and bricks of gold for everyone. It's not just in BA that people are talking about prices or being cheap, (I prefer the term frugal personally) its the entire world. And yes, some of us do earn pesos like argentines, and...
  13. L

    Seamtress in Palermo?

    I went to a place on, I believe Charcas or Paraguay and Borges to have a dress made for my sisters wedding. They were amazing! The blonde lady is from the Czech Republic and at first it was difficult to understand her spanish. Very good work, not too expensive. Not sure of the price though...
  14. L

    BA Expat census (for fun...)

    Canadian, turned duel citizen of the states about a year ago (not sure if you just want to count me as a draw). 25, female. Landed March 2010 and going strong. There's definitely a large group of young expats here, a mixture of americans, australians, and UKers.
  15. L

    Moving Sale - Electronics, Books, Detergent

    are the phones unlocked? with chatgers?
  16. L

    Traveling with Parents

    definitely good information. So, what would you guys think of flying to mendoza and renting a car to travel around the area? It's one of my favorite places in argentina.
  17. L

    Traveling with Parents

    My parents are coming for Christmas through New Years, and after a long 15 hour flight, I'm not wanting to be traveling a whole lot around the country. My idea was to take them to either Iguazu or Cordoba for christmas. What is everyones opinion?? They love wine, relaxing, and trying new...
  18. L

    Where can I buy a BATHING SUIT????

    I'd just look for any where that has a billabong or hurley sign in the window. There's on on cordoba and florida (or maybe san martin) that I walk by everyday. A few others on santa fe close to alto palermo.
  19. L

    Pesky little infection..

    Where have you found it? I just asked my argentine friends and they had no idea.
  20. L

    Pesky little infection..

    Very good advice! I started doubling up on water yesterday. Thankfully it really isn't too bad. No major pain, just the need to go to the bathroom all the time. Gosh, what a sexy conversation, right?!?