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  1. G

    Moving to Buenos Aires

    And definitely get out of BsAs (like the Patagonias and other scenic natural wonders Argentina has to offer - go North, East and South) for your writing and photography inspirations. The provinces are great just before summertime (Argentina's).
  2. G

    From Suzie

    Suzie, strange as this may sound - he needs you to be there for him now more than ever. Stay strong!
  3. G

    What does the Governor know that I don't ...

    steveinbsas, don't get me wrong - she IS the other half to the tango dance team. I wrote it already on my original response.
  4. G

    Moneda Melodramas

    My newest experience with monedas is with COTO. Now they have posted signs at the cashier saying - sorry we apologize for the inconvenience but we do not have any monedas. And what do they do if they do not have monedas? They ask you if you want to donate the monedas (so they do not have to...
  5. G

    What does the Governor know that I don't ...

    rivardco, re: your original question about what the "Gov"knows and what you don't...obviously the Gov. did not know a lot. He had placed this woman Maria 'separated but not yet divorced' in a very difficult situation. In Argentina the rule/law of being separated is very different than that of...
  6. G

    need art shop or picture frame store

    amat, there is a very nice frame shop at the corner of Gorostiaga and Soldado dela Independencia (been there for ages). Hope they can help you.
  7. G

    Argentine + South Carolina Carnal Relations

    this news has not hit the "titulos" in Todos Noticias (TN) yet.
  8. G

    should i move to BA?

    ashflow182, try to visit BsAs at least once and see the city before your actual relocation. You salary requirements would depend mostly on the lifestyle you want - so only you can say how much that is...again just visit the city, you at least owe yourself that. Good luck. :-)
  9. G

    Argentine + South Carolina Carnal Relations

    or... she could have been at one time or another browsing as a guest on this website? ;-) Argentine men are clearly not good enough for her so she had to get nothing less than a US Governor but also married with four sons at that. To her I say - Well done! Bravo!! (sarcastic)
  10. G

    Burgers in the 'Burbs' - 6/14

    HI. captdave, thank you so much for the wonderful Sunday burger. I hope there is a next time. You are a great host and thank you for welcoming us to your home. Had a great time.
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    Burgers in the 'Burbs' - 6/14

    Count me in captdave, and I can bring potato salad. I will be coming from the North, will need that google map coz I will be driving.
  12. G

    Meeting at a bar on Thursday night.

    Capt Dave, hi. Grazie here. I was not able to make it to the first shindig but would love to join you guys on Sunday..start a new thread, please.
  13. G

    Strawberries? Frutisias?

    Try Coto, I was in one and they had some. Also watch out for street vendors, sometimes they have the sweetest ones. Strawberries are sorta in season, a place outside of BsAs was selling them chocolate covered (fondue style - dipped).
  14. G

    3,2,1 - Lets Go! Considering a move to BA

    ba_baby, please factor in the newest visa limitation/requirements for tourist visa. You got the paperwork part right. Visa type is a consideration worth looking into before making the plunge. As steveinbsas said, visit and really have an honest feel of the place, check out the different...
  15. G Liquidation Sale will be holding a once in a lifetime LIQUIDATION SALE of all its inventory beginning June15th. Everything will be at 30% to 40% off listed website price. There are the purses and accessories (bracelets, earring and necklaces) made only of natural materials; but there are...
  16. G

    gym shorts!

    stingystooge, hi. If you take the time to walk up and down Ave. Cabildo bet. Lacroze and Juramento, you are bound to find a small sports/athlete store that will sell OFF BRAND gym shorts. Good luck!
  17. G

    Good-bye for now..see you in Sept.

    Oh, I never had the chance of meeting Harleygirl. :-( But I wish you a safe trip.
  18. G

    Las Canitas

    build18, I sent you a private message. Welcome to Las Canitas!
  19. G

    Beans, Beans, Beans

    Joe there is an abundance of beans (of all types and color) in Barrio Chino (Casa China is the name of the store) mostly dehydrated but very easy to reconstitute. Don't forget to make cornbread with the chili "yum".
  20. G

    Hair Salon

    I recommended Ryan Oakley to a very good friend of mine (he already has 2 of my other friends as regulars) and she was very happy with the service and the result. Contact him please at 15-3050-2076. Did you say you needed one who speaks english? Ryan is from Canada.