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  1. BAJoe

    Burgers this Sunday (Nov. 15)?

    Hey Dave, I´m siging in for around 6 people. We´ll take beers, wines, salads and some sweet stuff. Cheers, Joe
  2. BAJoe

    San Antonio de Areco on Sunday

    This person is organising a trip over the weekend. "Andrea - BAIS Argentina" [email protected]
  3. BAJoe

    we,re gonna meet up on Thurs night for pizza......

    I´d like to go but tonite is the After-Office party by the EuroClub. If I can, I´ll stop by on my way, but it may be too early. We may be able to pass by around 730pm. Cheers Joe
  4. BAJoe

    On route to BsAs - reassurance please!

    There was a time when one-way tickets had the same cost as round-trip (I think this was true for an open-ended year-long return flight.) I don´t know if that has changed at all, but you should find out what the difference is. Even if it´s 1 or 2 hundred dollars more it may be worth having that...
  5. BAJoe

    Anyone want to see Yankees game tonight?

    I think the OP was wondering if there´s a group of people wanting to watch the game together at the same place. The Alamo seems the best place for ensuring a gathering, at least for tonite!! I´ll stop by to check it out. ("El...
  6. BAJoe

    summer film screenings

    There used to be some projections done in Punta del Este over the summer tourist season on the main Gorlero Street. There also was an "auto-cine" on the beach, but that´s also gone now. I have an old 16mm film projector but I suppose you mean a newer video projector, for DVDs. I doubt anyone...
  7. BAJoe

    has anyone eaten at Kansas or Patagonia Sur

    You should only go to Kansas in a group or at least with another person. You can´t really eat the gigantic platters on your own. They are all meant to be shared. The only thing that you can safely have by yourself, is a hamburger, or the soup and salad, but they only serve it on weekdays, at...
  8. BAJoe

    Surge Protector help

    This is only a protector for out-of-range-voltage from the mains. It is used mainly on refrigerators, air-conditioners, and other motorized units to protect them from not being able to start when the voltage is too low. It can also protect electronics from over-voltage, but it does not...
  9. BAJoe

    Surge Protector help

    Scelesta, the modem part is to also protect the internet line coming into your PC, since a strike of lightning can also come in thru there. But if you only use WI-FI and have no other connection than your power supply you can buy one of these units without the added feature. They are called...
  10. BAJoe

    Halloween events in BA?

    Check out this recent thread on same subject: HALLOWEEN PARTIES FOR THIS WEEKEND
  11. BAJoe

    wii / converter question.

    You need to use the smaller high-power units. Check the wattage on the hair styler, but it must be above 600-800 watts.
  12. BAJoe

    Is any one else watching Glenn Beck on FOX?

    Is any one else watching Glenn Beck on FOX? [Fox is on DirecTV. With Cablevision-Multicanal (channel 609) you need to ask for the digital cable adapter box. It´s really worth it for an extra 15 pesos/month. You also get BBC, CNNI, Aljazera, NBA, etc.] The guy is on a roll, and he´ll likely...
  13. BAJoe

    wii / converter question.

    Ashley, make sure you use a "HEAVY" transformer, usually lower wattage from 50 to 200 watts. The light weight, 1000W+ units, are electronic converters and they WILL BLOW OUT electronics. They are meant for only electric heater use. The transformer rating in watts must be at least 20 % over what...
  14. BAJoe

    Vacation Suggestions??

    December-thru-February are the best months to visit Punta del Este in Uruguay. Despite being just across the river, it´s a different country and a great get-away from BA, during the summer heat. Punta is virtually a ghost-town the rest of the year, so I´d go for Uruguay, for the time-frame you...
  15. BAJoe

    Expat burger party this Sunday - 10/25

    Hi Dave. Joe here, signing in. Count me in for around 4 to 5 guests all told. I´m taking a few friends from the Club Europeo again. We´ll bring a load of drinks and some desserts. THANX,
  16. BAJoe

    Thank you all!!!

    Here is a party for Halloween. It´s actually on Friday the 30th, so you may even find another party for Sat. 31st. No entrance fee, just a costume will do. The bar is owned by Europeans, and patrons are either expats, or bilingual locals.
  17. BAJoe

    Where are the Canadians...?

    The Canadian Embassy, every so often, hosts a get together at their premises, next to Canal 7. Locals and expats mingle with the current staff. There are tickets sold, which get you drinks and empanadas. IT´s usually on a Thursday, I think, the 3rd or 4th THUR of the month. Sometimes, the...
  18. BAJoe

    New to BsAs

    Hi Jackie, Welcome to BA!, (in advance) I´m a fellow Newyorker, but also half Argentine, living here since high-school. I´ll be happy to get you quickly up to date on all the major current activities in BA where you can meet both locals and expats in your same situation. I don´t know how...
  19. BAJoe

    Hello-New Arrival, Renting in Suburban BA

    The estimate you got is way out of line. That´s what the rents were in 2002, just after the major crisis. For a small unfurnished, 3 bedroom HOUSE, as you suggest, w/garden, terrace, parrilla and NO pool, expect anything between $800-$1200 USD, depending on size and location. An apt would be...
  20. BAJoe

    anything fun this week?

    Is there a group going to meet tonite, Elia? What time are you going, and which store at Honduras y Malabia would me meet at? I guess I could get there around 7:15, 7:30pm. Anyone else going too?