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  1. S

    678 Propaganda Program Should Go Out Of Tv Publica Ch 7

    They should find the Argie version of a Bob Ross and just randomly put them on one night in the 678 slot to start painting some happy little trees. Sure, some will turn him off right away, but others will probably be entranced by the soothing voice. Soon enough the hatred of the 678 audience...
  2. S

    Inauguration Photos

    She owns the entire 5th floor in a 6 storey building on the corner of Juncal and Uruguay, and is rumoured to have bought the 1st and 4th floors. The actual value is more likely at least $500,000 USD. It has 4 bedrooms, living, kitchen comedor etc. Sigh. 234k pesos. Maybe I need to move to Recoleta!
  3. S

    The New Head Of Banco Nacion

    It will be the single dollar that Macri's been promising us. One, single, dollar. :(
  4. S

    What Will We Argue About With Cfk Gone??!

    Stuffy Brits and Germans. But Obama you forget had the traditional Inaugural Ball in the USA, where every president dances. and his dance with Michelle was splashed across the headlines. Oh and guess what colour Michelle wore: WHITE. Believe it or not, this is not a wedding pic, but their first...
  5. S

    What Will We Argue About With Cfk Gone??!

    You seem to forget that WHITE is one of the national colours. It's pretty much tradition that the ladies wear white for the inaugural ceremonies here -- CFK did as First Lady at Nestor Kirchner's inaugration, as well as for her own first and second inaugurations. The wife of de la Rua wore...
  6. S

    Good Websites For Shopping In Ba!

    For clothes,
  7. S

    The New Head Of Banco Nacion

  8. S

    Goodbye To The Cepo

    The AFIP page won`t be coming back online any time soon if you ask me. It has been shut down. My husband tried at 1am and the page dared tell him that he couldn`t access due to too much traffic on the site and he should try again in a few minutes. hahaha sure, 1am on a weds the AFIP site was...
  9. S

    The New Head Of Banco Nacion

    Desde el retorno de la democracia, Reynaldo Bignone a Raúl Alfonsín, el radical a Carlos Menem, el riojano a De la Rúa, Ramón Puerta a Adolfo Rodríguez Saá y Eduardo Camaño a Eduardo Duhalde: todos ellos asumieron en la Casa Rosada. Pero a partir de 2003, Néstor Kirchner y Cristina tomaron la...
  10. S

    The New Head Of Banco Nacion

    Please, if CFK had done the same thing, you would be going on about how she was defending the patria of the country and that it is entirely just and fair and in no way xenophobic.
  11. S

    Line F Is Coming!

    The Decada Ganada ;)
  12. S

    Presidential Transition

    Cristina is being infantile and petty and refuses to be the one to hand over the presidential baton. Sounds like she's going to get Anibal Fernandez to do it! HAHAHA I just about died. These last few days can't possibly get any more ridiculous (though of course, with CFK at the helm, of course...
  13. S

    Bedbugs? ¿chinches?

    We have more and more salamanders/geckos in our house every year. Coincidentally the teensy little ants we were getting disappeared shortly after the appearance of a particularly fat salamander. Cockroaches we have had every once in awhile, we live in a PH in a leafy residential street, so don't...
  14. S

    The New Head Of Banco Nacion

    So by this logic it is ok to become a criminal as long as you do so after you become a politician. That's why you find Cristina's crimes acceptable? And Anibal's? And Boudou's? And Moreno? etc
  15. S

    Presidential Transition

    Cristina wants/dreams with absolute power. There, fixed that for you.
  16. S

    Lanata Says Goodbye

    Ah I see, it's the last of PPT but he'll have a new show. Would be nice to see more of Winazki in some form of on air reporting. Lanata says new show will be lighter, funnier. We'll see. Perhaps he is thinking something more like Daily Show rather than in depth investigations. PPT will be a...
  17. S

    Lanata Says Goodbye

    It's the last programme of the year, then they have to renegotiate for next year. It's not always a guarantee, and this year I think he started a couple of months later than usual. He's not in the greatest health either, I won't be surprised if he takes some time off. But even Tinelli isn't...
  18. S

    Presidential Transition

    Yup, she has shut the door, she won`t allow him access to her ministers until the 10th. Bajo can say all he likes, but communication between the incumbent and succeeding president is an integral part of the democratic process. He apparently doesn`t understand that and tries to frame it as a...
  19. S

    Presidential Transition

    Some how I`m just sure she's letting that little toy poodle of hers piss and poo all over the mansion so as to leave a mess behind for Macri. In the USA I think it was Clinton`s staff that trashed the place on their way out. I wouldn`t put it beyond Cris and her mob to do the same.
  20. S

    Mauricio Macri ... Next President Of Argentina

    Now it makes sense. If you actually listened to her speeches you would see what a selfish, maniacal, egoist she can be. If you`d seen her 43? 44? whatever it was cadena nacionales you wouldn't be a fan, you'd see she's a power hungry woman with no interest in bettering the lives of others, just...