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  1. S

    Study A Master's Degree In Ba As A Foreigner

    If you are looking to do an MBA I believe the IAE has at least some of it in English and possibly di Tella does as well. If you are looking to do something else other than business, you better start studying your Spanish now! Good luck!
  2. S

    Macri: The 11 Of December There Will Be One Dollar

    So unfortunately the chat lasted 20 mins and the basic summary was -- nope, you're not talking to any of my ministers until the 10th december. This woman never ceases to amaze me. And not in a good way!
  3. S

    Changes I Want To See With The New President

    More transparency. Statistics that are true. Be brave enough to publish the raw data and the stats won`t be so easy to be manipulated. And if the govt and the people know what`s actually going on, decisions as to where to funnel the money should both be easier to take and easier to understand...
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    Mauricio Macri ... Next President Of Argentina

    My issue is the Monsanto naming, Aerolineas NEEDS someone with some actual knowledge and experience in the field. Most of the designations under Cris have been due to nepotism and there are a bunch of bobos in office. There's always lots of potential for conflict of interest with these...
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    The New Head Of Banco Nacion

    Says the pot to the kettle???
  6. S

    Macri: Huge Tax Increases? "insensitive Capitalism"

    Where did I ever say that it was important that either one of them speak english? I think both Nico and Gringo need to read my posting -- all I said was for "those of you who don't speak Spanish or have never seen your future president speaking in english" here are some vids. Did I say it's...
  7. S

    Macri: Huge Tax Increases? "insensitive Capitalism"

    I agree he's not as dynamic in English. But have you never noticed that you are not the same person speaking in one language as the other? No matter what one's level of Spanish, though especially at lower levels of ability, we do not express ourselves in the same way. That's also why I said that...
  8. S

    Macri: Huge Tax Increases? "insensitive Capitalism"

    For those that believe Macri isn't looking for greater honesty and transparency in government, what about his pick of Vidal for Governor? To me it shows that he is looking for people who are truly looking to do a good job and not just line their own pockets. But I'm sure there are those that...
  9. S

    Does Scioli Know The Party He Represents?

    Even if Macri wins, it will only be by a narrow margin. There will be plenty of the old targets around for Lanata, and some new ones as well. The real question is what will happen with the contributors on 678, most of whom make loads of money off the current government. If the Ks are no longer...
  10. S

    Direct Bus From Bariloche To Pinamar Or Mar Del Plata?

    When Aerolineas suspended flights awhile back my husband had to take a bus from Neuquen to Bahia Blanca. So I assume you can take a bus Bariloche -- Neuquen. From Neuquen not sure if you can get a direct to Mar del Plata or if they will make you go Bahia Blanca, Mar del. The odds of getting a...
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    Macri Our Saviour One And Only One Dollar...?

    Considering it has been fluctuating between about 60 and 70% this year, 8% is nothing.
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    Looking For Craft Store

    Double post
  13. S

    Looking For Craft Store

    Was going to post same as above. Here's an article with some more shops in the same area:
  14. S

    Quiting Smoking In/arg.

    I don't know what the rates of success are, but isn't acupuncture supposed to help with the cravings? there is an expat acupuncturist here in BA, if you're interested I can PM her contact details.
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    China Town Remodel Is Done

    It is pedestrian on the weekends, we were there about 2 weeks ago and it's a nice upgrade.
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    Moving Soon To Palermo

    This post should be banned. WTF. "Boasting defiance with revenge in mind"????? You know nothing about these people. If they are married, they are spouses and have every right to the term husband. Hell, even if not married you can call your other half whatever you want as far as I'm concerned...
  17. S

    Local Presidential Debate. Leading Candidate Is A No Show.

    Are you effing kidding me? Outside of Capital many of the Anti-K channels are blocked. You really did drink the K-ool-Aid
  18. S

    Philadelphia Cream Cheese

    What are you trying to make? Now I'm curious!
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    Local Presidential Debate. Leading Candidate Is A No Show.

    Ha I watched Scioli with Fantino the other night and he (Scioli) claims he isn't preparing at all for the debate because he doesn't need to, it will all come so naturally to him. Fantino told him that no, he better prepare because debates aren't easy, but Scioli would have none of it. I'm...
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    Philadelphia Cream Cheese

    A mix of the two is best for texture if you ask me.