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    I cant answer to your doubt... but I can tell you that the Tanvimil its a drug-> medication wich who my mom take sometimes... I think this guy should take the same drug.
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    Partners...its not for talk bad... but, all of you (specially americans) know that US many times hide some things down the floor for diferents reasons; secret studies, increase the popularity of the country, political and army reasons, get more money (in pretoleum form for example)... etc etc...
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    A little bit about Argentina's rock history (enjoy)..

    Hi Dear expats friends!!. This thread its dedicated to everyone who haves some of interest in know some of the past of "the rock music" from this country who was the first in play this kind of music in Latin America and speaking spanish countryes. This is just only for share with all of you some...
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    BSB in Argentina

    Hi everyone.... does anyone goes to see the BackStreet Boys show at Luna Park in 1/3/11 ?? (day/month/year).... I got to say Thanks USA and congratulations!.... so much things came from that country that haves no comparation with anything in this world!... and im not only talking about the...
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    German gir seeking a job

    How Long will be your Stay here in BA ??.... thats important too for anyone who's offering a job!
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    This kind of situations bring me back the ghost from the past. Im talking about AMIA bomb here in BA in 1992 and the Israel Embassy in 1994. The mind of this people its simple: when they want something, they just take it, No matters what or who its on the way.
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    Corrective eye surgery?

    Why take risk??.... sure. In fact I notice that everyday somebody die in a car accident! I'll never use my car anymore (a lot of sence right?).
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    Hello! ...and a thousand questions about moving to BA

    Listen if you work hard you will be fine, the complicated situation of work here its specialy for the people who have not the college done. But the people who have a profetion lives well. Here you will find people living in guetos and people living in their luxury big houses ( like in the us )...
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    Hey guys dont forget that there is "la pampa" out there ( that means a lot of non-pazteurizated milk ) specialy if you have plans to make this chese for a bussines (well u never specifyed about that). In that case a single travel out of the city will be enough I guess.
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    Prices Compared to Peru

    jajaj.... sorry but... who cares Peru or Bolivia?... c'mon you've got to compare the argentinian prices with the europeans. That have more sence..
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    From Spain

    Hi spnish gentleman.... well my advice is that you should take a look to the locals newspapers in the classified section, and Im sure you'll find that you are looking for (a place to share in this case). Regards..
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    Living in Buenos Aires versus Santiago - pros and cons

    I meant that chili have a sane economy, but its small..... Their economy its less than the half of our economy considering that they are in their better time in their whole history and we are going out from the worth economic situation in our whole history, thats all. (thats what I meant when I...
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    Living in Buenos Aires versus Santiago - pros and cons

    Are all you kidding?.....Bac its comparated only with ny in this continent beyond the socio-economic situations. Argentina was the 5th economy in the world on the past. Today we are starting going out from our worth economic situation in the whole history and chili still are the half of us. The...
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    Hey.... I had a colombian girlfriend a while ago. I like them very much. Linis si quieres deja esa informacion sobre las fiestas de colombianos asi me dirijo a una de ellas cualquier dia de estos. Saludos..
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    Hello, Everyone!

    You're wellcome mirna. I understand that you said that you have no time for serch for a particular teacher, in that case I can sujest to you take a look at this link from an institute where you can find particular profesors from the whole kind of ciences(look at the right side of the wev page...
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    Hello, Everyone!

    Mirna, as a college student the only one advisement that I can give you is that you must take particular classes with a teacher who helps you to learn fast all that you need to know for those tests, ask to them that teach you the escential, no matter if your calification isnt the best... the...
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    supermarket lines

    cbphoto and PhilipDT: you are 2 single, idiots, morons. dump and dumper!! jeje.... I dont f...king care who edit this shit. I only was repliyng to Lee's post a few pages back, so shut up!. cheaps minds!!
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    supermarket lines

    Nazis brougt here the corruption, nothing else can explaind why a country who worked very well, from the 40's and ahead went in the corruption!... its was they influence!!.... Did you know that when Evita was close to the death the Oligarcs painted in the walls "live the Cancer". Thats a real...
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    supermarket lines

    To PhilipDT: everything I told in my post was true!... come hare and tellme in my face that it wasnt if you know our history!. Its easy to live in a country a few years and make your opinion about the people: they are like this... or they are like that... unknowing how we are after all that crap...