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  1. B

    supermarket lines

    Listen carefully people!!... Argentina had the best services and workers behind usa in this continent in the past, but after the 2nd world war, too many nazis comes here where the population was small and the economy great, after that start the corruption, the goverment cheats, the dictaduras...
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    supermarket lines

    Dear Lee: The class, the enchatment, the good life in general terms its that who makes you still be here when you said months ago that you'll get out (how I can remember) don't you?. So, the only who sucks here its you!. You should not never get impresed by the people complaints, that happen...
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    Medical Help Porfavor?

    Hey.. you dont had been said thank you!... but anyway, youre wellcome!!
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    Medical Help Porfavor?

    Hi Beautifulair!... There is a institute that i know where many people've been healted in that kind of healt troubles. U'll gonna be very fine with them. Here you got the Wev page: And this is the adress: Roca 220 - Remedios de...
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    Babysitter recommandation?

    Hi, here I led you a link where you have the phone number and the adress form an agency of baby sitter's: take a look.
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    let,s cheer ourselves up

    there is a drunk guy in a bar drinking, he finishes his bottle and start trying to get the last drops out of the bottle and suddenly a genius comes from inside the bottle and t tells to the drunk guy .. "I will grant you a wish" ... then the drunk guy says "I want to urinate liquor". The genie...
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    English breakfast

    Sometimes I have read here that people from US or UK are looking for his kind of food (breakfast, launch, etc), so why nobody makes a bussines from this?, a mean a restaurant where only u can find Scrambled eggs, pancakes, hash browns, bacon and sausages and all that stuff, u can add a great...
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    I quit my job in NYC y acá estoy

    Look steve, ny its full of dog shit everywere and paris too, so u cant change mi mind becouse i saw it!... On the other hand, paris=buenos aires: Its a kind of tell that the people use, becouse there are some similarities, but ba its a real great city whit his own identity and greatfull...
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    I quit my job in NYC y acá estoy

    People dont get start another fight here, im just saying that the dog shit, and broken sidewalks are overwere includin US or europe. I know NY and the dog shit and B.S. do exist for whole brookling neiborhood and even in manhattam too. Once i've been in paris and I could found this stuff...
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    I quit my job in NYC y acá estoy

    Yes Steve, there are dog's shit and wronken streetsides in the whole damn world, so dont be ironic with this, and less with your host country as Joeblow said. I was talking truly.
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    I quit my job in NYC y acá estoy

    Hi wellcome to BACity, I hope u enjoy walking on the city streets and make a lots of friends here (not only ladys), a little advise: when you walked down the city, take sure to look around you at the buildings, the details, the streets, cars, etc, and you will enjoy it moore. I saw how many...
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    Game Night

    Then its a great idea!... but why not included the two ideas, electronic games and cards or dices, and of course males too. Changin matter, just for curiosity... you are foreigner and ur husband local?..
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    Game Night

    Hey... you dont have gay intentions right?... why only make friends and share your place only with ladys ? hehe. The tipical group of friends here is mixted in most of cases, and they work very well. You should led the stone age were was ladys with ladys and gentleman with gentleman. Its only an...
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    Venezuela - Let us discuss it.

    Yes thats right, steveinbsas forgot that there is a city behind the beach i guess.
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    Venezuela - Let us discuss it.

    Federico, I'm not wrong, they are wrong in thinking that I'm arrogant and that all Argentines are arrogant too, just because im saying things as they really are, NO MORE, NO LESS!!!, Only the truth. If their minds are not able to note the difference between one thing and the other is their...
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    Venezuela - Let us discuss it.

    Course I'm going to reply, and is far from being out of arrogance!. I only defend the truth of blind eyes. I clearly said that the Argentine beaches are not the best, but at least we have and are good enough to vacation with them, as well as in the snow in the mountains hills when we talked...
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    Venezuela - Let us discuss it.

    People look .. this country was great and that was not by casuality, without intention to assume I am sure that we are the most competitive race in the region beyond what the economic and social realities show in these times. What I am saying is that we will remember our laurels to foreigners...
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    Venezuela - Let us discuss it.

    SSR, The past is part of the reality, dont be ignorant. A country is Built over its entire history and not just based on his present!, If everyone thought that way then the Empire State Building in NY, the Colon Theatre in BA, the Louvre museum in Paris should be demolished to build something...
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    Venezuela - Let us discuss it.

    SSR shut your ignorant and prejudiced mouth!.... Argentina was the 5th economy in the world until the 30's, and brazil will never be it!. If you have needs for all these crap of latest technology that are on sale to take away money from people, so can just go to any country in Europe or North...
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    Venezuela - Let us discuss it.

    Lee mi advice is that you can be an a crazy american traveler, thats great. But dont lose the common sense, you should have a homeplace from where you make your flights to the rest to the world and pull out your gray hair to the air, and after than that back to home, that's what I would do in...