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  1. tangobob

    Where to change Pounds Sterling for Pesos.

    Currently offering 27.8$ar to the pound £2.99 fee.
  2. tangobob

    Where to change Pounds Sterling for Pesos.

    I am from the UK and regularly stay here for three months. The best way of getting money here is Azimo. Just check their rates if you don't believe me. You can earn yourself a tenner (and me to) if you join with code FRANKF1, Check on their site there are thirteen places you can pick up money...
  3. tangobob

    Someone thought about retiring early

    Certainly not in The UK. Equal rights now means equal retirement dates. I hope they are satisfied, my wife has had 7 years added to her retirement age in six months.
  4. tangobob

    Studio Rental in BsAs (Capital Federal)

    Have a look around and take your time. In local inmobilarios, if you are here for 6 months you can get a studio for as little as $5000ar a month. True you will not get the service, but it depends what you want.
  5. tangobob

    Overstaying 90-day limit

    This seems odd to me. When I overstayed two years ago, they would not allow me to check into the airline until I had cleared migraciones. At that point deporting is exactly what I wanted. That said I also wanted to return, so I presume deportation would be on a never to return basis.
  6. tangobob

    Mutant animals born in Argentina

    They did breed a turkey with four legs some years ago, Trouble was no one could catch it.:)
  7. tangobob

    Information on importing yacht from USA

    I suspect the OP used both terms in order to be understood by Both Brits and North Americans. The term Sailboat is almost never used in The UK, anything larger than a Dingy is referred to as a Yacht.
  8. tangobob

    6 Nations

    I think I was the only welsh man in there, St paddys day as well. You could not hear yourself think. 6 nations and the grand slam on St Patricks day, well you can't blame them.
  9. tangobob

    International Women's Day Strike In Capital Federal

    According to a survey 90% of men masturbate, according to the same survey 10% are liars.
  10. tangobob

    Money transfer from abroad there are thirteen pick up points in the city. you just do a switch transfer on line and pick the money up with your passport within an hour. If you register with the code Frankf2 we both get £10 added to account.
  11. tangobob

    let,s cheer ourselves up

    Defense Attorney: Will you please state your age? Little Old Lady: I am 86 years old. Defense Attorney: Will you tell us, in your own words, what happened the night of April 1st? Little Old Lady: There I was, sitting there in my swing on my front porch on a warm spring evening, when a young man...
  12. tangobob

    Foreigners may be forced to pay for free health care while in the country.

    Isn't everything here? "Well I'm taking my ball home so"
  13. tangobob

    Taxes on Computer Shipped from USA

    Buy a new computer now and bring it with you, otherwise as the man says "Your life will become a living hell" If you think that is too expensive an option, then you have no idea what Argentine customs can do to you.
  14. tangobob

    habilitacion de salida help

    In my experience, they will not let you check in with an expired visa. You will have to pay the fine at the airport before you are allowed on the plane.
  15. tangobob

    Foreigners may be forced to pay for free health care while in the country.

    In the UK anyone can get free treatment, paid for from my taxes. Perhaps there should be a reciprocal agreement for Brits.
  16. tangobob

    Taxi With A Fast Meter

    I had one a few years back, I told him he was too expensive and would only pay what I should. After a short argument, he took my money and gave me his card, if I should want to use him again. Sinverguenza. Now I just do not use taxis. Rip me off and I go elsewhere.
  17. tangobob

    Back in Baires for 3 weeks for work and looking for accommodation in May 2018

    I have a friend with a loft near to Entre rios. PM me if you are interested.
  18. tangobob

    let,s cheer ourselves up

    An Irishman walks into a bar in Dublin, orders three pints of Guinness and sits in the back of the room, drinking a sip out of each one in turn. When he finished all three, he comes back to the bar and orders three more. The bartender says to him, You know, a pint goes flat after I draw it; it...
  19. tangobob

    let,s cheer ourselves up

    A Welsh farmer drove to a neighbours farmhouse and knocked at the door. A boy, about 9, opened the door. is your dad or your mum home? said the farmer. No, they went to town. How about your brother, Howard? Is he here? No, he went with Mum and Dad. The farmer stood there for a few minutes...