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  1. tangobob

    Things To Do In Ba During The Day, Any Suggestions?

    Tell him he must go to El Ateneo, not the one in Florida but Santa Fe y Callao. Even if he buys no books or records, the building is worth taking in.
  2. tangobob

    Top Gear Patagonia Pt1 - 27Th Dec

    Just a couple of points, there is a national database where you can search numbers it is the DVL site. Do you really think a group of morons in Patagonia would tie in FLK to the Malvinas? I believe the whole things set up as yet another Top Gear publicity stunt. They I something similar in...
  3. tangobob

    BsAs Safety

    All one can add to this are our own personal experiences, hearsay is worth less than an ice cream in a volcano. I have been coming to BsAs since 2004, and have probably spent just over a year in total in the city. I have had my pockets felt, had the bird poo scam tried, even had taxis trying the...
  4. tangobob

    Protecting apt from robbery

    Best insurance is to have nothing worth stealing. My computor is so old if they broke in they would probably leave me theirs in sympathy :D Of course there is some furniture, but dropping it three floors would probably render it worthless. Have some nice tango shoes though:cool:
  5. tangobob

    YPF Nationalized

    Theft is now legal here? What next?
  6. tangobob

    Why do Porteños like queueing so much?

    And whats with these paper number things? We went into a cosmetics shop, the guy at the door gave us a number. Of course by the time our number was up my wife was still deciding what she wanted. We had a very impatient dependiente tapping her foot while we decided what we wanted. In an empty...
  7. tangobob

    The iron Lady thatcher movie

    I actually saw it on the plane over. It was very good, and that is praise indeed from some one who thinks she should be thrown in a lime pit. Will it be shown here (IN ENGLISH) God forbid.
  8. tangobob

    What do you love about BA?

    Tango The fact that nothing needs to be thrown away,whatever it is someone will repair it. Tango You can go down the street and get anything made by guys who care about what they do. The cheap transportation. Tango The utilities that are so cheap, we would consider it free at home...
  9. tangobob

    Trouble in San Telmo

    The bad news is: You are going to DIE, unfortunately so are we all, and hopefully not for some time. Relax, the soothsayers will tell you everywhere is dangerous in Buenos Aires. You will soon realise if you stray into a bad area, just use normal common sense and you will fine. I have been...
  10. tangobob

    April 2nd Monday

    Ah! The most important thing happening is that the Finches are arriving. Hold on to your hats, it's going to be a bumpy ride.:D
  11. tangobob

    Free energy.

    Well You can spend your time and money on perpetual motion, but have you heard the one about the indestructability of energy. (what goes in is the same as what comes out). Even our so called free photo votaic panels use more energy in their creation. That is why they have to be calibrated at...
  12. tangobob

    'Argentina will sanction banks, companies backing Malvinas oil drills,' Timerman

    Ha, the famous English bank that they demonstarted outside of. Hong Kong and Shanghi Banking Corperation. The clue is in the name.
  13. tangobob

    What should I bring?

    I always bring my dishwasher with me. (sssh, don't tell her I called her that):D
  14. tangobob

    Has Ikea come to Argentina or anything like it?

    Extract from The Times A total of131 million copies of the Ikea catalogue were printed in 45 editions and 23 languages in 2003. It's circulation is bigger than that of the Bible. In the early 1990s ome in ten europeans was concieved on an Ikea bed. Linda Dagless, of Norwich, named her baby...
  15. tangobob

    Has Ikea come to Argentina or anything like it?

    If you go up Salguero, between Humajuaca and Corrientes, there is a guy there, almost blind, who will make whatever you want, in pine. OK it is not Ikea but he is very cheap and the stuff is very well made. It all comes in plain pine colour, but he will wax it for you in almost any colour you...
  16. tangobob

    Healthy living group

    Hi Perry I think the best move you made was to start walking everywhere. No matter what you eat your body needs exercise to burn it off. I'd suggest Tango as a good exercise, but then you'd expect that. On our last visit you had lost a lot of weight, I expect to see a lot less of you when we...
  17. tangobob

    What should I bring?

    Dare I add: Marmite and peanut butter, Chocolate is expensive and Galaxy Cadbury's unavailable. Oh and drinking chocolate.
  18. tangobob

    Is It Just Me? Voluntary Deportation

    I know it is of no use to you now, to but anyone thinking of working abroad, be it Spain Africa Argentina you name it, I give only one peice of advice; "always keep enough money for your airfare home" and "never ever, burn your bridges"
  19. tangobob

    can you drink the tap water

    If you have lead pipes, then that can cause serious problems. But, I fail to see what harm rusty pipes will do to you; Rust is ferous oxide, most food manufacturers put iron into their food in the form of ferous oxide.
  20. tangobob

    What makes it Christmas for you?

    As most of you know I do not live over there, but I spent the Christmas in Buenos Aires in 2007. For me the thing that, absolutely made Christmas was the generosity of, not only the locals but the expats as well. We were invited to family gatherings, parties and milongas. The highlight for me...