Search results

  1. tangobob

    Parents visiting

    Forget the Tango shows, take them to Belgrano on a Sunday evening after seven and sit on the grass watching real tango at La Glorieta. Take a bottle of wine and some empanadas just soak up the atmosphere, best free show in the city.
  2. tangobob

    Work, Visa, and Tax advice

    If there is some way for anyone not living in the US to get out of US taxes, please tell. I am British, I have never lived in the US, I have not spent more than two days there in my life; Yet I have to pay US income tax on money I earn from my US shares.:(
  3. tangobob

    Argentina history books?

    "A Brief History of the Argentines" by Felix Luna. I bought my copy from Tempo, on Borges betwene Honduras and Salvador. It is very informative and Felix Luna is a very well Respected Historian.
  4. tangobob

    Can I come as a tourist, stay as rentista?

    At the risk of upsetting all the N Americans again "Don't be a typical Yank who never leaves his country" :pget your ticket and come on down. You and only you can tell whether Buenos Aires is for you. If you don't like it, what have you lost? a few hundred dollars in airfare? You will have had...
  5. tangobob

    Can I come as a tourist, stay as rentista?

    OK, I don't want to enter this debate, because only you can judge whether you will be happy here, but EUROPE exteremly safe? Nowhere in the modern world is extemely safe. My cousin got his head stoved in in London for his computor bag. He had come from Johannasburg beliveing Europe was safe. I...
  6. tangobob

    New Zealander charged with drug trafficking

    I have posted often about taking things abroad for others, and been called all sorts of names for my attitude. This just illustrates my point.
  7. tangobob

    Monedero and Sube

    My monedero card failed and I had to get it changed. I went to the Monedero central at Tribunales. The girl there was very helpful and gave me a new card and transfered my money on to it. The point of all this? Well it says on the card Sube and Monedero. I hope that clears it up.
  8. tangobob

    Poverty on the Brain..

    I am loving this thread. I was brought up in 1950s Britain, only just out of rationing and nothing is ever wasted in our houshold. They say that out of every pound spent on food 15 pence is wasted, well it neverhas in our house. Maybe that is why a poor electricista from Gales can buy a...
  9. tangobob

    Standing out like a tourist...

    Was he riding a bicycle and wearing a string of onions?
  10. tangobob

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    You asked in another post What brought people here? That is the crucial difference. To be attracted here rather than driven out. Those who run away will always in the end be caught. I am here only temporary as I work in The UK, my advice "never burn your bridges" Heaven can turn to hell after...
  11. tangobob

    Standing out like a tourist...

    Wouldn't that make you French? :D
  12. tangobob

    Poll: How good is your Spanish?

    They don't get my accent at all, they ask "donde son?" I sat "Gales" blank look, " conces Tom Jones? Shiley Bassey? Catherine Zeta Jones?" "Ah! California." AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGG!!!!:eek:
  13. tangobob

    Apartment Rental Fees

    Is that one moth's flee? or one months fee? Sorry I could not resist Tihs new speltjeker is a grate inprovnemt, could do better I'd say
  14. tangobob

    Standing out like a tourist...

    So I was walking through Congresso, dressed formally (for a miloga) with my wife. We were not talking so that did not give us away. A guy came rushing past from behind and in an obvious Argentine accent said "scuse me" The speed he past he only had seconds to make up his mind, so what gave us...
  15. tangobob

    Poll: How good is your Spanish?

    There is also the level; fluent, but when I meet a pure porteno it becomes utter gibberish. Sort of like when you know English but meet someone from the Gorbels.
  16. tangobob

    UK citizen wants a US dollar account in Argentina!

    I am no expert on this, but I have a brokerage account in the States. I opened it through my company from the UK, all the details of how and why it was opened I don't really understand but I can assure you it is possible. (I have shares in my company, that is American)
  17. tangobob

    Porteños and 'cold'

    Not quite off subject, but what is it with dogs? They are built with fur coats, they cross the artic no problems. Yet here they dress them up in anoraks when the temperature drops below 20. The poor things must be suffering no end. No wonder they shit everywhere, I think I would if I were that...
  18. tangobob

    Best Delivery Restaurants

    1810 Cocina Regional Belgrano 47849925 Palermo 48644507 Centro 48932525 Best empanadas in town, Locro, Humita, Chasqui. Highly recommended.
  19. tangobob

    Men's clothes shopping

    I found some good designer shops on Santa fe around Callao, but that was a couple of years ago. Nowadays, nothing is cheap here anymore and I bring all my stuff from home.:(
  20. tangobob

    Porteños and 'cold'

    It's all about what you are used to. My friend here would not go out because it was nine degrees at night. We stopped off for an iced cream on the way home. Go to Benidorm in the winter, all the Brits walking around in shorts and tee shirts and all the locals are in their big coats. It is about...