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  1. D

    Peso blue rate is 40% above bank rate

    They should be using the official exchange rate - all bank transaction are at the official exchange rate. Where were the items purchased from, and were they priced in US$ or Pesos. If the price was in pesos, and they have charged you more that is theft especially if you have a receipt with a...
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    Peso blue rate is 40% above bank rate

    just looking at rates today, its shot up heaps since last wednesday, is now around 40% above bank rate.
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    short term rent in dollar or pesos?

    Are you paying in US$ or peso. Because thats makes a big difference. If you pay in US$ 0% hike - and i would even look for a decrease. In peso - most people i know here who pay in pesos have been paying 20% increase a year.
  4. D

    short term rent in dollar or pesos?

    you are right.. i meant 4.20.. old age i guess !!!
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    short term rent in dollar or pesos?

    Personally if it was me i wouldnt pay any more. In the last few months rental prices have been going down from what i have seen, and if you look on craigslist there is alot listed week after week because there isnt the number of foreigners coming here and renting like there was. I got a apt in...
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    Argentine Debt-to-GDP

    i am shocked that chinese people eat so much meat, and even more shocked that kiwis/aussies/americans etc eat as much as they do. i know chinese do have meat with most meals (like most asians), but its usually so thinly sliced, and small bits i would never have thought it would add up to so much.
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    More USD restrictions

    This explains why the blue rate went from 5.96 to 6.10 today.
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    Argentine Debt-to-GDP

    Yes when you see what the GDP was in 2003 you then understand why the GDP to debt graph is so dramatic. So debt might not have changed much at all, but because GDP dropped so much it makes the GDP/DEBT graph look really bad.. which it was !!!
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    Argentine Debt-to-GDP

    I think demand is probably not going to change alot, but in the near term maybe, as demand for alot of other commodities has dropped in recent weeks because china isnt buying. But from the point of view of the argentine economy i think it is going to take a hit due to less soy being exported...
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    Argentine Debt-to-GDP

    From what is being reported/sales its on a downward trend..
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    Argentine Debt-to-GDP

    I would agree with this. If you look at the brazilian real against the peso, the real has dropped 25% in the last year. I think the real is 30% down against the US$ in that same time period. So this means that argentine exports to brazil will be 25% more expensive, and brazilian imports here...
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    Argentine Debt-to-GDP

    i would be very surprised if argentina isnt in recession already. their beef export market has collapsed, arg was the 3rd biggest exporter of beef a few years ago, before CFK brought in the 35% tax on beef exports to keep to price low for arg consumers. Last report i read they had slipped to...
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    Argentine Debt-to-GDP

    I think the chart is probably correct too. Argentina's economy basically came to a stand-still so the amount of debt as a percentage of GDP will have increased dramatically in a very short time due to the sudden fall in GDP. It also must be remembered that at the time one of the big problems...
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    Getting English!

    From my own experience, the selection is not great here for reading material in english, especially modern novels, and what second hand book shops i have seen are very expensive. The last book i purchased here was The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay for a present, it was US$35 new, the same...
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    Tinnitus / Ear Plugs / Ear Doctor/Hospital ?

    I have tinnitus, got it from using chainsaws and power tools as a kid on the farm. Was told when you first notice it after exposure to continuous loud noise and it doesnt go within a couple of days you usually have it for life. I need to use ear plugs at night here to sleep and thats the time...
  16. D

    Work Visa- police clearance disaster

    If you left the country you were living in for even just one day, that year starts again. When i applied for a rentista visa, even though i had lived in a couple of countries in the past 5 years period, i was in an out all the time, so only submitted my NZ police report and they were fine with...
  17. D

    Argentines’ latest weapon against currency controls? Shopping abroad

    i was just looking at the real v peso... the peso has increased about 25% against the real - in Jan it was close to 2.80 pesos to the Real, now its 2.24 - but has been as low as 2.13.... so in other words it makes argentine producted goods exported to brazil alot more expensive, no wonder the...
  18. D

    Pluna airlines is closing - tomorrow

    This has been on the cards for along time. They have a canadian part owner who was talking about injecting more money into it. I flew with them a couple of times to sao paulo, but because of problems i had with one flight i stopped. And for a low cost airline, with no free food/drinks etc, it...
  19. D

    3 Dogs have been poisened in Parque Las Heras the las couple of days!

    I wish i could say that my little bit of palermo was dog shit free. I walk past the kids hospital on the way to coto, and there is so much dog shit there the whole street smells of it..
  20. D

    Argentines’ latest weapon against currency controls? Shopping abroad

    If anything the prices for a crappy cup of coffee should be going down, as coffee beans are down 40% in the last year... but i dont think we will see any prices savings passed onto the end user..