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  1. D

    living in Puerto Madero

    I like Puerto Madero because its alot quieter than the rest of the city due to less traffic, and there are lots of open spaces. However it doesnt feel like the rest buenos aires (this could be a good thing or bad thing), doesnt have all the little shops etc, and the big one for me is the cost...
  2. D

    Getting US dollars Today

    Well he/she was very lucky, as i have meet several tourists in colombia and ecuador who couldnt change pesos for US$ or Euros. They all said they tried at EZE, so maybe its different if you go to a bank in the city beforehand.
  3. D

    Over stayed visa fine

    I would allow an extra hour at EZE incase its really busy. A year ago when i had to pay the fine, it was 300 peso's, and they would only accept cash. So i went to the immigration counter (the checking staff will tell you where to go), got the form, went to the ATM and withdrew 300 pesos, then...
  4. D

    Free or Cheap Spanish Classes in BA

    Yes you have to go there to register. You need to go to find out when the intake is, and then the day of the registration, and wait in line, maybe an hour or so, and go early. If you go, please let me know the next intake as i am thinking of doing the next level..
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    Exchanging Pesos in the US

    There is no problems with cashing US$ AMEX travellers cheques here, but since oct last year you can only cash at AMEX and for peso. So you cant get US$ anymore.
  6. D

    Exchanging Pesos in the US

    I tried changing some travellers cheques in nov at banco frances, where i have been changing for 5 years now. They wouldnt change and told me the only place i could change them was at AMEX - Because of rules changes they told me. So i am guessing this will be the case with purchasing travellers...
  7. D

    Getting US dollars Today

    If this is the case its stupid for me to be asked if i want US$ when using my non argentine ATM card.. However i must admit i cant recall being asked for ages.
  8. D

    Exchanging Pesos in the US

    Actually they were trying to change ARG to COL pesos, infact they just wanted to get rid of the AR pesos... but i just used US$ so it wasnt so confusing as most people wouldnt care or know that the COL 1750 = US$1. One UK couple i meet had problems trying to exchange in chile even.
  9. D

    Getting US dollars Today

    In the 5 years i have been here i have not seen an ATM here that actually give US$, even the ones that ask if you want US$. I will be very surprised if you can get US$ at the official exchange rate. I have been getting 5 pesos to the US$ for a couple of weeks now, and am guessing it will get...
  10. D

    Exchanging Pesos in the US

    I think you will have problems selling the pesos outside of argentina. I have just come back from colombia, where people who had left arg with pesos left over couldnt change them to US$/Euros etc at EZE even with ATM reciept, so they tried to change in colombia, most places wouldnt exchange, and...
  11. D

    Argentine Citizenship for foreigners: Can it really be this easy?

    I have more than one citizenship, and the advantage is it gives you options.. Once he has it, he can also leave and go live somewhere else for a fews years and then he can come back whenever he likes..
  12. D

    $$$ Stuck between a rock and an Argentine place...

    The only place i have heard where you can get US$ from overseas is a money transfer agency that colombian friends use to send US$ from home. It is similar to western union, they will exchange the US$ at a rate of $4.70 (or at least thats what it was 2 weeks ago) or you can just take the US$. I...
  13. D

    Landlady & Deposit...potential problems..

    I have rented 6 apartments here in the last 5 years, and I have always gotten the deposit back on the day i moved out and handed the keys over - so on that point she is talking crap... Dont hand the keys over until she pays the deposit back or else you might be lucky to see your money at all...
  14. D

    Computer in need of Fixing

    You say you get sound when skype starts and closes. If you hear this both with and without headphones its not a hardware issue.
  15. D

    Free or Cheap Spanish Classes in BA

    I took classes at Lenguas Vivas that were for 3 months, 3 hours a day, 4 days a week - AR$100 for the whole course - however it is downtown.
  16. D

    Computer in need of Fixing

    I would do as Eclair suggests, do a search on you laptop make, model, and problem eg: dell inspire 1750 no sound I could be just a driver issue or some other software related problem. If it is faulty hardware, you can also contact ricardo:
  17. D

    Prohibition on drawing from accounts in pesos from outside Argentina from April 3rd

    You should read my post again. I never said you have to have money on the CC. What i said is you have to have money on it, as in a positive balance, or else if you use it for cash withdrawals you will be charged interest on that cash withdrawal and any other balance on it. eg: if you buy...
  18. D

    Buying dollars when travelling overseas

    I would very much doubt if you will be able to change pesos for US$. I know serveral people who worked and paid taxes and were denied changing pesos to US$ buy AFIP. I also have meet a foreigns who were in argentina, withdrawing pesos from ATM's, and when they left could not exchange those...
  19. D

    Prohibition on drawing from accounts in pesos from outside Argentina from April 3rd

    If you withdraw from a CC you either have to have the money on your account to start with, or you are charge interest on the whole outstanding amount on the card (including purchases), and its usually a very high interest rate.
  20. D

    Prohibition on drawing from accounts in pesos from outside Argentina from April 3rd

    I am sure if they can they will.. This whole thing is to stop the flight of US$ from the country, due to the fact when you withdraw money from a foreign ATM using an argentine ATM card the argentina bank has to then settle that transaction using US$. eg: when i withdraw pesos from ATM with NZ...