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  1. D

    Getting health insurance for a visit back to US

    So I'm making my first trip back for just over a month in the US in March and I'm wondering what you all have done as far as catastrophic health insurance goes for travel back to US. It's just my daughter and I going, but given the insanity of the US healthcare system, I'd feel better traveling...
  2. D

    When I move here what special things should I bring that are hard to get?

    And bring a high quality potato/vegetable peeler!
  3. D

    which documents to bring for first time DNI appointment?

    Did you do it in Buenos Aires? In Entre Rios, the immigration office is pretty small and clearly specialized. While there were about four people working there the first time we went, none of them knew how to process DNIs. Apparently in that office there is only one woman who does it.
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    which documents to bring for first time DNI appointment?

    I made an appointment online using this link given here on the forum and felt very proud of myself, however, when my family and I drove the hour and 15 minutes to the appointment we were told that the woman who does the DNIs was on vacation. I charmed them into giving me the phone numbers so...
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    which documents to bring for first time DNI appointment?

    my appointment was just for the DNI. The entire permanent residency visa part was done in chicago. However the DNI is apparently the gold and what i will show to get in and out of the country apparently more even than my US passport with visa. But having the permanent residency done first...
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    which documents to bring for first time DNI appointment?

    We did it through the consulate in Chicago and it was around $600 USD I believe. It was a pretty easy and straightforward process, much easier than the part we did through them of getting them to approve the "certificado de residencia" so that we could bring our stuff without paying duty on it...
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    Bringing a container with our stuff...

    We should ask the pachante de aduana?
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    Bringing a container with our stuff...

    So our container has arrived as of last week in BA and we are working with a new customs depachante (I think that's the word) to help us with the tramite but it seems like while we have everything ready to go on our end, they are not allowing them to make an appointment to release the container...
  9. D

    How to get a DNI?

    I have no idea about the courts here. Sorry!
  10. D

    Banking question

    I'm sure you're all waiting on bated breath for this ;). I was able to open a cuento de ahorros today in the bank so thankfully soon I can start living in a more normal way again and we can pay our monthly bills automatically online. Thanks for all your help and feedback.
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    Banking question

    We have not filled out any form from WU but perhaps I should call and see what that is that you're talking about;). And my question about the Naranja X card is if stores will charge us more for using that vs. cash. Here there seems to always be a discount for paying with cash which is why we...
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    Banking question

    What are reasonable amounts? We are about to do some renovations on a home we bought plus electrodomesticos etc, so I want to know what you mean? We have been to an accountant but like so many things here, I feel like I'm talked at in circles and not much actual help or action;). I also...
  13. D

    Banking question

    I left this thread for awhile as we were moving homes again and now we're settled and I'm so sick of watching my husband stress out trying to determine which western union has pesos and spending hours a week getting cash as we still have a lot of bills to pay since we're in the moving process...
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    How to get a DNI?

    My DNI arrived today! It took less than two weeks to receive:)
  15. D

    Obra social vs prepaga

    Thanks! I had read articles like that before, but wanted more clarity from expats who have dealt with US medical system too. As we've always been self-employed and had to buy health insurance out of pocket, I was wondering what the equivalent system is here, and I assume it's way better here as...
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    Obra social vs prepaga

    Thanks Steve! I guess my original question though was more about what the difference is between prepaid or obra social? Are they the same? And is there anything I could compare it to in the states?
  17. D

    Obra social vs prepaga

    IS that because they are both good in BA? Do you know one for Entre Rios?
  18. D

    which documents to bring for first time DNI appointment?

    Yes, they told me it would take 60 days but i'm anticipating longer given holidays etc. Not sure why the physical card matters though as much as just having the number which you get right away. Or am I missing something?
  19. D

    which documents to bring for first time DNI appointment?

    We got two pieces of paper with the DNI number on one and a bar code to take to the local nacional bank to pay the $300 pesos. They said the hard copy of the DNI arrives within 60 days. But with the number you can already do many things that you need a DNI for without having the physical...
  20. D

    Obra social vs prepaga

    Hi all, been in the country for just over a month and finally starting to feel at home and ready to tackle the health care system questions. I am curious what you recommend for my family and I. We plan to live in the country for years to come and both run our own companies in the US (we are...