Search results

  1. S

    For sale: 17" LCD monitor and keyboard

    not so bad prices but 17" is a little bit out-to-date for me (use 22"+19"). But announce it @ as auction (subasta).
  2. S

    where to get cell phone with card

    you can get a Pre-Paid in each Personal/Movistar/Claro shop or agency. But I prefer to go directly to mobile company shop and not to any agency because most of agencies sucks a lot.
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    Quality of Living worldwide city rankings 2010

    In my eyes the survey isn't so true and Vienna surely is not best place in all :o More details can be read here : In Central and South America : (62.) Point-à-Pitre, capital of Guadeloupe (72.) San Juan in Puerto Rico (78.) Buenos Aires ... (192.) Havana...
  4. S

    what does the "expat community" think about the Bicentenario?

    I guess you should read a little about Argentine History and what happend not so far with military here. This is nothing about god or any other stuff. But you said it "...SHOULD BE..." but the past has shown that it isn't every time as it should be ;)
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    Work Visa Renewal

    you can do it without a lawyer. it is very easy and formal stuff. "continuidad laboral" means that you are still inscribed at AFIP with your CUIL and that they know that your company have paid each month your "obra social". nothing else. but be sure that if you have a time limited contract...
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    what does the "expat community" think about the Bicentenario?

    and good time that military will show their force to bad goverment like "we are here and we can do same as before .... (197* / Peron)" to control you.
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    from london to buenos aires

    a shared room you should get for about 250-300 U$ (1000-1200 ARS) .. all higher prices are "cash up the gringo". Las Canitas is more expensive as Palermo/Recoleta. In Almagro you can get the same for much lower price. Small estudios (1 room apartments about 25m2) are mostly cheaper and you...
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    from london to buenos aires

    the more expensive barrio in the city. but a nice zone to go out at night.
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    Zona Norte? or Belgrano/Saavedra/Nuñez?

    most expats will live in Palermo/Recoleta to have expats round of them and can go to expensive gringo restaurants who speak well english too :D :D :D
  10. S

    Dishwasher for sale

    Maybe you have the same one. I have sold my Whirlpool WLD20B last week for more than 1.400 Pesos (with extended warranty up to 2012) through MercadoLibre. Very nice dishwasher but small for some bigger stuff. Only problem I had was the water pump because I get it 2 times repaired on warranty...
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    Leaving the country late - twice

    There is a "black list" and for each time you are going late out you will get an entry on it ;) Up to 3 times you should not have any trouble but be aware that they can every time change the rules for it. A friend of mine was informed one time by leaving the country that he will not coming back...
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    Missing street signs

    use GPS and you know the street names :D
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    As mcaffa has written it. Hospital Aleman is very well for that kind. Not the cheapest ones but very knowlegeable.
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    Medical Advice in BA?

    have very good experiance with the "Hospital Aleman" (located at Pueyrredon 1640) and they are not so expensive. Sure not the cheapest ones on the market here in BsAs. If you go directly to part "Policlinica" (same address but left entrance) you don't need a turn for a special medical guy but...
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    Buying a second-hand car

    As I know it from other countries you should get the aduana permit up to that time you have your temporary visa. But I don't know it - never done it - will work here in Argentina too. You have the right to nationalize the car within the migracion tramite and have time of only some month for...
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    Poll - How much do you spend a month?

    it is not a big different to other big cities on the world. I don't know any city in good location where you need to pay U$ 4000 each month for living fine :rolleyes: Maybe you are more informed how to leave U$ 10.000 in NYC but some detail for what this costs will be needed would a nice...
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    Poll - How much do you spend a month?

    I don't guess that 73% will need over $2000/people !!! For a couple who will pay about $1000 for rent each month I guess it will be ok but never near of $1000/person because of rent costs will not double. if a couple will go out very fine each day for dinner (calculated with 200 pesos and 30...
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    Looking for apartment for 6 months to a year

    90-95% of temporary rent is furnished and only 5-10% are unfurnished. 2 year (with garantia) lease is reverse. the lease for temporary lease will not be more thatn 6 month (down the laws). If you are a couple and the agent/owner will have no trouble you can sign 2 contracts to get 1 year full...
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    Buying a second-hand car

    to drive the whole PanAmericana I guess this will be about 10.000km (less the problem where PanAm not exist. As about that I think to ship the car from US to Argentina or maybe Chile would be a lot of cheaper. Isn't it so ?
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    Poll - How much do you spend a month?

    The difference about 1 or 2 persons isn't so high. Maybe 20 Pesos more for gas y luz each 2month and a little bit more for food but it is not so much. The big part is the rent of an apartment and could be about 80% of the whole costs. I often cook at home and my food will be about 80% "ofertas"...