Search results

  1. R

    U.S..Citizens - why did you move to Buenos Aires?

    It is estimated there are 50,000+ Americans living here. I moved here five years ago for several of the reasons you mentioned. I was able to buy an apartment in Recoleta that would be completely out of my price range in a comparable area in the U.S. (i.e., upper East Side, NYC). I probably...
  2. R

    Yet another fella thinking of moving to BsAs

    For whatever its worth, I felt the same as Potentialbonarense while living in Washington, DC. In 2003 I moved here and bought an apartment. Would I do it again? I dunno actually. Probably not. With inflation (read the other posts) sky-high and predicted by the NASDAQ yesterday to be around...
  3. R

    Expats in Buenos Aires - Speak Spanish?

    When I arrived in Argentina, I only spoke English and Italian. Fortunately for me, my Italian was able to get me through in a basic sense. Eventually I took an intensive month long immersion course in Spanish. While it may not be grammatically correct, at least I make the effort and can get...
  4. R

    cost of living... advice needed!

    Why is everyone attacking Ramon for giving ACCURATE information? He wasn't complaining, merely sharing requested information. On a related topic, ACTUAL inflation as figured by the Wall Street Journal among others I have read for 2007 was really between 33-39%, not the official Argentine...
  5. R


    For the record, someone said I had sent them "classy" notes and insinuated that I was "bothering" her. The fact is, said individual was sending ME emails and was personally attacking my character because I am gay.T***BSAS you need to get some help. Your unique twist on reality and constant...
  6. R

    Lets all live in Peace

    Thats all fine and dandy. If you enjoy it, so be it. I agree there are good AND bad things but here is the deal....If people want to constantly be lied to by the media, both Argentine and Foreign, about how WONDERFUL everything is then that is not accurate at all. I believe in exposing the...
  7. R

    Buenos Aires is As Expensive as Usa

    As usual, it sounds to me like SOMEONE who doesn't like Americans has, as usual, decided to take it on HERSELF to become Argentine Immigrations. Guess you were denied a green card to the U.S....and you are hostile about it.
  8. R


    BRAVO Jedard. You said it better than I could. Some people on here love to criticize Foreigners on here for pointing out flaws and then rant and rave about going back where you came from. As for me, the person doesn't have a clue about me but I would certainly like to meet her. What a...
  9. R


    I would just like to know what planet you are on because you are definitely in your own little bubble. Among many say bathrooms are so clean and pristine and people are well kept and neat in appearance. First of all, 99% of men's bathrooms in Bs As are like sewers in...
  10. R

    Re: abl (buenos aires taxes) and real estate prices

    I have been told twice this past week that the Argentine government under the stewardship of Sra. Fernandez is talking about making some changes early next year. One I've heard is the reevaluation of some real estate prices which, I am told, all of those highrises being thrown up in Palermo and...
  11. R


    Nikad-Thanks for your "invaluable" input. I simply stated the facts. I can "scrape" by so don't worry about me moving to Uganda anytime soon. I am just looking forward to the next crisis which will of course happen. I did do my research before moving here in 2003, Nikad so again thanks for...
  12. R

    Deteriorating relations with the US

    Sergio -- to answer your question in a non-sarcastic tone.....the only reason the current administration in Argentina is outraged by U.S. "interference" is that they got caught...plain and simple and they can't stand the fact that the U.S. government is involved since they resent us so much. I...
  13. R


    Well a 53% increase is a godsend. Mine more than tripled in price. Oh don't forget the latest 24% increase imposed on private medical care last month which is now about 50% more than November of last year...and if memory serves me correctly....I think the Porteros get a nice little extra...
  14. R


    This has been coming for a few months---that ABL would increase considerably for 2008. I received my "revised" bill yesterday and what a surprise to find that it increased even more than the gobierno bs as said it would...I find the whole thing comical that you can't even get a straight answer...
  15. R

    Smoking Ban...what would you say to this?

    Well this is an OLD thread as the ban was put in place over a year ago and is actually one of the few things that has been enforced. Regardless, I smoke but deal with a ban as I have no choice...whatever. Thing is.....all of you whining and yelling about cigarette smoke and its hazards might...
  16. R

    Dinner at Elvira Hancock

    Ramon-If you like Chinese food, the BEST place I have found is actually not in Belgrano but on Tagle (entre Las Heras y Libertador). It is always full of Chinese (so thats a good sign) and if you live closer intown, its also more convenient.
  17. R

    Will the expat invasion end?

    Interesting comments about immersion. I, for one, have lived here for nearly five years. As most of you may know from my previous posts, I came here with a positive attitude after living in Italy and Germany. However, if it wasn't for other foreigners, particularly Americans, I would lose my...
  18. R

    British inferiority complex?

    Politics aside...there IS a special relationship between Britain and the U.S. We have a common language, common values and although there have been differences over the years, there is a mutual respect between the two countries. I have never heard a disparaging word about the British in the...
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    Will the expat invasion end?

    BigBadWolf-Well I guess my comment(s) about the U.S. dollar were not thought out as well as you described. Yeah, the U.S. economy is in poor shape...Funny point about Bundchen. Thanks.Thing is, despite all the price increases, in reality, there are some things to be said about living here...
  20. R

    Will the expat invasion end?

    Bill-I believe most of what you said is probably pretty accurate. As far as the dollar goes...well with most currencies, it will rebound eventually. Unfortunately the current dictatorship in the U.S. refuses to acknowledge the problem and does nothing to stop it. Basically, the U.S. is...