Search results

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    Peso up to 4.13 - Collapse Finally Here?

    I think this observation alone deserves a Nobel Prize in Economics.
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    Peso up to 4.13 - Collapse Finally Here?

    gouchobob, I guess before commodity prices have dropped, they were about to drop and Argentina was doomed anyway? Here are a few charts for you Can you identify a single point within last 40 years time where Argentina was doing relatively OK...
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    How do you get your pesos into a UK bank account ?

    I don't mean to promote Wester Union, but 90 out of 1000 is 9%, 1.09 * 3.98 = 4.34. Do you get 4.34 rate from an exchange?
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    New ATM cash withdrawal limit!!

    It looks like they refer to bank transfers initiated via atm. This is not about cash withdrawals.
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    trying to get an AFIP #, need help!

    Hi lela, Just go to the closest AFIP branch with your passport and get yourself a CDI. It is just a tax id, it does not cost anything.
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    Now I feel like a local - our first lawsuit ;)

    Here is a bit grotesque explanation of what money really is. Whether printed or digged or carved from stone.
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    Baexpats Dinner - Casa Mun - Apr 16th

    I would like to thank again Casa Mun for a wonderful dinner. Exquisite food and wine. Excellent atmosphere. I am adding a few pictures from the dinner, hope to see you, folks, next time! .
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    Expat cleaning person?

    I guess you've never worked as a contractor. Charge your boss more and get your own health insurance and your own retirement plan. And everybody feels great about it.
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    EZE Wifi

    By sending DATOS or just D to 2345 you get 1GB for two days. I am using Movistar as a backup connection. You can download their Escritorio Movistar software (Win/Mac/Linux) and use it to connect to the internet. (Movistar markets it to plans with factura, but it works for pre-paid clients as...
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    Baexpats Dinner - Casa Mun - Apr 16th

    We have 14 people confirmed for Saturday. Please, check your your PMs for the final list. Casa Mun can also take up to 6 more people on Sunday. If you want to go there on Sunday, please PM me or send an email to [email protected] .
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    US State Residency Question

    That is to receive some state benefits. If California still considers you to be a state resident, they can insist that you should pay California taxes. It comes down to definition of nexus for a particular state. Find it out and see how it applies to your situation. If you are not a resident...
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    Baexpats Dinner - Casa Mun - Apr 16th

    That means we will see you at the dinner. You are on the list. As everybody else who is among first 15 people who replied. (And that includes Postmodernchild as well). See you on Saturday!
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    English pronounciation

    Being a native speaker does not make person a pronunciation teacher. I seriously doubt that you can find a professional here who can be really helpful. Otherwise, if your friend needs to listen to some good english, a recording of CNN news broadcast has incomparably more patience than any human...
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    Great Piano Concert (Free) at National Library

    Agüero 2502
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    Real estate offices: how do they work?

    " necesitarían al menos 100 salarios promedio, más de 8 años de trabajo si una persona estuviese en condiciones de ahorrar todo el sueldo." It looks like they are counting by person, not by household. Household - 2 grown ups. As to 173k number, it is also questionable...
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    Real estate offices: how do they work?

    If you go to the original article, the basic statement is that To buy an average apartment in Buenos Aires, average person has to save all his salary for 8 years. Let's compare it with USA (it is the only valid comparison, isn't it?). Average salary: 25 grand, average home price: 220 grand...
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    Real estate offices: how do they work?

    Either you are incredibly naive, or it should go directly into advertising forum.
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    Real estate offices: how do they work?

    Well, let's try to recapture all this once again. You bought a single apartment "in the DF 3 years ago" (where is it, by the way? Mexico?). You hired a buyer agent, and that is pretty uncommon. It is not evident, whether he was a professional real estate agent, or you just hired somebody and in...
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    Baexpats Dinner - Casa Mun - Apr 16th

    Ok, guys, please check PMs, emails. I'll email you the address of the restaurant and directions two days before the dinner.
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    Baexpats Dinner - Casa Mun - Apr 16th

    Our next dinner will be at Casa Mun restaurant on Saturday, April 16th . It is a small closed door place that specializes in Asian and California cuisines. The restaurant can fit 15 people only, so, please, don't wait until the very last moment to RSVP. The master behind Casa Mun is Chef...