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    Shocking new income requirement for visa rentista?

    Steve, This is true. It's a new policy that's being applied for about 2 weeks now. I still haven't seen it in writing and haven't been informed about the Resolution or Disposition number. As soon as I have that information I'll post it. This new US$ 2000 per family member requirement applies...
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    Residency after marriage

    Documents you will need: -Valid passport -birth certificate -Police records from the country (or countries) where you have lived for the past 5 years -Argentine police records -Argentine address certificate (may be the one issued by the police) -DNI of your Argentine spouse -Marriage...
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    Any UBA graduates out there?

    The Argentine government has a website with lots of useful information about studying in Argentina:
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    Can I work with a student visa?

    Yes. You can legally work with any type of temporary o permanent visa. You cannot work with tourist visas. Section 51 of the Immigrations Law (Nbr. 25.871) states that " Foreigners admitted or authorized as "permanent residents" may perform any remunerated or lucrative task or activity...
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    Renew rentist visa - whats the current procedure ?

    Are you sure that other envelope is for renewing the visa for the next year? I would guess -without seeing the envelope- that it is for the Registro Nacional de las Pesonas, to process your DNI. Renewals are done at the Migraciones building, Av. Antartida Argentina 1355. You will need to prove...
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    Argentine E Commerce Knowledge?

    There is no law, or regulation, requiring to register websites. You can use a TLD, or another countries ccTLD, hosted anywhere in the world, without any local registration. If you will receive any kind of income from your website, you are liable for taxes in Argentina. If the website is...
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    Lost in the abyss of visa application

    You don't mention any documents to prove the visa category you will apply for. I assume you will be hired by a local company, and they will provide all the paperwork needed (employment contract, request note to the DNM, registration with the ReNURE, tax payment receipts, etc.). If you're...
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    monotributista with precaria

    This is not correct. You should be able to obtain a CUIT with your precaria, and then register in monotributo. In fact, the AFIP even has a special form (Nbr. 581) for foreigners to inform their DNI number once they obtain it, and get a new CUIT with that number...
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    uruguay cheats to win

    Actually, Uruguay has 4 stars.
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    Verify DNI for apartment rental

    You can also go to a locutorio and ask for a Veraz credit report. Most locutorios have them. You will need the person's DNI or CUIT, and his name. This, however, will not show if he/she owns the property. That information you will only be able to get from the Registro de la Propiedad Inmueble.
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    Necessary Steps for a Work Visa - Please Help!

    You will also need a valid passport. Check to see when yours will expire. FBI report will take about 13 weeks. Keep in mind that if you are married, or have children they will also need a birth certificate, marriage certificate, criminal records reports, etc. As jp said, all documents must be...
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    so you bought property in BA and you die?

    This is not correct. The applicable law will be that of the deceased's last address. Foreigners have the same rights as Argentines to own property, buy, sell, or inherit, etc. . Civil code, Section 3283. The right of succession to the estate of the deceased is governed by the local law of...
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    Dumping Ecuador for Argentina (this was my original post in the thread linked above) All I found online was a link in the GCBA's page stating that you need a DNI. . Also, you aparently need a CUIL/CUIL to...
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    FBI Background Check

    The FBI document can be apostilled (it's something that started this year). You may see the information in the FBI's faq page (quoted below).
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    Excellent new Expat blog

    There are many blogs by expats living in Argentina. Here are a few that I follow: (she moved away so she stopped blogging last year) (promising, but doesn't...
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    how to obtain permanent visa?

    How to Enter and Stay in Argentina
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    Confused! Documents for work visa - Foreign birth certificate, criminal history

    If you will apply for the visa at the Argentine consulate in NYC, you will need a State police certificate. If you will apply once you arrive in Argentina, you will need one issued by the FBI. Remember that in both cases, the document must be legalized with an Apostille. The birth certificate...
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    Business and bureaucracy

    This is inexact. Argentine commercial companies law specifically states that the majority of the board must be a resident in Argentina. Although it is true that when you register the company at IGJ they will not check this, it does not mean it is legal.
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    Business and bureaucracy

    I do not agree with the comments that portray business here as impossible, or simply punishment. If you come from the US, Canada, EU, etc., you'll probably encounter more bureaucracy than you have back home. However, that's something that your lawyer/accountant will help you deal with. The...
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    There's the answer to your last question. If you are getting married to an Argentine, or to a foreigner that has temporary/permanent residency, you can apply for that as well. Be sure to request all the documents you will need as they could take some time to obtain (birth certificate, police...