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    general visa question + lawyer rec

    Hello Ashley. I'm a lawyer and have experience with immigration law and procedure, although it's not my only practice area. If you're looking for someone that only does Immigrations I have seen many recomendations for Gabriel Celano in this forum, although I do not know him personally. If you...
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    OK, I'm Having a Meltdown

    Here's a larger list of links to apartment rentals, posted by steveinbsas in an earlier thread
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    Books shipped from Amazon...

    You'll find the information you're looking for here
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    Cupcake Liners ?

    I found a place that sells cupcake liners, but they didn't have brown ones, and told me they never did. However, they told that the name they go for here is "pirotines" or "moldes para muffins" or "moldes para magdalenas". Good luck in your search.
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    Is laziness a virtue in Buenos Aires?

    For the "estatales" (State employed workers) laziness is not only a virtue, its a job requirement (no kidding); if they work too fast the co-workers will complain because they make them look lazy.
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    Bank account

    Some useful links:
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    There's some information about the luggage storage in Retiro and Ezeiza here:
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    Bank account

    Do you already have your visa, or when do you expect to obtain it? El Queso is correct about the tax liability; you might be required to justify to tax authorities where the money is coming from. Banks are required to inform AFIP all accounts that move more than AR$ 8000 per month (this was...
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    H1N1 Lab Created? Shocking Video!

    I generally tend to disregard conspiracy theories, but this one seems interesting. Here are some things in found in Google (and on a blog analyzing the video) Regarding the Baxter incident, you can see:
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    DNi´s to change very soon

    These are some pictures of the current DNI. It's a handwritten booklet that never expires. Some people have the original one, with their picture taken over 40 years ago, absolutely no security whatsoever, i even met a person once that had accidentally left his on a pair of pants that went into a...
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    DNi´s to change very soon

    The biggest differences are the system, apparently completely computerized, the security measures and the time it will take to obtain it (supposedly 10 days).
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    DNi´s to change very soon

    The new DNI was announced today
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    Tattoo in BA

    Check out this thread, you'll find the info you need there
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    Selling books...?

    my experience with joomla is sort of limited, i've made only 2 sites using that (the other sites i've made are on html). I can tell you from what i've read that it has some good SEO (search engine optimization) features, but i haven't tried looking into them. As to working your site, you have to...
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    Selling books...?

    I liked your web page more than the blog. The software you're using to make it (joomla) will allow you to show them in several categories. This is easier to browse than the blog.
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    Hiring a Foreigner

    For any type of visa you'll need: Passport. Last entry to the country (the seal stamped on the passport or entry card). Certificate of criminal records issued by the country of origin or the place where the person has lived for the last 5 years prior to his/her entry to the...
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    Salvation Army It's also religious, but at least an option to Caritas. And I believe they'll pick up whatever you have (but I could be wrong).
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    No more permanent residency!?....

    Steve, the Argentine constitution doesn't have any regulations on how to acquire citizenship. You may read the whole constitution, in English, at On how to obtain Argentine citizenship, you may see...
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    Buying a second-hand car

    CUIT/CUIL/CDI: are all types of tax ID numbers. As a foreigner without a residency visa you will be able to obtain a CDI and in very limited cases, also a CUIT. These cannot be used for travelling, as they are not personal a ID but rather just a number. DNI: National ID (issued by the Registro...
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    ATM - No cash dispensed but charged anyway

    Soma, how did it go with Banco Nacion? Were you able to get your money back? What was the procedure like? Thank you.