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    Would anyone be willing to sell me a single Ambien? Yes I know its a prescription drug. I'd like it for my red eye back to the states.
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    Megatlon- a warning

    While I had a gym in Sydney bill me for extra months (3 of them) 24 Hour Fatness has never over billed me. Of course I've been a member for 13 years, but I don't think they have ever tried to scam me. I don't see what the problem is with using a card. Just call up the card company and tell...
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    Argentina on the cusp of hyperinflation

    For all the "China will save us with its growth," believers out there. As I've said directly and hinted at several times, China has many issues, most of them have nothing to do with the US. What the ChiComs...
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    The Mule Pool?

    FrenchJurist, its a shame nobody in San Diego uses special flour, or I'd offer to take it!
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    The Mule Pool?

    I just found this link and thought it might be of use: Looks like a way to get people to bring you stuff from the US.
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    Arriving Wednesday April 27th from California!

    High quality knives. Goto Costco in MV or La Jolla and buy some knives. You can sell them when you leave on mercado libre. Actually any high quality kitchen implements, but knives are portable. Pots and pans here are ahem sub-standard.
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    looking for a cheap cell phone

    I'm out at the end of the month and could sell you my cheapie. I bought it now from Personal for 250, with sim card. I've hardly used it. So 100 pesos seems fair. PM me if interested.
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    Argentina on the cusp of hyperinflation

    The future of the dollar, in my opinion is the same as for all fiat currencies. What is different this time are the dynamics of international monetary policies. In the aftermath of the first part of this crisis everyone is engaging in, "print your way to prosperity," economics. Not just the US...
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    Argentina on the cusp of hyperinflation

    Joe et al, your 4 step process is missing a few steps in the middle. The first one being the collapse of both the Euro and Yen before the dollar, which causes short to medium term flight to safety in dollars. Kinda negates point 3.
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    Dance Class Anyone?

    I was actually thinking of taking a couple of intro tango lessons. More to tell the folks back home that I'd tried it than out of real desire.
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    Argentina on the cusp of hyperinflation

    We are all printing to oblivion, trying to inflate our way out of our problems. The only question for the AR Peso is, will there be another flight to safety of the US dollar? I think there will be. Its still the tallest midget in a group of monetary midgets.
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    Running Club?

    Does Hash House Harriers not count? I mean its as much a drinking club with a running problem; I've seen them advertise on this forum.
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    Leaving San Diego for BA in April!

    I'd poke around and see what electronics (like laptops) that people want, bring them with you and sell them here. Oh and bring whatever hot sauces you like with you. Jobs are going to be tough, wages here seem to be less than half what they are in SoCal.
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    Wine Yeast, Levadura Para Hacer Vino

    I had a cultural question. Generally speaking Latin countries are wine drinkers. Germanic countries are beer drinkers. Why then is Argentina a much larger beer consumer?
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    Ozzy Osbourne Tonight In Palermo

    I'm sure you meant to say lip syncing.
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    Area safety question

    I'm supposed to meet a local paraglider pilot for a ride out to the site saturday. I'm meeting him at the intersection of ave General Paz and Ricardo Balbin @ 1130 am . Its block D5 on Plano one of the Guia T. Is this a reasonable idea or a really dumb one? Josh
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    Malba - Modern papers

    I'd be interested in checking this out.
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    I signed up at Always its 220 for the first month 185 for the second. The doctor visit is mandatory, but included in the 220.
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    Aussie Pies

    Having just come from Sydney 3 months ago, I don't find them that different. I mean sure Aussies use actual spices in their meat pies, but they seem very similar to me. I'm however no more than a beginner with either.
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    hi! another newbie

    D'oh, here it is: