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  1. Big Al

    Certificate Of Argentine Criminal Records

    Im looking at the paper they gave me right now and it says Comprobante del Tramite de Antecedentes Penales, I paid 100 pesos for a 24 hr response at Antartida Argentina 1355.
  2. Big Al

    Certificate Of Argentine Criminal Records

    Do you guys know if they require a domicilio from the police station for the antesedentes penales?
  3. Big Al

    Best Methods Of Looking For Apartment (From Abroad)

    The really good thing is you can click on the map option and have all the listings shown on a map so you can look up the specific neighborhood you want and see whats for rent.
  4. Big Al

    Falklands In Light Of Crimea Rhetoric

    %100 agree with Caliexpat, very well said.
  5. Big Al

    So I Tried To Get A Dni...

    LOL you're kidding right?
  6. Big Al

    English-speaking dentist?

    This thread is old but I gotta say...US $5000 for wisdom teeth extraction?, LOL you're kidding right? For that much cash you can have some breast implants included with that extraction as a bonus.
  7. Big Al

    Osde Versus Galeno

    Any one know the prices of family plans with OSDE? (2 adults 1 baby)
  8. Big Al

    New Koreatown: Markets & Restaurants (suggestions + pics)

    yeah but thats at night, during the day youre ok, im not promoting Flores just saying its not some scary area one MUST avoid.
  9. Big Al

    New Koreatown: Markets & Restaurants (suggestions + pics)

    Im talking about Flores in general, like anywhere in Buenos Aires, at night one must be a bit more cautious. Yes its more unsafe than other parts of Capital, but not as bad as everyone imagines.
  10. Big Al

    International Post

    Have you tried going down with your tracking number? I used to never wait for the pick up notice to be delivered, once I see that my package is in Argentina, I would wait 2 days and go and pick it up just with the tracking number, they would punch it in the computer and print out my shipping...
  11. Big Al

    New Koreatown: Markets & Restaurants (suggestions + pics)

    I am currently living in Flores and its not as bad or dangerous as everyone thinks, I actually live a few blocks from Juan B Justo and Chivilcoy, as long as you're here during the day you're fine, just don't walk around with an Iphone to you ear and a map of the area in your other hand and...
  12. Big Al

    International Post

    Ok so I finally picked up my package 2 days ago and had the worst experience, I ended up in front of probably the biggest A-Hole inspector at Correo, I was receiving the usual, a 10kg box of clothes,shoes,baby supplies for my son etc. sent from my family not an online purchase, this guy tried to...
  13. Big Al

    Best Methods Of Looking For Apartment (From Abroad)

    I found my first apt. from its only the owners posting so you dont pay commission to brokers.
  14. Big Al

    "the German Doctor" . Mengele Nazi Bariloche The Movie....!!

    New article about Hitler in Argentina.
  15. Big Al

    Happy Hour March 7Th Friday 7:30 Until ???? Lets Party!!

    Crap, I didnt know or else I would of showed up...oh well, next time.
  16. Big Al

    Health Insurance.

    do these plans here in Argentina cover dental also or is it just medical? Im also thinking about getting a family plan for me, my baby boy and my wife but have no clue which one is good for basic coverage.
  17. Big Al

    International Post

    They told me the same thing today, "its being processed".
  18. Big Al

    Newbie From La

    Man I miss Venice beach, right there off Rose st., my spot at the beach for yearsssss
  19. Big Al

    International Post

    Thats why you dont say anything and just go pick it up, Ive got meds before and didnt say anything, just went and picked it up and left, but it was in a box with other household items so it went unnoticed.