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  1. K

    Expat lunch, anyone?

    Hi Steve, I'm able to join on tuesday, I'll see if can bring a friend too. Thanks!
  2. K

    Has there been a decline in tourism / expats?

    I just got back from El Calafate & there's no aparent drop in tourism there. My impression is that tourism to south america in general is undergoing an evolutionary change, and in the short term it means an immediate temporary drop. I'm of the opinion that the crisis will actually be...
  3. K

    Meet for a drink?

    Hi Marion, Wellcome to BA! THere's so much to see & do here, you will meet many interesting people. I'm always going out meeting new people here, I'll send you a private message. Wellcome!
  4. K

    Divorce with USA

    This is probably not the reason for the action taken but I've heard that US tax laws are one of the most strict in the world, I could be wrong but I thought I heard that as a US citizen, that if you fail to lodge your tax return on time & you are overseas, that you could be arrested as soon as...
  5. K


    Hi, I'm a laptop technician who used to do data recovery on Apple notebooks. Back in Sydney until I left there 9 months ago, the general waiting time was 2 to 3 weeks, I don't know what it is like here in BA. Regardless of who you take your notebook to, I would first recommend (if it's...
  6. K

    Meet for Coffee?

    Hi Toni & LauraG, I'm also out & about in this big city & I'd love to catch up, I've only been here for 10 weeks. It's such a big place & it would be so interesting to meet other expats. I'm was born here but I was brought up in Australia, so I speak spanish but with an accent. I'll be...
  7. K

    Argentina - Racism?

    Hi , I can only present my opinion as an individual who was born here but brought up somewhere else. In no way do I agree that there is the kind of racism that I have read described here, I'm sorry but I'm dark skinned too, and I feared coming back here & finding a racist culture since I was...
  8. K

    Dealing with mosquitos?

    Hi, my bit of advice is... if all else fails...and this is only for when you go to sleep, opt out for the good old mosquito net. Yes they are not always that practical but it's the only sure fire method I know that has worked for me in my travels through mossie infested asian countries,... go to...