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  1. M

    Argentina: The Bad Seeds (Aljazeera Documentary - Watch It!)

    Here is a bit of background info: Here is the video:
  2. M

    Urgent: Need Super Broadband

    I have Fibertel and can upload at 3 MB - instead of the super slow options they have. I think it would send the 10GB file in about 15 hours. You would need to make sure the people on the other end have a fast connection too - which I'm assuming they must have. Just get a ftp address. I don't...
  3. M

    Fibertel Evolution.

    I upgraded to Evolution yesterday - 30 MB vs the 3 MB I had. I called to have it installed on Friday and on Tuesday they installed it. That never seems to happen to me hear. Cost? Well, I was paying about $200 for that an now I'm paying $300. Speed? It is INCREDIBLE. If you have been on the...
  4. M

    Best of the brunch buffets?

    My wife and I love brunches. We try to go to one every Sunday. The best one we have found is at the Four Seasons. It is pricey ($460 per person), but wonderful. Don't go next weekend because it is mother's day - and that is an extra $100 pesos. This weekend we're gong to Olsen (Gorriti 5870)...
  5. M

    Random Sale: Hunter Boots, weights, chipotle peppers, etc.

    Are most/any of the things still for sale? Michael
  6. M

    Getting the "official rate" in Paraguay.

    Hence, as the article mentions, they are using a credit card.
  7. M

    Getting the "official rate" in Paraguay.

    Reuters reported that some people are changing their pesos into dollars by going to casinos in Paraguay. "Others are coming up with more imaginative solutions such as buying tokens at casinos in neighboring Paraguay with a credit card before cashing them in for dollar bills to carry home."...
  8. M

    Get your pots out for the lads!

    Bravo! I'm glad to see someone call tomdesigns what he is - a self-righteous blowhard.
  9. M

    Argentina prohibida: Se limitó también la venta de bonos

    Looks like they are going to clamp down on the selling of bonds. I tried to post the link, but I was not allowed to. Just Google this "Argentina prohibida: Se limitó también la venta de bonos"