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  1. tangobob

    Stop Paying Killer ATM Fees

    If I had $500,000 belive me I would not be working night shifts next week, but I would be tangoing in Buenous Aires.
  2. tangobob

    why are there two #168 buses?

    I got caught out on this one, you can read the storty here This was not Rapido as one poster said, it followed a completely different route, and I learned "do not take a bus just because it has the same number on it, stick...
  3. tangobob

    Buying a house

    I bought an apartment, does that count?
  4. tangobob

    There is one less Taxi on the street

    It seems you can't even commit suicide in Buenos Aires without a taxi getting in the way
  5. tangobob

    Tango as sex tourism

    A word of advice: Mix tango with sex and not only will you get seriously burned in the love arena but you will also soon find yourself as a pariah on the milonga floor. I have been married for thirty five years and I love tango, my wife loves tango, we go to dance, with each other and with...
  6. tangobob

    Opinions about Almagro

    Isn't this Caballito not Almagro? Still that said I often walk back from Viejo Correo ( frente Parque Centenario) at two or three in the morning and the only trouble we have ever had is dodging the guys hosing the dog do off the pavements.:D
  7. tangobob

    Cat calling

    THE NGHTMARE BEGINS!!! and it's even more scary that I agree with her. Oh deary deary me.
  8. tangobob

    Stupidity at Ezeiza

    I have travelled into Eze eleven times now and out the same number. Only once have I had anything openend or damaged, and that was because I was foolish enough to travel via the US. In Chicargo they opened my bags and tore open all my Christmas presents, I know it was there as they left me a...
  9. tangobob

    There shall be partying.

    I would love to come, but Romeo and I are venturing in the lands of Queen Elizabeth.
  10. tangobob

    Where to buy furniture?

    For artisanal furniture try Medrano between Guardia Vieja and Corrientes. There is also a good guy who will make whatever you want on Salguero just up from Humahuaca he has a lovely range of stuff all unfinished that he will finish to whatever you want. There are a load of bigger furniture...
  11. tangobob

    Why are we losing our hair?

    yeh it's called getting older, get over it, or the worry will make your hair fall out:D
  12. tangobob

    long lines outisde banks?

    I waited outside The bank in Villa Crespo for the escribano when we bought our place and a queue formed behind us. Nobody knew why they were queueing, it is just in the porteño nature.:D
  13. tangobob

    Argentine things you've been converted to....

    I live in the UK, we eat our evening meal at about six. We come to BaAs and eat at Ten that is ten plus three hours = one in the morning. I have strated eating the chairs by the time I get food.:eek:
  14. tangobob

    Public Transportation

    You do not need the exact change, the machines will give change, but you can only use coins not notes. They are trying to run out a system, you can get a moneda card, from anywhere you see the "Moneda" sign. Obviously you pay to charge it up at that point $10 or $20 ar. You can use this on all...
  15. tangobob

    bikes in BA

    Sorry, that link did not work, try
  16. tangobob

    bikes in BA

    You will die whether or not you bring a bike, unless your name is Russel Nash, but then "Who Wants to Live Forever?",
  17. tangobob

    Thatcher is back?!

    So because we do not have cheap labour, we should just give up? We still have the best engineers and designers, hey and the best shit man!
  18. tangobob

    Thatcher is back?!

    I am back in the UK at the moment. As this was a thread intended for the British, the "we" was the brits. You can always tell where I am literally, if not metaphoriaclly, by checking my blog. I have no secrets (as my wife keeps telling me) all my life, sad as it is, is there.
  19. tangobob

    night buses

    Also the drivers are much more amenable at night. If you have not reached the stop or are not sure where it is they will still stop for you, and tell you where to get off. Unlike during rush hour when they will close the doors on you if you are even seconds away.