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  1. sesamosinsal

    Mauricio Macri ... Next President Of Argentina

    haha. :) All politicians flip-flop, but Macri is the worst. Worse than Hillary Clinton. Macri is now "peronista". From all of the peronista-esque policies that he didn't support before that he supports now, to taking pictures with Perón statues...
  2. sesamosinsal

    Mauricio Macri ... Next President Of Argentina

    Flip-flopping because you have new information is one thing. Macri, however, has flip flopped for political expedience. It's very obvious. And not just a little bit. He's gone full-blown peronista. It's incorrect to think that Scioli = Cristina. Scioli has been the target of K hate for...
  3. sesamosinsal

    Mauricio Macri ... Next President Of Argentina

    Ben, thanks for the clarification. I have to disagree that corruption ends with Macri, and that he will "do what he says." On the first point, there is a lot of corruption in the city, such as Niembrogate, corrupt inspection agents who shakedown small shops, etc. Taking on corruption is a...
  4. sesamosinsal

    Mauricio Macri ... Next President Of Argentina

    To stop lying about what precisely? (He is a politician, you know.) It's not entirely clear, and I'd rather not jump to conclusions before formulating a response.
  5. sesamosinsal

    Mauricio Macri ... Next President Of Argentina

    My comment was in reference to corruption -- I know it wasn't very clear. He's just like the rest, just as corrupt as the rest, and probably won't do much better than the rest. But we can hope.. or dream. I definitely think there will be changes in daily life. Economically-speaking, things will...
  6. sesamosinsal

    Mauricio Macri ... Next President Of Argentina

    To be "procesado" means to be indicted; he hasn't been "condenado". But hey, Macri joins Boudou, and of course there's Menem who has actually been condenado but is protected by legislative immunity... All those on the forum thinking we're going to get change with Macri. Haha. That's cute.
  7. sesamosinsal

    Macri Or Scioli Presidente..?

    It's not who YOU think will win, but who WILL win. ;) There is a slight difference. Can we add Zulma Lobato to the list?
  8. sesamosinsal

    Does Scioli Know The Party He Represents?

    I think this cable from the Wikileaks dump is very insightful: US embassy cable - 08BUENOSAIRES893 MACRI AND SCIOLI ON THE POLITICAL SITUATION IN ARGENTINA 1. (C) Summary: South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford and the CDA met with Argentina's two...
  9. sesamosinsal

    Does Scioli Know The Party He Represents?

    Brilliant analysis. Kudos and thanks.
  10. sesamosinsal

    Does Scioli Know The Party He Represents?

    They respected the rules more than U.S. presidential candidates do in debates. I guess there is hope for this country.
  11. sesamosinsal

    Does Scioli Know The Party He Represents?

    I made the same comment, and my partner just looked at me with an "¿Y?" face. It must be my experience in broadcast TV news that made me think that.
  12. sesamosinsal

    Does Scioli Know The Party He Represents?

    Scioli's performance was terrible. Not even the guys on TV Pública could hide it, telling the audience what he "should" have said during the commercial breaks. I never thought Macri could ever win because he lacks charisma. I still think he has a really hard time connecting with people outside...
  13. sesamosinsal

    Macri Our Saviour One And Only One Dollar...?

    1) Ending the cepo is the ideal situation, but it will have major consequences for purchasing power and there are no guarantees that exports will pick up. US imports (the world's biggest importer) haven't even come close to where they were before the crisis. The problem we're facing now globally...
  14. sesamosinsal

    Macri Our Saviour One And Only One Dollar...?

    Sorry, but this is hype and sounds more akin to Alex Jones-style, Zero Hedge doomsday economic blah-blah-blah than anything based in fact. Modern economies are Ponzi schemes, except this Ponzi doesn't run out of new capital when you have central banks that print it at will at interest rates...
  15. sesamosinsal

    Wood Burning Tool What Is It Called In Spanish?

    That's actually a pretty nice looking table!
  16. sesamosinsal

    Uba: How Free Is Too Free ?

    However, not everyone has the same set of skills from basic education, and in many cases it has precisely to do with his/her social background. Perhaps the Argentine entrance exams can be compared to the Brazilian vestibular? If so, I have a friend from the southern Brazilian state of Rio...
  17. sesamosinsal

    China Town Remodel Is Done

    Not all of them are Taiwanese. As to why they did the remodeling in the Barrio Chino, perhaps this: A Chinese lawmaker in the Buenos Aires city legislature who doesn't speak Spanish. Qué país generoso. :)
  18. sesamosinsal

    Local Presidential Debate. Leading Candidate Is A No Show.

    AmigoArtístico - I want to keep this respectful. Sometimes I trip up, and maybe something has been misinterpreted. However, it isn't my intention to insult you or say that your perspective on this issue is any less meaningful than mine or anyone else's. I agree with you that the branches of...
  19. sesamosinsal

    Local Presidential Debate. Leading Candidate Is A No Show.

    I think we're kind of losing each other a bit here. There is a difference between what we believe is lawful and what is lawful. What We Believe: If I were president of Argentina, I wouldn't use the cadena. I agree with you that the Executive Branch's definition of what is "institutionally...