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  1. J

    The Macri Debate

    Appreciate your attempts to substantiate your accusations with facts. "Pure Argentine" and/or "pure Porteno" sound nationalistic, not racist. How are those terms defined for purposes of the tango contest? Were such terms used otherwise, in some other context, to define or limit the rights of...
  2. J

    Is Argentina Finally Cracking Down On Corruption?

    I do not live in a mayonaisse (sic) jar and I'm afraid the allusion is lost on me. Sometimes I think that you, like other loud mouthed critics of the Macri admin are just throwng a bunch of ill-defined crap at him and hoping some of it sticks. Your off shores for idiots is not clear to me and I...
  3. J

    The Macri Debate

    Thanks for a rapid reply, but I sense a little too much heat and not enough light. 1. I do not consider the formation of a particularly indigenous group for a dance contest persuasive evidence of racism. Were there other categories that would allow whoever wanted to enter the contest to do so...
  4. J

    The Macri Debate

    Can you provide some facts to substantiate your claims about Macri. Racist? Why exactly - what acts prove this? Nazi-like? - Be specific. These are extremely demogoguic descriptions of someone. What is the corruption you think he has committed which will leave the country bankrupt? I'm...
  5. J

    Dollar Up

    Prices alone may influence expats- but not investors. Yeah...and... For instance, investors flock to cities far more expensive than Buenos Aires- they invest based on potential for growth, not historic price increases. Investors are dumping billions into Seattle and Vancouver, which are both far...
  6. J

    Looking for guidance - apartment hunting

    Mike (the mike in the above link) is a frequent contributor to TripAdvisor and I have known him because of that for more than a few years. He is a straight shooter and runs a respectable business. You would not go wrong doing business with him whether rental or purchase.
  7. J

    Dollar Up

    You are correct - USD earners have probably lost 30-50% of their buying power over the last few years and a lot more than that over the last 10 - 15 years. However, what made Buenos Aires (not Argentina) "special" was that the cost of living was so very cheap if one had USD. Bs As was and...
  8. J

    Is Argentina Finally Cracking Down On Corruption?

    Can you be specific or provide cites? What was Macri's role in Obedrecht? Are judicial proceedings warranted? What would the Panama papers demonstrate? I would need substantiation of your "all criminals" now statement.
  9. J

    Dollar Up

    Yes, you are missing something. It seems you are misinterpreting what people are saying about the benefits of an escalating USD exchange rate. Obviously no one who earns/lives on USD would think that bad. That is self-evident. Moreover, the USD exchange rate may have increased in sync with the...
  10. J

    State Workers Protest April 5

    Can you please provide a source for the stats you report? p.s. If the IMF recommended that Argentina cut back on government employees/pensions etc, presumably to qualify for financing, I would not be too quick to condemn that move. p.p.s. One man's right wing is another's fiscal conservative...
  11. J

    The DNU 70/2017 is dead! :)

    For us expats that don't speak Spanish fluently and are not familiar with the DNU and its significance, would you kindly explain what this is about.
  12. J

    The Macri Debate

    Labels are not very enlightening. Time will tell whether Macri can turn things around. The Ks had a lot of time and didn't succeed by any objective measure.
  13. J

    Studio Rental in BsAs (Capital Federal)

    See this forum on this site: Short term rentals in Puerto Madero are going to be few and far between and expensive (PM is the most expensive barrio). Try finding a place in Retiro or the Recoleta. A decent 1 bdrm would probably be...
  14. J

    Someone thought about retiring early

    and the relevance of this to expats is....
  15. J

    Dollar Up

    S Why don't you guys take the discussion of food somewhere else. p.s. 20.80 at my cueva today.
  16. J

    The Macri Debate

    Unfortunately, too many Argentines appear to share this apathetic, defeatist attitude. That, in and of itself, is a big problem. Too many Argentines seem to believe it is impossible to effect change so they have an almost indifferent attitude about the corruption they see around them. The...
  17. J

    The Macri Debate

    Cristina was a demagogue and a myopic, hysterical one at that. A friend who worked at a senior level in the national bank once told me she never wanted to even listen to the probable negative consequences of her intended actions. Her fiscal policy never got more sophisticated/constructive than...
  18. J

    Dollar Up

    I'm going back to TripAdvisor....
  19. J

    Dollar Up

    My comments about the cost of living in the mid 70s were for historical comparisons. Hopefully, current expats might have found them interesting. Despite its origin, this thread seems to be vacillating between comments on food and the nominal topic, i.e., a discussion of USD exchange rates and...
  20. J

    Dollar Up

    Were you responding to a contrary view expressed by anyone here? I don't think anybody would argue that the USD exchange rate is relevant to expats and Argentines alike. I thought the issue was how much the USD has weakened and how much more expensive the cost of living in Bs As has become.