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  1. J


    I don't recall such a statement, but in any case, wasn't Kicillof CFK's wunderkind appointed Economy Minister around 11/2013?
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    I don't pretend to possess great insight into the fiscal dilemmas facing Arg so what is very simple to you is not very simple for me. Bear with me, please. As an observer, I perceive something of a chicken / egg scenario. To control inflation one must limit both wages and prices, hopefully in...
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    I'm sorry, Bcero2, but I can't follow your argument. You identify the Macri admin lie about inflation as follows: "Lie: they (presumably the Macri admin) asserted that the increase in the cost of electricity, fuel, transportation does not influence the inflation, but after 2 years they admit it...
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    Racist tweet by Trump re future immigration to the US

    I hate A and B. A and B are letters ergo I hate all letters. - Why am I not surprised that you would make that argument. Next I will hear that refusing to admit unvetted citizens from predominantly Muslim/sharia nations is racist. p.s. What is the lie that you accused the Macri admin of saying...
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    Steve, why are you so sure that Macri's INDEC team intentionally mis-predicted the level of inflation after he took office? Do you have any evidence of that? As I see it, that would be counter intuitive, would it not? I mean - why would a sitting Pres intentionally low ball a future figure when...
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    "Ever hear of INDEC?' Yes, Steve. So? Prior to Macri's election INDEC stats were notoriously rigged to under-report the level of inflation. Under the new administration it appears a new more realistic approach to measuring inflation has been instituted. As far as I can tell, there is no evidence...
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    Why, exactly, should the retailers stop passing the buck on to consumers? If the cost to the retailer goes up 10% is he supposed to eat the loss of his profit? Passing along increased costs is not price gouging. It's common sense. The alternative is to go out of business. p.s. I'm still waiting...
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    Racist tweet by Trump re future immigration to the US

    Re immigration one could, with smug opprobrium, quickly contrast Trump's remarks to those more welcoming words inscribed on a plaque in the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore...
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    Let S Talk About Cultural Differences....!

    I have to commute by car between San Fernando and Barrio Norte frequently. The highway ride never fails to demonstrate how utterly disrespectful, dangerous, and downright incompetent the local drivers are compared to those in the US cities in which I have resided (and the traffic fatalities...
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    What is the lie that the government has said?
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    Financing a Place in Argentina

    As with all real estate transactions in Arg - CAVEAT EMPTOR. Understand your rights and obligations well. Do not assume anything including that those you employ (like your broker) owe you a fiduciary duty.
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    Best Health Insurance Option

    I can introduce you to the local ins agent (BA based) I used to purchase health ins when I needed it for residence in BA and other places. I thought he was competent and helpful. I'm sure he can explain your options better than anecdotal info you may obtain here. PM me if you want his contact info.
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    Robbed In Epuyen, Theives Caught Then Released, Even Though

    Arg legal system: putting the fun into dysfunctional.
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    Dollar Up

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    Dollar Up

    18.75 to buy. I have no idea why it has moved like this, but as an expat living on USD, I'm glad to see it. The USD exchange rate has not kept pace with inflation since M's ascendancy. "Miami , here I come" may be a bit premature.
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    Question About Zona Oeste

    Bringing into this love story gone sour your "pledge to help as many people on this planet as {you} can" sounds as absurd as your inability to find a solution without going public. Perhaps you should write to the Argie version of Dear Abby. Is this what this forum has come to ? This kind of...
  17. J

    Argentina Wants Cheap Flights But Not Too Cheap

    Non-pay wall link....
  18. J

    What's Going On By The Congress Now?

    My mind is made up. Don't confuse me with the facts.
  19. J

    What's Going On By The Congress Now?

    Is 5% the new minimum or is it the maximum too? Has the maximum increase been altered as well as the minimum? Is that the only way pension law has been altered? The link to La Nacion above seemed to be quite detailed, but as it was in Spanish, I could not comprehend it. It did seem to be more...
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    What's Going On By The Congress Now?

    To argue that skin color is inferred in the use of the word "thugs" is to lose credibility. Of course, that doesn't mean that someone can't delude themselves into attaching such an inapposite connotation. I'll be sure to remember this when I see other such posts.