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  1. J

    Medical Doctor In Buenos Aires

    If still needed, my MD finished first in his class. He speaks good English. His wife is a leading diabetes specialist. Message me if you want contact info.
  2. J

    Questions Re Purchasing An Apartment In Ba

    Buying property in Bs As (Arg?) is, unfortunately, great sport. I bought 9 years ago. These are my observations based upon that experience. 1. First, sellers are not required to disclose anything in writing or orally including defects known or unknown. This pig in a poke type of sale is...
  3. J

    Journalists Deported

    Tax evasion is one thing. Theft is another. Do you really want to get into a debate about who, between Macri and the Ks, is the most corrupt and who has stolen more from the state? What is going on now downtown in the way of protest? Who are the people making police intervention necessary? Does...
  4. J

    Dirvers License Changes, What Really Is The Law?

    Arg puts the fun into dysfunctional as in a dysfunctional legal system.
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    Journalists Deported you have an opinion on whether Arg had reason to believe that the deportees were in fact advocates of violent protests and accordingly were reasonably denied entry to the event/country?
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    Journalists Deported

    It appears from the reportage that the deportees have " called for protests including violence and chaos" according to the security team for the event. I hardly find it "right wing suppression" to prohibit visits from such persons at such a highly political event. In fact, I believe most...
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    Christina To Be Arrested.

    More from the NYT:
  8. J

    Cash And Climbing...

    If you are suggesting to use Xoom to get pesos by having it transfer USD and exchange them here...when I checked yesterday Xoom was exchanging 1 USD for 16.8x pesos and that was the rate for a 10,000 USD exchange. (I got 17.78 from my guy).
  9. J

    First Day To Respect Trump

    In my opinion, to compare Islamic ideology to evangelical Christian ideology (or whatever alt-right ideology is supposed to be) demonstrates ignorance. Supremacism to the point of mandated extinction of the other by force, no separation of church and state, misogyny, homophobia, death for...
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    Cash And Climbing...

    I avoid ATMs because the fees are way too high. I'm not exactly sure what the current numbers are - there seems to be some new info about the max amount of cash withdrawals and transaction fees, but the last I heard was a 2500 peso limit and a 96 peso fee. Fees may be higher. For restaurants see...
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    Expats not happy, why stay?

  12. J

    Expats not happy, why stay?

    I first lived in BA for 8 months in 1975/76. Got out 2 months before Videla ousted Isabelita. Visited frequently after Alfonsin got in (1983) until 2001 when I lived here again for about 8 months. Expatted to Rio de Janeiro in 2003 and bought an apt in BA in 2008 while living n Rio. Visits to BA...
  13. J

    Tell Me What You Want

    First, thanks for asking. Re moderation, I 'd favor less rather than more. The basic rules e.g., no personal attacks, advertising, foul language, etc might be supplemented by the easy ability to bring questionable posts to the moderator's attention, i.e., "report this post" attached to the...
  14. J

    Where Are The Expats Now

    If the new law violates the Arg constitution, I would think that it will soon be challenged and found to be unenforcible. However, if it doesn't violate the constitution and restricts illegal immigrants, e.g. those who overstay for long periods or commit crimes while here, from re-entering, then...
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    First Day To Respect Trump

    Even a broken clock is right 2 times per day. However, in this instance Trump isn't right. See posts above. The war on drugs is an abject failure. The one thing Trump does well is pad his ego. He is unfit to be POTUS. The country and the world will suffer.
  16. J

    New 1,000$ Bill

    In 15 years taxistas will become a relic. Automatically driven cars in Ubers/Lyfts etc services will eliminate the need for a driver except maybe for those who can't qualify for a credit card. Perhaps the intro of a 1000 note (equivalent to about $50) heralds the normalization of monetary and...
  17. J

    Returning To Buenos Aires For Vacation After 5 Years

    I'm cutting and pasting and slightly editing a post of mine from Trip Advisor: I believe Macri is working to make Argentina a better place for those who reside there. The jury is out on his effectiveness. However, the cost of "tripping" in Bs As is definitely more expensive than it has been...
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    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    According to the Justice Minister,.the arrest of Boudou is legal.
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    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    Listening to the persistent defense of the criminally corrupt KKlan by some posters here as well as a few whom I engage "on the street", I am beginning to believe that they have become subject to the Stockholm syndrome on a grand scale. "Victims...
  20. J

    Gils Carbo, Procurator Fiscal - Resigns

    Bajo, why do you say that the Clarin published the tel number (0372) of the daughter? As I translate the linked Clarin article, it states that: "Ercolini and Taiano proved that in October they exchanged text messages from the telephone 1164620372 in the name of Gils Carbó with 1136078008 in the...