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  1. M

    Apertura Football Season starts this weekend, anyone going to a match?

    Well, I am a Boca fan, so will be going to the local stadium here in Mendoza tomorrow night to see their match against Godoy Cruz. Godoy Cruz is my second team , so I will be happy with any result.¨:)
  2. M

    Sick of Malbec?!?!

    Haha, LOL, just because I live in Mendoza doesn´t make me a wine expert, although I do try to broaden my horizons. I believe the variety you refer to is that type which grows well in cool wet climates, the CONCORD, the little blue variety with the somewhat sour but great taste, that favorite...
  3. M

    Sick of Malbec?!?!

    Sick of Malbec? That is like being sick of life itself.
  4. M

    Is anyone else a mistreated English teacher?

    Yes, this is a global phenomenom that is exponentially increased here in AArgentina. Assume nothing, and expect less, and try to develop a good client base! Suerte!
  5. M

    10 reasons why our property is an excellent investment

    No problem with spam as long as it is honest spam! Good luck you guys, with sale and all aspect of your sales. Enjoyed meeting you and visiting your little piece of paradise!
  6. M

    Starting a company on a an Argentine friends D.N.I

    Obviously, what Vah is trying to do is be able to do small jobs at whatever, and for those clients who demand it (as opposed to being paid "under-the-table"), he can give necessary documentation demanded by the client when he is paid. The "business" is probably small, and I suspect is only for a...
  7. M

    The Nanny

    Susannah Gimenez. :) .....actually, apart from the burlesque nature of the action, the notion of over/underdressing and fashion is very popular here. It was explained to me that the reason Friends and 2 1/2 Men are so popular is not because of the dialogue (one well-written, the other just...
  8. M

    The joys of english teaching in BA!

    GOOD LUCK. You may remember i was among many offering you advice before you came. Glad you stuck it out as long as you did. I have had similiar difficulties with some companies, but still surviving. All the best!
  9. M

    Argentines or Argentinians?

    Just don't call them early for dinner.
  10. M

    Demystifying american expats rants

    WARNING: TONGUE-IN-CHEEK DISCLAIMER, DON'T HAVE A COW! OKAY..since this thread has typically de-evolved into the usual silliness, let me jump in with my two-cents worth and turn the attention for a millisecond away from food to the area at the other end of the food chain .:D Okay, billsfan...
  11. M

    wine in argentina

    Association of Sommeliers in Argentina:
  12. M

    wine in argentina

    RE MENDOZA 1. TAKE A WINETASTING COURSE If you speak Spanish, there are often reasonably priced tasting mini-courses at Enoteca: Some bodegas offer courses in English, for example...
  13. M


    ;)Please explain the Argentine fascination with milanesa?;)
  14. M

    Traveling anyone?

    Go to a travel agency and sign her up for a bus tour? The Agrie bus tours for Argies are pretty fun and well organized, and a great value. She could meet some great Argies, and even if she does not know Spanish, some of them are bound to speak English. The only tourble is that it is double...
  15. M

    Is there an affordable, secure way to ship stuff abroad from ARG?

    Perhaps people should advise about the problems with customs (Aduana) shipping even used personal items out, as opposed to personal baggage. I have not done this first-hand, but the problems with Argentinean customs people have shared with me make me shudder. You may find that selling or giving...
  16. M

    Personal Income Tax in Argentina

    Mini, I have a lot of respect for you, but it's not calling a spade a spade, it's calling a spade a #$#$%!!!%&*!! shovel. Lee is here sharing his experiences on an expat website, we should not be judgemental. :)
  17. M

    Robbery at my store - Av. Triunvirato 3883 Villa Urquiza

    Sorry to hear this. I am not a storeowner myself, but have had several friends who have stores that were robbed in Mendoza, and I know it is difficult in many ways. Peace and good luck!
  18. M

    Newcomer - very new :)

    With respect, this is not like Spain where non-Spanish-speakers can find jobs. Spanish is essential.
  19. M

    Newcomer - very new :)

    Good for you, that's what I did over 6 years ago. Details were different, as always, but same idea.
  20. M

    Argentinas loss makes us introspective

    A doctor doing open heart surgery after only doing superficial stitches "doesn’t deserve anything but praise" as well? Nothing to do with cultural heritage, France did not advance because of Domeneches foolishness, England should have won easily in 2002 except for Erikson's in-match lack of...