Search results

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    Judge Griesa Holds Argentina In Contempt

    Today: Judge Griesa dictates the economic standing of 41 million people Tomorrow: Judge Griesa wakes up believing Nixon is still president, and calls the police on the strange black man in the White House
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    Us Embassy Warns It's Citizens In Argentina

    That's like California sending a warning to citizens that the area is prone to earthquakes.
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    Burundanga !!! Dangerous Drug To Be On The Look Out For ...

    Ah good, I have nothing to worry about then.
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    English Teaching Job Opportunity

    TEFL certification is necessary, yes. Unless you want to be making less money than it even costs to rent a shitty shared apartment in a bad neighborhood where two colombians are yelling at each other all day about their blind dog and steal your toothpaste. Although you'll probably wind up in...
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    They say that you don't absorb all the nutritional value from pills. I'll just have to have the 165 glasses of wine I guess.
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    Mosquitoes Are Back (And Hungry, Very Much)

    People within 20 meters of any standing water source will understand. I can't even open my windows without them finding their way in practically immediately. If only there were some sort of invention that allowed you to have your window open but also keep bugs out at the same time...
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    Was There A Mass Migration From Russia To Argentina?

    Yeah, actually the first time I saw an accident here was on Friday night, when the police were chasing some guy blowing red lights and speeding down 9 de Julio. The police got stuck at a red light and tried to force their way through, but nobody stopped and someone wound up hitting them.
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    Fellas From The Hood, Mates To Chill With, Girlfriends

    Hey ningja, same here. I live in Coghlan (about to move further south into Colegiales though) and am looking for people to hang out with. I make a really bad girlfriend considering I don't even meet the most basic qualifications, but I am a geek and am into the same things you mentioned. Any...
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    Why Did You Break Up With Your Partner?

    She sort of had a nervous breakdown from having to (or at least feeling like she has to) take care of her very sick mother and mentally ill sister that doesn't help with the rent. Social plans as small as going out for a cup of coffee make her stressed out for days in advance.
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    My Dream Apartment In Buenos Aires, What's Yours?

    Last night I was in an apartment that is opposite of Congresso in some sort of tower. You can see it in this picture, it's the second red tower: The view is pretty great.
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    What A Moto Robbery Looks Like

    Still only an acceptable risk if you're this guy
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    What A Moto Robbery Looks Like

    Over this? The guy with the camera is some chump that travels into poor places trying to prove that they aren't dangerous after all. In the reddit thread, he made a comment about how he was the "only westerner" one time in Costa Rica. He sort of had this coming. He doesn't deserve to be shot...
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    What A Moto Robbery Looks Like

    Good thing he brought a scarf, might have caught a cold.
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    Imagine Buenos Aires In 2030

    Maybe recycling bins will finally be as common as the garbage baskets.
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    About Joe's Money

    At this point, if IG had taken money from a loan shark, the deal would be adjusted to $3,000 and and two broken legs (or $2,500 and just one broken leg)
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    Bachelors Take Note...entire Brazilian Town Seeking Suitors

    How do you say "Does your town need any English teachers?" in Portugese?
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    About Joe's Money

    Joe, if today goes by without you getting your money, can we finally discover what's in the luggage? If what IG says, that it's worth over $1,000, maybe you could also post sizes, brands, photos, and beginning bid points!
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    Beginner Yoga

    Is it normal for men to go to yoga here, or would I be perceived as a creep?
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    About Joe's Money

    I wonder if IG would still honor it if someone bought Joe's debt from him.
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    Guess Who's Coming For Lunch ??

    Should take him hostage. I guarantee you enough money is hidden away in the Vatican to pay off Argentina's debts and then some