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  1. G

    prices on my street went up 20% this week

    the sky is falling...
  2. G

    Colectivos de Buenos Aires Web Map

    Well that map is much better than ComoViajo, and when travelling to province I will probably use it. Still, while in the capital I prefer the city government's digital map ( quicker and more reliable.
  3. G

    Espadrille or alpargata

    There's a shop at Plaza Italia, right on the corner of Santa Fe with Borges that always has bunches on display. Of course, when I want alpargatas I just head to Retiro and head into one of the little galerias on the side of the San Martin station. They are cheaper, but I suppose there is...
  4. G

    Gap / Banana Republic etc now ship to Argentina

    ...the Chetos will be all about this...
  5. G

    How long has Subway restaurant been in BA?

    A good while. They are in the process of an expansion process as well, if I remember an article I read in La Nacion a couple of months ago. It is pretty much the same. Same sandwiches, etc. although some of the sauces are different here.
  6. G

    Free Outdoor Film Festival Schedule

    In the past they have set up Bleachers for the pedestrian crowd with speakers for the sound. Anyways, I will just bring my phone with radio, and maybe I can convince my father in law to let me take the car.... Peace, Liam
  7. G

    New immigration category: Immigrant worker

    Uh, Bajo_Cero, this Immigrant Category has existed for at least the last 3 years...
  8. G

    Donations and Christmas in the Plazas

    I just received an email from the Gobierno de la Ciudad that they will be hosting a Santa in the plazas event. Check out the link ]],+visit%C3%A1+la+plaza+navide%C3%B1a+de+tu+barrio"]here. Anyways they will also be accepting donations of children's toys and clothes. Thought some of you might...
  9. G

    Cottage Cheese (En Castellano P.V..)

    I actually noticed the other day that in boxes of "Macritas" tortilla chips there are packages of seasoning to add to CasanCream to make sourcream.
  10. G

    In Lieu of a Garantia

    Steve's post is your best bet to follow up on. What they probably mentioned at the immobilaria was a Seguro de Caución ( This could possibly serve in place of a Garantía Propietaría if the owner of the apartment is alright with it. It serves...
  11. G

    Pizza Hut and KFC

    If you look for good Pizza in BA you can find it, with fresh made dough, good toppings, etc. Come out to Chacarita right in front of Estacion Federico Lacroze, there are two amazing Pizza Places. The more famous one, with I would say lower quality, is El Imperio de Pizza. My favorite one with...
  12. G

    Who are the future BAEXPATS?

    I would assume companies can hire spouses of Argentines and other foreigners with permanent residency without having to be registered. (Correct?) So I guess that is my answer to the question, people with family and connections to Argentina will be the future year-round expats while other...
  13. G


    San Martin, UGOFE. It will get you to the city at least.
  14. G

    Expensas rise 40% - Clarin

    Are you being serious with your response to that joke, because your comments are incredibly disrespectful. Militante in this context can not be translated as "militant student" but rather as "Political Activist". And the student was participating with the "Workers Party" supporting a Union...
  15. G

    Clothes to donate

    Salvation Army? They will pick them up.
  16. G

    Taxis in BsAs

    Haha, the ficha increased to .58 last saturday, before it was .46 for the last yearish, and before that it was .36 but that was a while ago. The bajada de bandera is 10 fichas, so 5.80.
  17. G

    FBI Background Check

    Incorrect, sent my request straight to the FBI, they sent it straight to my address here!
  18. G

    Tap water doesnt quench thirst

    Cleaning & Sanitizing an apartments buildings water tank is mandatory once a year in the city of Buenos Aires. I believe they just did ours a month ago.
  19. G

    Most secure way to get a document from US

    UPS works very well too, I just got my Criminal Record Check Apostilled from them, and the return postage here was U$D42 from DC, and it cost U$D50 to get to DC from here.
  20. G

    Dangers of pulling out money at atms

    I have never had a problem taking out 1000 pesos to go pay rent in one swift motion.