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  1. E

    Has It Always Been So Bad?

    I've lived here since August 2006. Except for two years living in a barrio cerrado near Garin (close to Pilar), I've lived the rest of the time in CABA. I'd even say that the reason for that might be because I've lived in Recoleta and the good parts of Retiro, but every one of my family...
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    Why Do People Destroy Things Here?

    I don't think it's just the political side of things where the question needs to be asked. Raising three young ladies and interacting with the youth here, particularly males, I see a lot of unnecessary destruction of things just because "it's cool". We've had a couple of parties in our house...
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    Where To Get Bacon And Eggs Breakfast In Buenos Aires??

    No, no my friend, eggs cause heart attacks! It's the bacon that causes cancer! Where have you been for the last 30 years or so? :) My grandmother (father's mother) smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for at least 60 years - she gave it up in her late 70s. She lived to be 92. Though she did...
  4. E

    Precaria Vs Driving, Driver's License And Travel Questions

    I'm a permanent resident and mine expires in two years (just got it about a month ago). I was told all new first time licenses expire in 2 years no matter what. I wonder if it has to do with where? I'm in CABA. Maybe the province has a different rule? Serafina, aren't you in Olivos or...
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    Is It Finally Possible To Be A Legal Freelancer?

    You're right, I misspoke - I meant to say residency, which leads to a DNI (or at least so I thought). In fact, the link you mentioned says "En el caso planteado en el párrafo anterior se entiende que son residentes quienes posean algún tipo de residencia (permanente, temporaria, transitoria...
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    Where To Get Bacon And Eggs Breakfast In Buenos Aires??

    Go to a fiambreria and ask for panceta ahumada (smoked). Ask them to cut it thick (you have to show them with your fingers - most of the time they will cut a slice and hold it up to show you if they got it right) or you will get deli-ham-sliced thickness, which is very difficult to cook right...
  7. E

    Is It Finally Possible To Be A Legal Freelancer?

    The only comment I'd make about the bolded portion is that you cannot pay personal taxes without a CUIL or CUIT. You can't get a CUIL or CUIT without a DNI. Note I'm not talking about property taxes or car taxes (patente) or other things for which one can get a CDI as a foreigner.
  8. E

    Welcome To The Dictatorship Of Happiness

    To take the last item first, this is typical Propaganda 101 - because someone who most people think is an idiot, and possibly a dangerous one at that, mention that that person had good things to say about Macri, well, here's the equation, quite a simple one, that this little piece is supposed to...
  9. E

    Is It Finally Possible To Be A Legal Freelancer?

    Problem is you can't be a monotributista as a tourist. You can't have a CUIT or CUIL to get a job and work. You can't open a bank account. You can start a business as a foreigner without residency, I believe, but it has to have an Argentine on the corporate officers list as well - don't...
  10. E

    Precaria Vs Driving, Driver's License And Travel Questions

    Careful with leaving the country with your car and a precaria if you own the car. It may well depend on the border crossing and the officials there as to whether or not you can do it, but I wrote a couple of years ago about my experience doing this. I'll summarize it briefly here. I had...
  11. E

    Welcome To The Dictatorship Of Happiness

    If I misrepresented your position on the Cristina's INDEC manipulation I apologize - you were so pro-Cristina in just about everything else it's possible I missed that one criticism, even if presented multiple times. While you are accusing us of being in our own fantasy world about what you...
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    Buying Car In Dollars

    Another thing to think about having a car here - you have to make a monthly "patente" payment to own the car, any car newer than 20 years old. It can be a bit expensive. It's like a luxury tax. Also, a large majority of drivers here are completely clueless. You better be ready to drive a bit...
  13. E

    Buying Car In Dollars

    A cueva will do transfers and give you dollars. You have to have a contact to do it (which can be found) because they operate in the gray area of the law. Casas de Cambio indeed will have to go through the hoops Steve talks about because they are official and transfer the money through the...
  14. E

    Welcome To The Dictatorship Of Happiness

    You see guys, it's all about appearances, to some. Cristina was able to fool people like Bajo and Matias into thinking she was the second coming of Eva and Peron in one body and she was doing good for everyone except those nasty, evil rich people and businessmen. For some reason they are not...
  15. E

    Banking In Buenos Aires

    That's a pretty open-ended question. Do you mean you are going to come here to work and the company that is hiring you will pay you in dollars here? Doesn't sound right to me (I don't think companies will pay in "white" in dollars). Are they going to pay you in "black" (not an...
  16. E

    Macri On Cnn With Video

    The overwhelming problem that Argentina faces related to drugs is the level to which the corruption reached into the government, police, etc. As a libertarian, I think it's incredibly stupid to have a prohibition on anything considering that humans will find a way to get what they want; but...
  17. E

    Car Towed Away, That's $800, You're Welcome

    But driving isn't the problem, it's parking! :) :D :lol:
  18. E

    Import Taxes On Vehicles Question

    I'm not confusing the issue, Rich One. According to the gestora, who has done many of these, they do not look at the Kelly Blue Book. Perhaps she is wrong, but I doubt it as we have had experience with her over many things, and she has never proved us wrong. Personally, I'd trust her statement...
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    Awesome Lawyer Seeks Awesome-Er Jack-Of-All-Trades

    MorganF, I sent you a PM :)
  20. E

    Argentine Car Savings Plan Lottery

    Yeah the only hedge against inflation is for the car companies, not the buyer (or lottery player, as the case may be).