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  1. E

    Buenos Aires: A Tale Of Two Cities

    If you like, I can take you to places outside of bubbles where you see and feel more poverty than the beggars who go to the poor places to ask for money. Of course beggars go where the money is to beg - why would they beg from poor people who are not likely to willingly give up their...
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    Mandela's Spirit Lives In Colombia Today.

    Noesdeayer, I wasn't saying that Santos didn't deserve to be awarded for his efforts. To be honest, I don't know a whole lot about Colombian politics (even though our eldest young lady is dating a Colombian student here, heh) and how the whole process of getting past decades of horrible...
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    "help, I Need Somebody, No Not Just Anybody"

    I'm not sure what your actual point is, John Doe - surely requesting Clinton or Stein's telephone numbers are nothing but a form of hyperbole... I'm also not sure exactly what your issue with Exxon-Mobile and offshoring is. I worked a decade in the oil industry and worked another bunch of time...
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    Mandela's Spirit Lives In Colombia Today.

    Is that the same Nobel prize that Obama got for simply being elected president? After something like that it's hard to know if the award means anything in this case, or is it just another awarding ahead of time for expectations?
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    Ciudadanía / Citizenship

    It's reasonable to continue your case without an active DNI. In fact, I know a guy who got citizenship without ever having residency, and got his DNI on acceptance as a citizen. As far as showing your mode of living, my friend didn't have a bank account (in fact, still doesn't) and was never...
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    Banks To Strike Throughout The Week In Argentina

    Blame it all on the people themselves - they accept it. A little roll of the eyes and a shrug of the shoulder and just ignore the burden of idiocy that is placed on the sholder of each person. In fact, it drives me nuts the way everyone just accepts. I spent nearly three hours in traffic...
  7. E

    Buenos Aires: A Tale Of Two Cities

    BTW - you're absolutely correct about not necessarily visiting poor residential barrios unless you live there. I hope I didn't come across sounding too (I'm tired, can't think of the word to use here) in my text about that. More than anything I was thinking specifically about the article that...
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    Buenos Aires: A Tale Of Two Cities

    I have lived in two places prior to last Saturday, in the 10 years I've been in Argentina. Garin and Recoleta. Garin (about 15 kilometers towards the city from Pilar, or about 40 kilometers north of the city on Panamericana highway, the Pilar branch) was a nice place, but unfortunately I...
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    A Honky Like Me.

    For those of you who would like an alternative to the Electoral College, I have two suggestions: 1) Formulate an amendment to the constitution and get it passed as is required by the US Constitution. 2) Become citizens of a country that does not have an Electoral College and counts the...
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    A Honky Like Me.

    I don't think anyone who didn't vote for Trump - and can't believe he won - understands what the deal is. I'm amazed that people have to ask. I'm amazed that people couldn't see it coming (I certainly knew why, I just didn't think there were enough people who felt like me in general to produce...
  11. E

    Documentary On Sexual Turism In Buenos Aires

    I was talking about where the caudillos have more sway. I know two women who came from Paraguay, who were offered to come to work as maids in Buenos Aires - all expenses paid to get here and find a job, who were forced into prostitution, one of them at 17. They worked in Entre Rios, I don't...
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    Documentary On Sexual Turism In Buenos Aires

    The way you presented my quote was as if I was saying two different things. You should have included the first part of the second quote, where I said " However, it is still considered a profane profession by many here..." instead of cutting it out and maybe making it look like I'm trying to say...
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    Contact Info, Please

    Nah, if someone called them on it, they would just curl up in their safe space and color a stick family while petting a sweet little puppy, and that would be too pathetic to show to their fans... :o
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    Documentary On Sexual Turism In Buenos Aires

    I would tell you the name of the forum CityGirl, but I think this site has an automatic blocker on it with that name. I've tried to mention it before (I know the owner, as well as the owners of a very popular bar here, which cannot be named) and it always gets blocked. Prostitution, as a...
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    Documentary On Sexual Turism In Buenos Aires

    Oh, he's real alright. An acquaintance of mine, used to be friends but I don't see much of him any more.
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    Documentary On Sexual Turism In Buenos Aires

    Hah, watched a few minutes of your link and answered my question...
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    Documentary On Sexual Turism In Buenos Aires

    Is Tejano Libre a part of the film? ;)
  18. E

    Using Driver's License As Id Instead Of Passport?

    I've never had any problem using my Argentine driver's license as an ID here. Before I got that, I would agree - the home country driver's license is not really good for anything other than driving - until you get your DNI then you should really think about an Argentine license anyway.
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    Atms With High Withdrawal Limits

    The ATMs in Recoleta where I live are still stuffed with 100s...
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    Atms With High Withdrawal Limits

    It's why I still go through pains to get dollars down here instead of just using my debit card - and am getting set up to import money legally through being a monotributista (as opposed to declaring money here not brought in via the central bank). Even if I had to go to a cueva, I'd only being...