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  1. E

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    Khairy, it wasn't my intention to personalize your argument in a bad way. But I don't think we need to walk in anyone else's shoes - I think we need to simply live and let live. Maybe we are saying something in a different manner but meaning the same thing. But when talking about walking in a...
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    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    you're right, probably a topic for another thread, but I have to ask: I can't remember where you're from, but have you lived with such racist policies as Affirmative Action? Started well before Black Lives Matter. Having said that, I'm completely with you about the police. Having been the...
  3. E

    It's Too Expensive Here!

    Just an example of how crazy prices are here, in my opinion. Today I made a birthday cake with our oldest. We bought four bars of Aguila amargo (bitter - 60% cacao) chocolate (600 grams total), a bag of powdered sugar (250 grams), 200 grams of butter (don't remember the price, we already had...
  4. E

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    Just posted something that apparently requires moderating. I guess people won't see it, and it had some links to a couple of good articles related to the fallacy of gun control, based on a Harvard study and an article from the American Civil Rights Union that was discussing it. Oh well...
  5. E

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    I wrote this a couple of hours ago and didn't post it - helped our oldest make a cake for her boyfriend's birthday party tonight and just got back to this. Someone had mentioned facetiously that maybe we should ban trucks in relation to Nice. ================== We should ban trucks. and cars...
  6. E

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    Actually, you just said what defines what is wrong with the US, in my opinion. The Constitution is a bible for US politics. It is a social contract between all of the people, not just among the "elite" who think they know best for everyone. It's been adjusted 27 times since its inception 228...
  7. E

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    You denigrate the feeling of firing a weapon, of using technology even in a peaceful manner as I described it, to a "power rush." You don't understand it, so you tell people like me I'm crazy. You would control my right to feel that "power rush". Does that give you a "power rush"? Have you...
  8. E

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    What did the guys who wrote up the Constitution and fight for independence and all that"stuff" have to say about Americans owning guns? Intent can also be shown when looking at the evolution of the text of the 2nd Amendment and the wording that State constitutions used as well. The fact is...
  9. E

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    Considering that one can make a bomb with house-hold ingredients, and a little knowledge found on the internet, I'd say you're missing a point - it's way easier to get hold of a bomb, legally, than it is to buy a gun if you have some issue that would show up on a gun check - or if you simply...
  10. E

    Cristina Went To Court....

    As usual, a news van was parked on the corner of Juncal and Uruguay all day yesterday, I suppose waiting for some glimpse of Cristina coming out of her Recoleta apartment. The funny thing is, they apparently didn't get any of the real news happening barely a block away! I was walking back to...
  11. E


    My family is from Paraguay. My wife and I brought three of her much younger sisters here for better schools. However, that is not an indication of how good Argentine schools are, but rather how bad Paraguayan schools are. Our girls are/were in middle-level Catholic schools. We've had traffic...
  12. E

    Tomorrow Begins To Circulate The New $500 Pesos Bill

    I went to an ATM today to get some money. Not necessarily to test if anything changed, but because I needed a bit of cash. Nothing changed yet - it was a ICBC on Uruguay near Santa Fe. Limits hadn't changed (wasn't really expecting a change that fast) and only 100s emitted. May take some...
  13. E

    Why Pay Rent?

    Noesdeayer had it correct when he was talking about "algo venido abajo". The owners of the apartment we are renting are typical of that type, I'd think. They are children of a successful lawyer and a once-famous TV personality of some sort (well before our time and their mother, the...
  14. E


    I've been here for almost 10 years and have only encountered 2 times, personally, that I was in a situation where a bribe was or may have been a necessity. I started to write out the experiences but decided against it. No reason to self-incriminate. I've probably written about them before...
  15. E

    Is Democracy A Failed System ?

    I can avoid the guy in the orange t-shirt to an extent. I certainly don't have to sit down at the same table and eat with him and if he comes into a restaurant where I'm eating and his shirt hurts my eyes, I should be free to leave so I don't have to associate with him. Of course, those few...
  16. E


    I'm not sure what your source is on that. Particularly if it's a decades-old conviction. I know two people who had felony convictions from a few decades ago who had no problems getting into Argentina as residents. It may depend on what the felony was for. I know for a fact that they did not...
  17. E

    U.s. Citizen Apprehended For Crimes Committed In Ba

    You guys who have met him should know what he looks like - but I didn't see either saying that the guy you all met as Jack Brooker is not the guy in the photo in the InfoBAE article (regardless of the date of the article). Serafina says the guy doesn't seem like a pervert but doesn't confirm...
  18. E

    Is Democracy A Failed System ?

    I meant to respond to this as well. Not to put words in Khairy's mouth or anything, but I have my own thoughts on the matter (surprise!). One of the ideas of libertarianism is the freedom of association. I don't know that this is what Khairy was referring to, but it seemed to be. But if so...
  19. E

    Is Democracy A Failed System ?

    Considering that 2 supposedly conservative judges voted along with all 4 supposedly liberal judges in a 6-3 decision, in which Scalia pretty much castigated the decision, to allow Obama Care to continue in a rather famous ruling that had conservatives up in arms about the ruling, I don't think...
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    Is Democracy A Failed System ?

    StevePalermo, I used the words "severely leftist-leaning" as a sort of spoof on what many Republicans think, and the opposite of what many Democrats think. However, there is actually an importance of which president gets to pick a judge, even if the perception by people outside of the US is...