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  1. E

    Is Democracy A Failed System ?

    I read this and it seems to me to be a lot of Republican posturing more than anything. Truth is, I am a big believer in the concept of a mandate via voting results, but it's not the law. I'm having a hard time thinking that Obama is completely without an ethical right to nominate an...
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    Is Democracy A Failed System ?

    Not sure why you would think that. It doesn't matter to one's belief who is currently in power, as to what one believes in - or at least, it shouldn't. Many of us, myself included, preferred that Macri be in office rather than Scioli. PErsonally, I wanted that because I believe he will do...
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    Is Democracy A Failed System ?

    I liked the opening paragraph as well: [/font][/size] Given that you quoted Hoppe's article touting his book (which I haven't read, but sounds very interesting), I'm not sure how you are interpreting the 68% drop out voting to leave and the 70% graduates voting to stay. It's...
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    Is Democracy A Failed System ?

    There is no way to improve the democratic system, that is the problem. It requires every person who has the vote to be sufficiently educated in history, logic, economics, science and other important topics as well as keeping up to date and caring about current events. And it requires every...
  5. E

    Why Pay Rent?

    I pay because I don't steal. I respect property rights. It's as simple as that. That's the way I was raised, and I believe it's correct. We know why guarantees are required here, but as you can see, even the best people can do to offset hurtful laws causes stress on that part of the economic...
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    Is Democracy A Failed System ?

    The "real, true democracy" is a figment, or a creation, of the collective desires of a people. Democracy is something someone believes in at a fundamental level and freedom is an act that must always be practiced and upheld by the collective. The US, for whatever reason, started off with a...
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    Is Democracy A Failed System ?

    The problem with a democracy is that it is controlled by people. Indeed, that is the problem with every government that has existed up until this time and most likely those which will continue to exist. The founders of the US were smart men, all of them. Those whom I admire most were students...
  8. E

    Ex-Official Arrested Hiding Bags With Us$ 5-8 Million, Gun

    Because she's a venomous, horribly sour witch who hates the US because of its support of the military in Argentina during the time of the military rule in the 70s and 80s here. She's also apparently horribly corrupt and seems to be heavily involved in diverting funds from housing the poor into...
  9. E

    Is Democracy A Failed System ?

    OMG - do we have a libertarian convert? :) This is actually one of the basic tenets of modern-day libertarian philosophy. It's called the Non-Aggression Principle. Basically, one should be free to associate, or not associate, with whomever one pleases without being forced to believe or...
  10. E

    How Do You Look For Rentals These Days?

    I look at the two you mentioned, as well as Clarin,, even MercadoLibre, and a few others that I get when I do a Google search for rentals. Another thing that I have done in the past, and will be doing soon, is get out and drive around neighborhoods that I've seen decent rentals on...
  11. E

    Axel K.'s Hi/bye Kiss Isn't For Everybody.

    People are going to be hypocritical in interactions whether they kiss on greeting or not. They are going to continue to think the same of the other person, they are going to seek the same goals as always, because it's usually not defined with how they greet someone. Whether it's a handshake or...
  12. E


    I belong to Sport Club, about 1/2 the price of Megatlon (at least as of a year ago, when I was looking for a gym). Not quite as nice facilities as Megatlon and some can be crowded, but they are reasonable. I pay $700 a month per membership on a one year contract with three memberships (a small...
  13. E

    Seeking Advice For The Move To B.a.

    Yeah, it's hard for us to believe that an attorney and an editor, apparently from NYC, with a newborn baby, would be planning to move to Argentina - with at least one of those two (it wasn't specified if one or both would search for a job) looking to find a job, here in the land of bad economy...
  14. E

    Atm Fees

    Welcome to Argentina :D It's only about $6 USD, or around 3.4% on max withdrawal at 2500 pesos - not really all that much (taken in context that we are in Argentina, not the US or Europe), until you think about the fact that there is such a small limit on withdrawals. That's what makes it...
  15. E

    It's Too Expensive Here!

    To compare the rest of the US to California, or even more specifically, San Francisco, is not the same as comparing Buenos Aires to Argentina (where at least 1/4 of the country's population lives or more when talking about the whole province), nor Argentine prices to US prices. California has...
  16. E

    How Cold Is Cold ??

    Our building has built-in radiators, in the walls where you can't get at them, behind grates that have been painted over 30 or so times since the building was built. No controls to adjust the heat. Last year they most of the time during the cold, even while the boiler in the basement was...
  17. E

    It's Too Expensive Here!

    One must find ways to save on costs. We've gone from all of us going out to eat together 3-4 times a month to my wife and I going out to eat once, maybe twice a month, and at cheap places as well. We don't go out and do anything as a family hardly anymore. A movie now costs us $675 pesos for...
  18. E

    Moving To Ba Soon From Lebanon

    Personally, I don't know of any organized efforts to go after foreigners who are over-staying their visas, but I do know that the government is cracking down on working in black, at least at some places in the city. Everyone I know of in my wife's family or acquaintances who come from Paraguay...
  19. E

    What'$ Happening In Bueno$ Aire$ ?

    When one talks about a policy being radical related to getting rid of people who have jobs getting paid for doing nothing, you should realize that that is part of the problem. While Argentinos as a population may support some kind of law related to how to hire government employees, in general...
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    Ziploc Bags

    I bring boxes of Ziploc bags back from the States when I visit because even when they have them here they are ridiculously expensive and come in such small quantities. But as far as having seen them, I don't notice because I have my boxes. Have patience, like most things here, they disappear...