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  1. E

    Changing Us $ To Pesos

    We got 14.45 at our favorite arbolito down the street yesterday.
  2. E

    Apartment Expenses For Worn Out Blind

    When I first moved here I lived in temporary apartments. I had one I lived in for a couple of months that had a couple of inexpensive fake leather chairs with arms and backs. One time, I sat down with something in my pocket (a pen? Don't remember) and it punctured a hole in it. That's not...
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    Apartment Expenses For Worn Out Blind

    Hey Ceviche, thanks for asking :) Yeah, things are pretty much back to normal here in the apartment. The kitchen and dining room are in good shape, and it only took two months for the 3 electricians that came out to get all the circuits in the kitchen working again, but now we have light and...
  4. E

    Apartment Expenses For Worn Out Blind

    If it's the big wooden "persianas", it could be quite expensive to replace. And not at all the responsibility of the renter, if it was storm damage or any other kind of natural weathering. Even if the contract says everything is new. The strap to open and close is probably another story -...
  5. E

    Giving Birth In Argentina

    Argentinians do have a very high acceptance rate, it's one of the reasons they've been considered off and on in the US congress to be included in the visa waiver program again. Of course, Cristina and the economy had a lot to do with why that never actually got off the ground but I bet it won't...
  6. E

    Mercosur Travel, Dni Or Passport?

    People who are foreign residents of Argentina (and other Mercosur countries) are not citizens, and therefore are not member citizens of the Mercosur (who are legally allowed to pass on their national identification card, without passports), and therefore are subject to the same requirements when...
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    Starting Work In The Morning

    Damn, Noesdeayer, thanks! I never knew about these guys and their site looks very interesting.
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    Starting Work In The Morning

    I think you are blameless here. If you asked him when and he said "sometime tomorrow morning", he´s the one with the problem and even being a "guest" here does not mean you have to the one who accepts that they were wrong (I'm referring to this idea that expats must accept anything thrown at...
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    Robbed In Epuyen, Theives Caught Then Released, Even Though

    Nobody Special, man, I don't know what to say. Just read this thread and I am just amazed at what your family went through and what's going on with this. Sorry to hear about it and you and your family have my sympathies, though that's certainly of no actual help.
  10. E

    Thus Spoke Kristina....""

    Pensador, you're absolutely right about the employers' right to be able to employ whom he wants, when he wants (or at least that's what I got out of your comment). At least within a free society - but then, even the US has serious problems with this as well, nowadays, seems to me. And that's...
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    Switch To International Savings Accounts

    A quick search on the internet turned up only one article that spoke to this, as far as I could tell quickly: It's related to investment accounts, not bank accounts. But typical of the US...
  12. E

    Thus Spoke Kristina....""

    I have been so busy lately, in the last month or so, that I haven't had time to read, much less post, here. But I found myself with a little bit of time this Saturday afternoon and decided to go check things out. And here I see Bajo talking about Macri being bad, about Lanata being paid by...
  13. E

    Dollars In Atm's

    The only reason I thought it must have been possible to do so at some point is because many of the ATMs I used (before the cepo and the blue rate diverged so much some 4-5 years ago) offered withdrawals in dollars, although it never worked, obviously. I just figured the option was left over...
  14. E

    Finding An Agent Willing To Find Tenants In Capital Federal

    Are you talking about long-term or temporary? I know an expat, married to an Argentina, who manage temporary rentals.
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    New Electric Bill Arrived: And The Total Is....

    I used to try to sleep through the hot nights without air conditioning, with the windows open. But somehow the breeze would stop blowing in the wee hours and the mosquitoes would come out in droves and eat us alive! Now, to try to save money, we don't turn on the air conditioner but have the...
  16. E

    Bank Accounts For Non-Dni Holders?

    I've been here for 9 years and it was not possible when I got here, although one would hear the occasional rumor that someone else had managed to open a bank account as a tourist, but I never met anyone who was successful. I tried myself at a couple of banks with no luck. As I understood it...
  17. E

    Dollars In Atm's

    This is only a question asked about 50 times in the last couple of months it seems :D The only way people have ever been able to get dollars out of cash machines here is to have a dollar account and get the dollars out of a machine at one of their branches. Even then, I've never known anyone...
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    New Electric Bill Arrived: And The Total Is....

    I pay more in taxes and fees than I do in consumption. I can't remember how much more, but there was another thread where I laid out my bill from about 2 months ago (or maybe it was 4?). I haven't seen the new one yet, but I expect it to go up. I'm a high consumer.
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    How Can I Get My Pesos Out Of Argentina?

    Not sure what the difference is between making a cash exchange here and receiving money there would be. A bank statement form from here to show where the money came from, a note or receipt from the person he does business with for the transfer - either way, under good circumstances here he's...
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    How Can I Get My Pesos Out Of Argentina?

    Find someone that wants pesos here and has a bank account outside fo the US who can wire money to your bank in Spain. If you can't get the bank to send it.