Search results

  1. G

    MUST apostille FBI letter

    Does not really cause many problems just inconveniences. This has come into effect since the FBI now does offer certification of your FBI Criminal Background Report, just make sure to mark you want it on your Fingerprint Cover Letter. Def. does add more time to the process, since the FBI will...
  2. G

    Any UBA graduates out there?

    Untrue, there are Carreras de Grado and de Posgrado, Undergraduate and Graduate Careers. It is definately not divided in the same manner as in the US, but many professors graduate from with Argentine Posgrados.
  3. G

    Can I work with a student visa?

    Richard is right, to become a foreign student at the UBA and get a visa that way, you will have to first request a voucher/coupon from the Argentine Consulate in your city. Or you could enroll in a private university, but that has a significantly higher price tag (not free). As for working on...
  4. G

    Looking for bike shop in Recoleta

    I believe there is a bike shop on Cabrera & Anchorena arriving at Plaza Monseñor de Andrea. May not be your area of Recoleta, but it is closer.
  5. G

    How much to live?

    Alex, seriously, why the attitude always? I do not own property, but I do pay ABL to the AGIP on the apartment I rent. I agree with the previous poster, grow up. I posted on here to say what I said in my first post. I have been here for 6 months, I was here for 4 months 2 years ago. I have...
  6. G

    How much to live?

    I stand corrected
  7. G

    How much to live?

    Because ABL is only a Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires tax, there are things that are similar in other cities, but it is not ABL. I am just giving you trouble for using a city term...
  8. G

    How much to live?

    Funny that he was living in Pilar and paying ABL... Get your facts straight. You will do fine here, as long as you control your expenses you can make it work on whatever your budget may be.
  9. G

    uruguay cheats to win

    I would disagree that Uruguay moved on only because of "sheer" luck. It was a well played game, and Uruguay won. The last stop that was "cheating" according to the name of this thread was what any player would have done in this situation.
  10. G

    Banned food part deux

    Edit: Sorry didn't mean to be an asshole, guess I just mean, don't trust the facts of any newspaper in this country...
  11. G

    Banned food part deux

    Why do you guys rely on the Buenos Aires herald for your news, it has some pretty crappy use of the english language, and a knack for getting the facts wrong... First off, there has never been an official ban of any imports. Domestic Trade Secretary Guillermo Moreno (Buenos Aires Herald, he...
  12. G

    FBI Background Check

    FBI does send things to Argentine addresses. Just got a nice Manilla envelope the other day.
  13. G

    Real Estate Agencies in BA

    Very mistaken about Chacarita. Yes, there is a small Villa behind the train station, but it really isnt shady at all. Chacarita is a very safe, very residential neighborhood though, and might not have all the restauranty options you want. Dont knock it if you dont know it(By the way, my...
  14. G

    Most Affordable Cell Phone Option

    In addition to Jez, here are the rates for calls and messages of Movistar Prepage, according to my "Detalle de Movimiento" on Movistars website. Movimiento Calls to other Movistar numbers: .99 ARS Calls to all other numbers: 1.98 ARS Text Messages: .43 ARS
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    Poll: Where do you live?

  16. G

    New in Town
  17. G

    Bottled water delivery services

    Do people really have problems with the tap water here??
  18. G

    Recommend a city

    Minneapolis. I am pretty sure Delta took over all of Northwest's direct flights over to Asia...
  19. G

    Poll - How much do you spend a month?

    I selected under 500 dollars a month. I live with my girlfriend in a rented apartment (con garantía). Rent is roughly U$D 275 a month.
  20. G

    To and from bus details??

    Don't thank me, thank our good friend Macri... If only he would stop worrying about becoming president (and his reputation) and focus on finding more creative solutions to the city's many problems. Do be careful with the map however, as the popup tells you when you enter it is still in Beta...