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  1. D

    Affordable Dolce Vita in Buenos Aires?

    Some very good points particularly on an empty CV, I had thought the same thing but you said much better than I could. I guess I'm old fashioned to me it seems by your early thirties you ought to have some direction in your life. Nothing wrong with coming to B.A., but coming with just a vague...
  2. D

    Affordable Dolce Vita in Buenos Aires?

    Well, there's obviously a lot of different points of view and everybody's perspective is different, I guess this is based on what one's priorities in their overall life are. I have a lot of friends who would never consider leaving the States, and would also be complaining about the conveniences...
  3. D

    Affordable Dolce Vita in Buenos Aires?

    Again, I'm assuming it´s the subject line mentioning dolce vita that has thrown people off guard, but I am NOT trying to live lavishly, excessively, or like a playboy on $2700 USD, however, I do admit that there are certain things which MAY or may not be deemed as luxurious to some people...
  4. D

    Affordable Dolce Vita in Buenos Aires?

    Just to clarify: When I say I want to live well, it does not mean I want to live excessive or lavish, there are a FEW nice things, being single, disorganized and lets face it, downright slob, that I've grown attached to (IE: cleaning lady, eating out regularly, etc) but by no means do I expect...
  5. D

    Affordable Dolce Vita in Buenos Aires?

    Thanks for your insight. I am more worried about this ¨drastic inflation¨ that everyone keeps mentioning, than anything else. I understand that not all of Buenos Aires is as nice as Recoleta or Palermo, but its really the same in any major city, you have your posher areas than others, which is...
  6. D

    Affordable Dolce Vita in Buenos Aires?

    So, here's my situation, what I am currently looking for at the moment, and why I think Buenos Aires might be THE place for me to relocate to for awhile: I'm a 30 year old male with both Spain and USA citizenships (2 passports), I have studied and worked in both countries, I have a degree in...