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  1. L

    Fine for overstaying the visa to be increased to 500$ soon

    Given that this web site only has a small number of users, in comparison to the many thousands of tourists who arrive in BsAs over the year, I wonder how much real revenue is actually received from those that overstay their visas and pay the fine. The vast majority of tourists come here on...
  2. L

    Thank you BAEXPATS

    Look forward to meeting you when you get over - It's a great place to live, and the ex-pat community is very welcoming, as well as the locals.
  3. L

    News Laws Regarding Buying Beer/Bar's "Last Call"

    I must be getting old - I'm home and in bed well before 4 am anyway!
  4. L

    Masters: Angel Cabrera

    Yep - Great to see Angel doing well, but as a fellow countryman of Rory Mc - I am so impressed by his performance these past three days. To go into the final round with a 4 shot lead is something else. Unfortunately i won't be able to watch the conclusion tomorrow as I am otherwise engaged, but...
  5. L


    But the more interesting game will be between Leinster and Leicester, I believe that the overall winner of the Heiny will be the victor in this clash. Personally I will be looking forward to the Ulster match on Sunday against Nrothampton, as an Ulster fan, however, I think we are up against it...
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    Calling all Padres: Restaurants with play areas?

    And there was me thinking you were talking about The Padres from San Diego - Such a shame... ;)
  7. L

    Friday Night Drinks - April 8th

    After visiting the new (to us) and lovely Treffen bar last week where we'll definetly return soon, we have decided to go back to the Puerta Roja (or Red Door as some people like to call it) that we frinked in back in January as the Irish one was away and didn't get to try it out. The bar is...
  8. L

    Anyone want to get a beer in San Telmo?

    Would love to - But sadly will have to wait until Friday :( ..... Might see you then...
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    They were a great band :)
  10. L

    Friday Night and Time for a drink - April 1st

    Shirley - We head out every week, on a Friday, for drinks, so keep your eyes open here on a Thursday when we post where we are heading. Great night last night, and lovely to meet new people - Hope to see you again next week.
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    Friday Night and Time for a drink - April 1st

    Lynsey and Lisa - There will be lots of people ready for a good chat tonight, don't worry - Look forward to meeting you guys...
  12. L

    Pay overstay fee on a Saturday?

    If it means taking money of you - Even on a feriado (This Saturday is yet another holiday), they will! :)
  13. L

    finally here :P

    The small Guia T for 2011 costs around 8 peso's, and can be bought at most of the newspaper kiosks around the town. It's invaluable, and very easy to carry around when moving about the city. Can't help on the smokes I'm afraid, but I am sure you will Strike Lucky :)
  14. L

    Friday Night and Time for a drink - April 1st

    April Fools Day, but no fooling Frinkers as we try again at Treffen Bar. Those that came out after St Patricks Day know that we tried to get here before, but they heard we were coming and shut for the night - or to be fair, they had run out of beer following a great St Paddy's Day there...
  15. L

    Running Club?

    As one of the ringleaders of the Hash House Harriers here in Buenos Aires (and a 3:13 marathon runner), I can assure you that the group here, while they enjoy a beer after the run, enjoy the running part of the day just as much. Last sunday, for example, we had a good 10Km run in Nunez alongside...
  16. L

    Hello! Irish girl coming to Buenos Aires in August!

    As one fellow traveller from Ireland, who has been here for 18 months now, you will be more than welcome. One of the problems with teaching english, is that everyone comes to BsAs with that idea in their head, and quite frankly, despite what your read, there are simply not queues of locals...
  17. L

    Next Hash Run - Sunday Mar 27th

    Thanks to those who PM'd me about the Hash. Just so that everyone can know - Yes, bring your own beer mug to drink out of after the run. It's usually wise to bring a plate as well, and maybe a fork, although the Hares didn't say this time, so I'm not sure what we will be eating :).... Looking...
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    This is true - A proper board, measured out precisely as well....:D
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    Argentina isn't a member of the World Darts Federation (unlike Brazil), and I don't think the game has ever taken hold here at all. Aside from the electronic (substitute the word crap) boards mentioned above, it's a rare sight to see a bristle board at all in a bar. Having said that, I have...
  20. L

    Friday Night Drinks - March 25th

    Yep, it's another holiday weekend here in Buenos Aires, and the First Feriado Frinking of Autumn. Now, some might be away for the long weekend, but if you're not, why not enjoy the Feriado with some friends (old and new) in one of our favourite Brew Bars, Breoghans. Just in case this bar...