Search results

  1. mariano-BCN

    Buying A Electric Scooter: A Good Idea?

    If Smart starts selling that scooter I'll buy right away. But thinking about the cepo and how difficult things are turning here I don't except there will more and better diversity in the offer of electric scooters in Argentina. By the way: it just came into my mind: how about the import of...
  2. mariano-BCN

    Buying A Electric Scooter: A Good Idea?

    The Cool 2 model had 800 watts, I thought it has more but I was mistaken. It has exactly the same battery/motor as the Joy but the wheels seem to be better, it has a digital meter, the frame is in the first wheel, I wonder if this makes the difference of 3.000 pesos (20k pesos is the price)...
  3. mariano-BCN

    Buying A Electric Scooter: A Good Idea?

    I don't get the point of calling them DonorCycles...euh? why be a target?
  4. mariano-BCN

    Buying A Electric Scooter: A Good Idea?

    I had a bicycle but that's much more dangerous here. And this city is not ready fit for it. And thanks for your comment Gpop, I'm doubting between the models Joy and Cool of Lucky Lion. R u happy with your Joy? Cool is 3K more expensive but the wheels seem better and it has a bit more of volts...
  5. mariano-BCN

    Buying A Electric Scooter: A Good Idea?

    thanks for the replies! I realise driving a scooter in BsArs is taking a huge risk -that's the biggest minus of a scooter here- but I wonder how people cope with transport here then. I lose so much time on the taxis, colectivos and subte! Public transport is inexpensive, I spend more or less...
  6. mariano-BCN

    Buying A Electric Scooter: A Good Idea?

    I'm tired of the public transport: colectivos are extremely cheap but also extremely slow, the subte is ok but accustomed to the metro in Barcelona and Amsterdam this sucks, it's filthy, it covers only a small part of the city and the taxis...expensive and outside the centre difficult to get one...
  7. mariano-BCN

    Is Koreatown "open" On Sunday?

    maybe a silly question, but where's this Korea-town? What can you find there?
  8. mariano-BCN

    Coffee Chat - Wed, 27 Aug 2014, 4-7Pm (Alto Palermo Mall)

    I'll be nearby, at the Hospital Aleman, so I may pass by.
  9. mariano-BCN

    I Was Swindled Out Of $1000 Dollars

    "Stop being so American"? Excuse me, Americans grosso modo are people infected by a terrible sense of horror, of being afraid for everything in life and specially for unknown people.
  10. mariano-BCN

    Buying Property In Argentina

    I want to buy here 'cause I'm half Argentinean and I will keep on coming to BsARs. I may live here a couple of months a year. But I won't ever buy here if I was a foreigner, without plans to stay for at least 10 years here and have a B plan to sell and bring the money out of this country. But...
  11. mariano-BCN

    Buying Property In Argentina

    12 % costs? what do you mean? costs of the inmobiliaria, escribano and what else?
  12. mariano-BCN

    Apartment Strategies For A Gringo

    I'm living in San Telmo in a renovated old casa colonial, with studios for short term rents. I'm here nearly a year by now and paying 360 US Dollars a month with expensas of 626 pesos a month. The studio is with complete equipped. Try to get in one of these places in San Telmo, if you stay...
  13. mariano-BCN

    Your Inflation Experience: At The Zoo

    If anybody goes to the Mercado Central, Liniers or another market from San Telmo -where I live- please let me know, I would like to go and share the costs.
  14. mariano-BCN

    So Hospital Italiano Sucks, Which Alternative?

    wow, so many choices: OSDE, Medicus, Galeno, Union Personal. I heard good things about Swiss Medical too. So many choices make a decision difficult.
  15. mariano-BCN

    So Hospital Italiano Sucks, Which Alternative?

    It seems that Galeno has IADT too and it's cheaper than OSDE
  16. mariano-BCN

    So Hospital Italiano Sucks, Which Alternative?

    thanks Ceviche, very useful your point about IADT and the Aleman. I just read the prepaga Medicus has IADT too and it seems to be less expensive as OSDE so I'll get to Medicus. cheers
  17. mariano-BCN

    So Hospital Italiano Sucks, Which Alternative?

    thanks Ceviche. Can I ask you how much r u paying for osde 310 now? thanks nativexpat. But do you have to be a worker to become a member?
  18. mariano-BCN

    So Hospital Italiano Sucks, Which Alternative?

    I've enough of the Hospital Italiano. Today I had again a bad experience: I've pain in my back, need to have 10 sessions of kinesiology and an appointment can be made for ....September! wow! Again a bad experience at the Italiano. It;s always incredible crowded and though the doctors are well...
  19. mariano-BCN

    Living In Argentina, Earning Money Abroad

    I live partly in Buenos Aires and parttime in Amsterdam, get my money in my Dutch bank accounts and pay there tax. Never had problems in Argentina with the tax-machine.
  20. mariano-BCN

    15 Differences Between A Normal Friend And An Argentinean Fr

    full of cliches and myths