Search results

  1. mariano-BCN

    How's The Real Estate Market In Buenos Aires???

    I wonder if the temporary prices will stand. And all the other prices. I'll pay 360 dollar, expensas of 600 pesos on top, for a full furnitured huge studio in San Telmo, not a bad deal. One thing is sure: sellers and owners of temporary rents may ask what they want, another thing is if they're...
  2. mariano-BCN

    How's The Real Estate Market In Buenos Aires???

    This is what I mean...1700 dollars for a rent in BsARs? Dont't you think your advise is a bit inflated? Do your know where you're? At the end of the world, in a city where lots of services don't work, where it's filthy and political very unstable. I hope for you you may rent it for that price...
  3. mariano-BCN

    How's The Real Estate Market In Buenos Aires???

    Everybody here has an opinion about this issue. I've euros (and thus also dollars) in my pocket/bankaccount abroad to spend here and since end of last here looking for a place to buy in a good area but I can't find something in GOOD shape, all the flats are awful inside, or without enough...
  4. mariano-BCN

    A Pozo: Which To Choose?

    thanks for the input, very useful.
  5. mariano-BCN

    A Pozo: Which To Choose?

    I've been seeing a lot of flats 'cause I want to buy something for me with lots of light, good n'hood, well connected. etc. But the bottle neck in BsArs is always the creapy state of the flats: people don't do any kind of repair for decades. So I'm thinking about buying a pozo, a brand-new...
  6. mariano-BCN

    Health Insurance.

    Talking about dental plans: Hospital Italiano doesn't have own dentists and covers very, very little. I was used to do a "limpieza de boca" every six months, it only allows once a year.
  7. mariano-BCN

    Health Insurance.

    I'm getting more and more disappointed with Hospital Italiano.
  8. mariano-BCN

    Buying Property Now? Benefits Of Being A Citizen?

    i'm in the same position, looking around to buy a property, I don't have the impression there will be a crisis like ten years ago, though things are for sure going slower the coming 2 years. I'm thinking about buying a new property to be paid in cheap pesos (my income is in euros) and eventually...
  9. mariano-BCN

    If You Were To Relocate, Where Would You Go? Ams Or Barna

    what a coincidence: I lived long in Amsterdam, I was raised there, and 6 years in BCN too. It all depends of your personal situation: for work is Amsterdam much better, the quality of work, the salaries, etc are there much better than in BCN. But if you are able to find in these difficult...
  10. mariano-BCN

    Mercado Central Purchases 40% Less

    if anybody with car and living in San Telmo goes to the Mercado Central, pls let me know. I went there with line 8 but it took 2 hrs to get there. Veggies and fruit are cheap, food too but as anywhere in Argentina the quality is poor and there's no much diversity
  11. mariano-BCN

    Again: Questions About A Bank-Account In Uruguay

    I've been looking at earlier threads about opening an account in one of the banks in Colonia but couldn't find the answer to this question: how much is the maintaining fee for a simple cuenta caja de ahorro or another current account? I don't need another credit card. I saw at the site of the...
  12. mariano-BCN

    New "puertas Abiertas/puertas Cerradas" Dining Option

    Indeed Veteran, Sarki's. Thames 1101, great food, fresh and healthy. And the price! We were 3 persons, with water and a bottle of wine: 100 pesos each. Wow!
  13. mariano-BCN

    Real Estate Timing - Arguments For Now Vs Later?

    I'm very interested in the answers to this too!
  14. mariano-BCN

    New "puertas Abiertas/puertas Cerradas" Dining Option

    wow, how expensive! I ate tonight at a Armenian very good restauran, at Thames and Cordoba, and it costed me only 100 pesos, with wine.
  15. mariano-BCN

    13 Years Too Late

    Glad that finally the highest boss at least won't sleep well 'cause he'll be worried about this. And CFK...I wonder if she ever is confronted with reality.
  16. mariano-BCN

    Documentary On Sexual Tourism In Buenos Aires

    I don't have the impression things are here as in Costa Rica, Colombia, Brazil or Cuba or the Dominican Republic where lots of Western men flight there only for sex-tourism.
  17. mariano-BCN

    Long Term Rentals

    I'm looking for a place to rent in Palermo o Recoleta in GOOD state. Max 4500 pesos, 2 years, I may pay once in 6 months. 15 61557337,
  18. mariano-BCN

    Long Term Rentals

    me too!
  19. mariano-BCN

    A Tango Show Which Is Not A Rip-Off?

    thanks for all replies, great!
  20. mariano-BCN

    A Tango Show Which Is Not A Rip-Off?

    yeps, I'm taking classes and do know more or less the way into milongas but I'm asking for a tango-show for two visitors from Holland who don't want to see the shows "for export" but the real. I'm starting to think there's no such one in whole BsArs, they're all for dummie tourists who pay too...