Search results

  1. F

    Is This Offer Good Enough For Our Family To Ba?

    Surely, a family living in the U.S. couldn't possibly survive on a US$240.000.00 a year salary. I can only imagine what the price of caviar and a butler's salary are these days. How can anyone worry about the cost of maintaining a car? Sorry, I should have known better, as i never owned a...
  2. F

    Where To Buy A Tv

    Read a book.
  3. F

    Legal Question

    I wish that I could tell my story in this small space, but it's not possible; just too complicated and insane. I think that it would make a great movie.
  4. F

    Legal Question

    I'm wondering if anyone knows if there is a statute of limitations to file a civil suit in Buenos Aires? A neighbor of mine is planning to sue me for alleged water damage that she cliaims that I caused.............7 and a half years ago. Is it possible for someone to defend themselves in a...
  5. F

    Imagine,right Here In Ba !

    As of this morning, 12/9, Casa China in Chinatown had Kraft Cheeze Whiz (yum yum ?). ; An 8 oz jar is $60.00 and a 15 oz. jar is $100.00. Arg Pesos. Grams? You'll have to figure that out, yourself. This is not meant to be an advertisement for Casa China or Kraft. I have no financial interest in...
  6. F

    And The Noose Tightens; New Import Dollar Restrictions

    Wow ! Does this mean that every time we go to the U.S.A. (aka EEUU), we will no longer be limited to bringing back a mere US$10,000.00? Will we be able to bring back US$150,000.00 each time? If so I'm going to get me a bigger backpack.
  7. F

    Tawiwanese Overstay By A Lot 

    "No soup for you"
  8. F

    Nutella !! Nutella !! Nutella !!

    Sorry, the calle is Arroyo, but you knew that.
  9. F

    Nutella !! Nutella !! Nutella !!

    As of 09:40, this morning, Wednesday, 3 Septembre, the Disco market on Esmeralda, between Arroya and del Libertador,(Retiro) had about 10 jars of Nutella; $74.00. They were above the canned fruit selection, close to the checkers.
  10. F

    I Won't Drink To That

    I'm wondering if there is fluoride in BA tap water?
  11. F

    The Top 10 Dangerous Cities Of Central/latin America

    And the country with the most dangerous cities is.......................MEXICO !!! Congratulations !!
  12. F

    Bsas Ranks As One Of The Smartest Cities.

    I read the headline of the article in yesterday's Buenos Aires Herald ("rag"); "Buenos Aires ranks as 29th "smartest city. The first sentence reads "Buenos Aires has ranked the 28th in the........" Who? What? Pathetic.
  13. F

    No Women's Lib In Ba??

    I was riding on a collectivo, this morning. There were no available seats. A woman got on the bus and asked a man for his seat. He immediately got up and she sat down. She was close to, but under 50, nicely dressed, thin and seemed to be in fine physical condition. I've noticed this quite often...
  14. F

    Seacat Ticket Change ??

    I bought a ticket online to go from BA to Colonia on Seacat in mid September; round trip on the same day. I now think that a boat at a different time would be better. Has anyone been able change their tickets? I'm planning to go to the Seacat office on Monday and would like a preview of what I...
  15. F

    Sinking Economy: A Restaurant Closes Every Day

    I was told that 350 restaurants in BA closed, last year. Benihaha in the Alto Palermo Shopping Center has closed.
  16. F

    Usa Expat Opening Bank Account In Uruguay ?

    In the EEUU bank interest rates are about .00002%. Donald, Warren and Bill probably get 2.3%.
  17. F

    Usa Expat Opening Bank Account In Uruguay ?

    Does anyone know what interest rates the Banco Republica of Uruguay pays for savings accounts and long term accounts? I read over 9% !!
  18. F

    What's His Name?

    Is the name Joe Steele or Joe Steal?
  19. F

    Buying A United Airlines Ticket Online

    I've been checking different airline and travel websites to find airfares from the U.S. to Southeast Asia United Airlines seems to be the only company who will not furnish airfares to me, because I tell them that my billing address is in Argentina. "We were not able to find any seats meeting...
  20. F

    Bye, Bye, Beto

    What is meant as "full time?" Is it someone who works 9-5 (L-V) in the building, but doesn't live there or someone who lives in the building and watches television in his rent free apartment all day? If the law says that a building with more than 5 units must have a full time portero, how can a...