Search results

  1. E

    Places to watch Women's World Cup final?

    I'm not aware of any channel in Argentina on which it is being broadcast. (It's on ESPN and Galavision in the States.) If anybody comes up with any definitive information with respect to where to watch it, though, I'd love to see it.
  2. E

    All-star game

    FWIW, I'm probably heading over to the Casa Bar tomorrow night to watch it.
  3. E

    Expat Meet Up Friday July 8th!

    Great job, Rease!!! Thanks for putting everything together!!! (On a side note, I don't recall (lots of things) paying for my beer in the bar we went to after dinner. If I am indebted to anyone for said beer, I am happy to repay in kind at another time.)
  4. E

    Expat Meet Up Friday July 8th!

    This has gotten huge. I'm in!!! Sounds like fun.
  5. E

    Expat Names that sound strange to Argentines

    Sheldon. It's even difficult for people back home. In the last few years, though, I get this response a lot - "Like Big Bang Theory!!!" Yup, that's my name. Much better than the When Harry Met Sally references.
  6. E

    Where else to live?

    Pretty close. I'm 42 and retired off of the money I made practicing law in New York. Thanks for playing, though. :eek:
  7. E

    Where else to live?

    Don't knock Sofia. I've been to Sofia a number of times (that number being one) and found it to be a great city where the streets are paved in gold. Rather, some of the streets downtown are paved in brick and are painted gold. And there's also a Dunkin' Donuts. None of this, of course, helps...
  8. E

    New York vs. BsAs Pizza. NY Wins!

    . . . and in more breaking news, the Pope is Catholic.
  9. E


    Is anyplace showing the Gold Cup semifinal match tonight, preferably followed by the Santos/Peñarol Copa Libertadores final? I've been told that the Alamo hasn't been showing the Gold Cup matches and they are not available on Argentine television, as far as I can tell. Thanks.
  10. E

    Visas! Please respond quickly! Thanks!

    I came in on a one-way ticket last week and was never questioned about when I was leaving. If I had been, I was prepared to tell them that I was going to be in Argentina for a few months before heading to other countries in South America but I hadn't yet purchased tickets out of Argentina...
  11. E

    Anybody understand baseball?

    It happens occasionally because clubs generally are listed in order of winning percentage but games behind is based on the number of win/loss differential. For example, this is possible: Los Angeles 31-19 .620 0.5 Colorado 34-21 .618 - LA is listed first because of the winning...
  12. E

    An existential question about ...... Star Wars

    I got into Star Wars late. I had all six DVDs in my possession so I asked a friend of mine who is a true Star Wars freak the same question you're asking. He gave me some of the best advice I've ever received: Watch them in this order: Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Stop