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  1. EJLarson

    A Honky Like Me.

    Very well put. Seriously, if Trump had won the popular vote but Hillary had taken the win, would the same people on this forum be yelling "it's broken - we have to fix it!" I'll put $100 (USD) on NO!
  2. EJLarson

    How Am I Still Alive?

    For pedestrians it's very simple: you cede the right-of-way to anything that is: 1. Bigger 2. Harder 3. Faster than you. Gets more complicated if you're driving.
  3. EJLarson

    Coffee Chat Thursday Nov24Th.16:30-19 Hr. San Isidro

    The guests were charming, conversations were interesting, and the cat was uninterested in any of it. Well, it was a cat.
  4. EJLarson

    A Honky Like Me.

    Which is exactly the point. If a simple national majority vote should determine who is President, then about six population centers in the country can control the election, regardless of the wishes of the rest of the country (see map). To avoid that being the case in passing legislation, the...
  5. EJLarson

    Learning Spanish + Home Services

    It does - enormously.
  6. EJLarson

    24Th November 2016 Coffee Chat Zona Norte (San Isidro)

    Guess I've been promoted. Thanks. (My wife's official title, though, is "Empress" or "Emperatriz.")
  7. EJLarson

    A Honky Like Me.

    Kissinger? You've got me confused. Who does he say should be working together? Dems and Repubs, or US and Argentina? I'm for it either way. Schumer is an extremely bright guy, and may well be more likely to work across the aisle than the very happily retiring Harry Reid. Harry's not someone you...
  8. EJLarson

    A Honky Like Me.

    Same boat, so I can appreciate your concern. Note that my comment was non-judgemental and takes no political position: if my analysis is correct (and I invite alternative views), the ACA in this respect is fatally flawed in concept, meaning that bandaids or small tweaks can't fix it. I'll now...
  9. EJLarson

    A Honky Like Me.

    Lots of complexity, yes, but one thing about it is very simple. To succeed as planned, the mix of policyholders had to fit the age curve of the general population, meaning that lots of young, healthy people had to sign up and pay premiums to offset the outgo expected for lots of older, less...
  10. EJLarson

    A Honky Like Me.

    All 60 million? It would probably come in right around 100.
  11. EJLarson

    Contact Info, Please

    It would be fun to have them at a Coffee Chat, but I'm afraid that no one else could get a word in edgewise if they were there. So I vote "no" for them becoming Argentine expats, but with their political outlooks, maybe Venezuela or Cuba?
  12. EJLarson

    Coffee Chat,tuesday Nov 8Th.16-19 Hr. Starbucks Alto Palermo

    Rich, your magnetic personality guarantees a sellout crowd. Thanks.
  13. EJLarson

    Dollars To Pesos

    ... as some have to be ignorant and arrogant. So what was your choice again?
  14. EJLarson

    Argentine Congressional Junket To U.s.

    Of course! It's the common touch! It's the same reason I'm in BsAs right now. With the peso-dollar rate frozen (for now) I can enjoy the same inflation as any CGT member. It's all about solidarity with the workers.
  15. EJLarson

    Coffee Chat,tuesday Nov 8Th.16-19 Hr. Starbucks Alto Palermo

    And the noise completely drowns out attempts at conversation. (See any reference to: culture, Argentina.)
  16. EJLarson

    Argentine Congressional Junket To U.s.

    I'm trying very hard to get past the part where, I suppose with straight faces, they contend that being in the country where the election is held gives them some kind of educational advantage. I suppose they plan to watch the results on Bergdorf-Goodman's large-screen TVs?
  17. EJLarson

    Clinton - Trump Live Debate Monday Sept. 26 Th.

    Looking like her gets an automatic exemption from immigration rules on grounds of "national beautification."
  18. EJLarson

    Coffee Chat,tuesday Nov 1St.16-19 Hr Starbucks Alto Palermo

    Good to be back and have some good exchanges. Really enjoyable. Thanks again for hosting, Rich.
  19. EJLarson

    Clinton - Trump Live Debate Monday Sept. 26 Th.

    I know you and Camberiu have, shall we say, differing views, but I take what he posted in a lighter tone. The Bill Clinton-vagina connection is literally true as stated - we lived through that sorry mess. I don't see any implication of support, or sympathy for Weiner from Hillary in the second...
  20. EJLarson

    Clinton - Trump Live Debate Monday Sept. 26 Th.

    It's beyond belief that anyone could still be supporting this sleazebag in any way at all, except maybe encouraging him to plead guilty and go to jail, but then, New Yorkers ... "Sex addicts" implies some kind of involuntary, treatable condition. These guys are assholes by choice and deserve...