Search results

  1. EJLarson

    Mike Tyson Deported At Eze

    Sounds like they did a good job. Unless you think that three serious felony convictions should not be considered when deciding whether to admit a traveler to your country. Do you want him in Argentina?
  2. EJLarson

    Gils Carbo, Procurator Fiscal - Resigns

    So you approve of his murder? Because he was corrupt?
  3. EJLarson

    Using Uber Or Taxiezeiza From Airport?

    I've always used Tienda Leon. They're expensive these days, but most things are. Never had a whiff of a problem with them, and they match vehicle size to your needs.
  4. EJLarson

    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    So WW2 ended in 1931? That’s when the Commonwealth was established. But yes, the colonial powers (on the winning side) began to grant independence to colonies after the war (so you don’t have to look it up, that was 1945). And if it’s off topic why did you raise the subject in the first place?
  5. EJLarson

    An Exclusive Shamanic Ayahuasca Experience For Ba Expats

    Damn. Bet you’re sorry you missed out. But wait a couple of months. MM will emerge from mom’s basement with some new deluded invention. No dates or venue will be announced, but tickets will be available! What a clown!
  6. EJLarson

    An Exclusive Shamanic Ayahuasca Experience For Ba Expats

    Steve, it's even better than that: this sorry fraud has never answered any verifiable question in his entire forum life - thanks to your amazing recap earlier in the thread, that fact is established. He actually seems to believe he's manipulating us while we're laughing as his pitiable lies...
  7. EJLarson

    An Exclusive Shamanic Ayahuasca Experience For Ba Expats

    I guess that’s the thing. No one really cares what he says. It’s all about the counterpunching by the posters. You might even say that he and what he says are irrelevant - his bullshit is just the launch pad for some damned clever repartee from us. So he, thinking he’s playing us, is really the...
  8. EJLarson

    An Exclusive Shamanic Ayahuasca Experience For Ba Expats

    That may be a dollar quote, in which case it's a much better deal to go with MM for only $AR 87.150 more. Here's a guess: MM gets bored easily and decides to spin up the Baexpats posters - it's been a while. He comes across this during some random browsing...
  9. EJLarson

    An Exclusive Shamanic Ayahuasca Experience For Ba Expats

    Not only mingle! We get to be like her, too! (Except maybe the rich part, and the plastic surgery, and all that.)
  10. EJLarson

    Tragedy In New York; Five Argentines Killed

    Poor punctuation on my part. It’s not.
  11. EJLarson

    Tragedy In New York; Five Argentines Killed

    Christianity and capitalism, which is the economic engine of a free people.
  12. EJLarson

    Tragedy In New York; Five Argentines Killed

    We can usually muster some empathy, if not forgiveness, for those who turn to violence after being victims of violence themselves. But people like this? According to the article he was invited by visa lottery to the US and became radicalized...
  13. EJLarson

    An Exclusive Shamanic Ayahuasca Experience For Ba Expats

    Well, I read it. Where do I send the money now?
  14. EJLarson

    An Exclusive Shamanic Ayahuasca Experience For Ba Expats

    Could you arrange for video recording?
  15. EJLarson

    Gils Carbo, Procurator Fiscal - Resigns

    Ding dong! The assistant witch is dead!
  16. EJLarson

    An Exclusive Shamanic Ayahuasca Experience For Ba Expats

    This may be the most densely concentrated load of meaningless bullshit so far in this year of 2017. Ben, would you care to chair the judging committee?
  17. EJLarson

    An Exclusive Shamanic Ayahuasca Experience For Ba Expats

    Mom's basement gets like that, sometimes.
  18. EJLarson

    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    I "sound like he was dismissed by 100%?" Please, bajo, as a lawyer you actually need to learn how to read. So to help you develop these new skills, I'll quote what I said: "A 176-0 vote, even without the K’s, shows that there was significant support - obviously a majority - in the 257-member...