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  1. EJLarson

    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    Cambiemos had 90 seats in the Legislature at the time. A 176-0 vote, even without the K’s, shows that there was significant support - obviously a majority - in the 257-member body for removing immunity. The arrest is a separate issue: you’ve made your views clear on that, but removing immunity...
  2. EJLarson

    Prisoners Vote As Well

    But is it really fair to compare what happens in the actual world with California’s alternate universe, where they’ve banned gravity for discriminating against differently-weighted people?
  3. EJLarson

    38 Best Restaurants In Buenos Aires

    You were proved to be trolling on the bezasos thread, and again here by people who don’t share your contempt for integrity and penchant for stupid, baseless assertions. Want to try for three?
  4. EJLarson

    Why Do Argentines Like Room Temp Warm And Stuffy?

    And a sweater for the dog, as well.
  5. EJLarson

    New Mobile Registration In Chile

    This is Chile? Sounds like they consulted with Argentines on this one: “Life is too simple here. How can we complicate it with unnecessary and useless rules?” “Glad you asked. Now, if you take cell phones ...”
  6. EJLarson

    Besazo -- The Gay Community's Way Of Protest

    It’s unlikely that anyone but a K supporter (and there are a few here, including our C friend) would make that claim. But if you’re a K follower, there are no boundaries or limits to the shit you’re happy to throw at that wall, hoping some will stick. I’ve heard nothing at all to indicate that...
  7. EJLarson

    Besazo -- The Gay Community's Way Of Protest

    Serafina responded correctly. You may or not be a troll, but many of your comments are troll-like. She called you out for connecting anti-lesbian harassment to the Macri administration with absolutely no justification. Do you deny that that’s trolling?
  8. EJLarson

    Immigration Lawyers

    Argentine citizens with US passports can travel to/from Argentina using the US credentials only. My wife is one of those and does it at least twice a year. Migraciónes knows she has dual citizenship because Argentina is listed as place of birth on the US passport and, as we know, she retains...
  9. EJLarson

    Happy Fraud 2017

    Another one, I'd guess. If it's working for you, why change?
  10. EJLarson

    Casa Rosada Eats Vegan Meal On Mondays

    Thanks for the warning! Now I know not to accept Monday invitations from Mauricio.
  11. EJLarson

    Coffee Chat, Tuesday July 4, 5:30-6:30Pm (Alto Palermo)

    You'll take a check? (Won't be able to deliver it till November, but I really want that free audit that only costs $7999.)
  12. EJLarson

    I Am Now Boots On The Ground!

    Oh, there are, and I have some good stories, too. But ... in a given situation, which way would you bet?
  13. EJLarson

    I Am Now Boots On The Ground!

    Take it from some who have been in and around Argentina for quite a while: you are very unlikely to get another freebie. If something similar ever happens, it's 99.999% that it will cause significant pain.
  14. EJLarson

    Anybody Up For An Expat Scientology Coffee Morning? What a beautiful machine!
  15. EJLarson

    I Am Now Boots On The Ground!

    Boy were you lucky! As much as I like Argentina, my advice to visitors is always "never leave anything valuable unguarded!" My sister went to a restroom in a restaurant and when she came back, the jacket she'd left on her chair was gone.
  16. EJLarson

    Anybody Up For An Expat Scientology Coffee Morning?

    I envy you your Volvo 1800s. Always thought they were among the prettiest of the sporty cars. Never got one, but did have a Triumph TR3. What a piece of shit, and how I loved it! Absolutely nothing worked well on it, from the horrible Lucas electrics to the abominable SU carburation. And it...
  17. EJLarson

    Anybody Up For An Expat Scientology Coffee Morning?

    Actually, he didn't. What he said was: "We are tentatively planning this event for Wednesday July 15th at the luxurious Faena hotel in Puerto Madero. Entrance will be strictly controlled and tickets are priced to sell at $7999 pesos each. This includes a free one to one auditing session in...
  18. EJLarson

    Anybody Up For An Expat Scientology Coffee Morning?

    Note that the rules of attendance, as defined by MM above, are: Commit to the seminar and pay the $8000 (to whom and how is left undefined); After doing that, you'll be told where and when the event will be held - and since you now hold the ticket, too bad if you're not in town that day. One...
  19. EJLarson

    Anybody Up For An Expat Scientology Coffee Morning?

    You forgot the part about wanting to get out of the rain, too.
  20. EJLarson

    Anybody Up For An Expat Scientology Coffee Morning?

    Working from memory here, and that's always dangerous, seems that Hubbard came up with the "church" idea as a scam to avoid taxes (mainly) and government snooping in general. Found this on a Google search, and make no claims for veracity, but it is the way I'd remembered hearing it at the time...