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    Gaddafi may be couchsurfing at Chavez's tonight

    Gotta say that Fidel guy is amazing. I mean when you think about the fact that they have been talking about this guy since the Eisenhower administration (which most people on the Web cannot tell you when that it's kind of amazing. Of course, ruling over Latins baking in the hot sun...
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    Change in expat attitudes?

    Well all I can say is it seems that life here is like the scene in Empire Strikes Back...(ahhhh). When Luke looks at the seemingly scary cave and turns to Yoda and asks: L: "What's in there?" Y: "Only what you take with you." It's kind of like that. It also reminds me of my grandfather who...
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    Shipping to the States

    Thanks for the headstart all. Man though, can it really be that difficult here...(don't answer that). I will dig deeper. I won't have you reveal your secrets as I am sure it involves..*wink wink* "excuse me sir, I believe this $100 bill just fell out of your pocket *wink wink*. Or the...
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    Gaddafi may be couchsurfing at Chavez's tonight

    and they want.....1...MILLLLLIOOOOOON PESOS.....or dinner for 8 at the restaurant of their choice.
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    Gaddafi may be couchsurfing at Chavez's tonight

    Ok, funniest Thread title in a while. Will Qaddafi (how the hell does he spell is own name, a K a Q, Kh, please...(i know its crazy squiggly arabic lines...but you know what i mean)...will he be bringing is Central Park tent? A true clown always brings his tent. And FYI...SPECTRE is behind...
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    Shipping to the States

    fifs: this is ok, but I am actually looking for information on exporting/shipping out of Argentina. Anyone? No one? Little help here.
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    Shipping to the States

    A friend asked me to find out the feasibility of shipping back to the States from here. Probably, in the 1/2 container to Full container kind of volume. I think it is likely furniture and things for re-sell back in the States. (I know not a novel idea, but not mine). So, a general...
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    Odd how the US media is barely covering this story...

    I would bet that Argentina is the most "Anti-everything" country in the Americas if not the world.
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    Odd how the US media is barely covering this story...

    Yes, you're right, in the 1945 Nazi Fantasy Draft we got Dr. Werner von Braun and 2 second round rocket scientists, and Argentina got SS-Oberstumpanfuhrer Adolf Eichman, a major organizer of the Holocaust. But he was just one of the "regular troops". What was the US thinking, I mean instead of...
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    Arriving on one-way ticket. Problems?

    I posted above about my experience, but I did forget that I had a return (to the US ticket) but it is beyond the 90 days. I tried showing that also, and it did not really help. Some other options either mentioned here or other places are: You can by the Buquebus tickets (ferry to Uruguay)...
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    Odd how the US media is barely covering this story...

    MRE's are definitely not worth smuggling in. Lucas: I am sure if an Argentine military plane landed it the US it would be for a "tune up" having been American made. And "USAers"? We prefer Americans. After helping win 2 World Wars and actually fighting the Nazis, (as opposed to giving them...
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    Odd how the US media is barely covering this story...

    Lucas: Ha ha your posts reflect a general level of naivite that is almost sweet. "I am shocked, shocked to discover that countries (even allies) are spying on each other." If you don't think the US intelligence agencies (and many others) have a dossier on every head of state and political...
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    Odd how the US media is barely covering this story...

    **I just felt like "poking the bear"...**
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    Odd how the US media is barely covering this story...

    I don't know if Lucas is the norm. I have yet to meet an Argentine here: rich, poor or otherwise, that isn't "dazzled" when I tell them I moved from NYC. (At which point their eyes grow wide and glisten like a japanese cartoon character). And then they ask: "And you moved here? Why?" (of...
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    Medical care Thoughts

    SOme good Health Care news out of the States: -oh the above note is Sarcastic, it's actually terrible depressing news.
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    Medical care Thoughts

    Well, some good thoughts here. In terms of the US: Yes, it is the bureacracy, I think I heard something like 80% of your healthcare bill is adminstration. I think it is the size of the country, too. While (I think GauchoB) is right about "economies" of scale, City girl is also right in...
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    Odd how the US media is barely covering this story...

    In order of importance so keep up: 1. US talks about "war" a lot (i don't know is it a lot compared to historic episodes like the 100 years war, the 20 years war, the Punic Wars (plural)) because we are not only fighting ours, but yours, and every other countries. "You want us on that Wall...
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    Arriving on one-way ticket. Problems?

    I flew in 2 weeks ago on the 2nd leg of a RT flight originating out of BA. I was flying Continental but this particular part was with United out of LaGuardia (to DC to BA). The guy at the counter was training someone so when my info popped up he asked "if i had a visa?" I tried to bluff that...
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    Medical care Thoughts

    I don't want this to be too political or "ranting" of a thread but I really have some questions about the Medical Care system here and perhaps some of you have some answers, thoughts and so forth. So, my experience with the medical system here has been amazingly excellent. Granted it has only...
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    Pros and Cons of Living in Buenos Aires vs Other International Cities

    Well after about 6 months here and 15 in NYC here is my take. First, JP is pretty dead on. I think the big con (especially having a kid) is the distance from everything inside and outside of country. Flights in country are a bit pricey paying the "gringo tax" (especially for family of 3)...