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  1. ellbee

    New American Breakfast Restaurant!

    its about time! hopefully its good/decent
  2. ellbee

    TV SOS help! how can I watch my shows?? they post the new episodes a day after and instead of downloading them, you watch them online
  3. ellbee

    United Airlines sass warning

    I seriously don't think he is interested..or else he would have done something about it a LONG time ago (first day he started his new job). He's just innit for the money.
  4. ellbee

    United Airlines sass warning

    United and Continental are a mess try to look for another airline i have problems with them constantly and they seem to change the rules without informing the passengers.... this whole "merging" system has created lots of problems in every way in United and Continental. they are losing...
  5. ellbee

    Article on American Expats in Argentina on local news

    i was going to mention that... salaries have a big part when it comes to living in BA. if you earn pesos, the cost of living is super high. salries are very low...and food and rent is extremely high....including this ridiculous expensas that are raised every single month. i fall under this...
  6. ellbee

    Sort of lonely

    i think some of the people from the forum get together on thursdays (maybe i got the wrong day?) and hang out at different bars. you might wanna keep an eye on the weekly get together posts..... its a great way to meet people....
  7. ellbee

    Meeting Argies

    "gringo" is used in panama to describe a north american and i think everywhere in the world people use this term to describe north americans...even in argentina.... nunca supe que era para italianos. primera Agua: btw, you can also check out art galleries, shows...
  8. ellbee

    My FBI Background Check Experience

    is there an expiration for the FBI background check? i hear it only last for 3 months, is this correct?
  9. ellbee

    Arriving Wednesday April 27th from California!

    i thought i was the only one obsess with bringing flannel sheets to BA...glad to know i am not alone. i also agree with bringing deodorant, vitamins, condiments, food, medicine (tylenol, benadryl, etc), shampoo, and so on. My luggage looks like a pharmacy at the moment...i am also moving to BA...
  10. ellbee

    skim milk available in BsAs???

    he hehehe;)
  11. ellbee

    My life is pefect rigth now

    either you are: 1. drunk 2. on drugs 3. on viagra 4. joking around
  12. ellbee

    GOOD Sushi?

    I am from Frisco and I seriously don't understand the obsession with salmon that Argentineans have.... and they think every single sushi is made with salmon. there is no diversity sushi from baires is like eating the sushi you buy at a supermarket here in san francisco..... sushi pop's sushi...
  13. ellbee

    skim milk available in BsAs???

    leche descremadA
  14. ellbee

    Dental Insurance -- HELP

    my US dentist is an idiot See....US dentist are are not perfect!
  15. ellbee

    Dating in BA

    i hear all this stuff about money, diplomatic families, status, jobs.... what does that has to do with finding someone that loves you and respects you? just like everywhere in this small world, you will find assholes and great guys. if you are in the right mind set (settling down and forget...
  16. ellbee

    cheap tickets ?

    my continental ticket to go to buenos aires in may was 1200 that was the cheapest keep trying..usually tuesdays, wednesdays around 2pm, the tickets usually tend to change. just keep checking expedia.comm, etc
  17. ellbee

    Shipping possessions from the UK

    its so easy to send stuff to Panama....why is it SO hard in Argentina?...and I thought Panama was underdeveloped. I guess Panamanians are moving forward and Argentina should learn from the rest of the third world countries
  18. ellbee

    What do you like here in BA?

    I like: My husband His family MUSIC FASHION ART ...and the food. some of it. other than that, I can't tolerate the government, stupid Argentinean laws , ridiculous inflation every year...or month.....summer time (I am from SF and I am a spoiled brat when it comes to summers. We have the...
  19. ellbee

    Argentina on the cusp of hyperinflation

    yes, this generation is spoiled. especially if you have lived in another country that doesn't have an unstable economy like Argentina. My husband, who has been through the Argentina's economic crisis, doesn't worry at all. I , on the other hand, I'm kinda worried about it. Since I have...
  20. ellbee

    Argentina on the cusp of hyperinflation

    My husband was telling me that this happened in the 80s and he had to witness this first hand. His mother had to go to the supermarket one day and buy a lot of food cause she didn't know if the price would go up the next day...... this is sad. and i see it coming...... poor us...