Search results

  1. ellbee

    New arrival in San Telmo

    go to La Cholita for a cheap parilla Rodríguez Pena 1165
  2. ellbee

    Running Club?

    i am a lazy bastard but would like to start running again i am in monserrat/congreso. anyone around this area, send me an e-mail. thanks [email protected]
  3. ellbee

    forced friendships

    talking about goth...any cool synthpop, darkwave, nu wave, psychobilly places to go to in buenos aires?
  4. ellbee

    Argentina questions allied attacks on Gaddafi

    comments like this form this government makes us realize that Argentina will never prosper and move out of the third world list. argentina will always have a currepcted government until the end of times....because the citizens will NEVER do anything about changing the laws. piece of cake...
  5. ellbee

    Anyone Interested in Starting a Business Venture

    if you need some admin/database assistance, lemme know!
  6. ellbee

    Organic market in Chacarita

    so expensive. i might as well install a farm in my apartment than to pay $14 pesos for eggs..... or just have it imported from the US - its pretty much the same price. $100 pesos for organic chicken!?!?! OMG! craaaazey! I dont even pay (if you convert it to dolllars) this amount of money for...
  7. ellbee

    Just Married...Now what..

    make an appointment - 11 4317-0234 they will tell you what to do next
  8. ellbee

    Hello everyone!

  9. ellbee

    this long apartment hunt...any suggestions?

    my husband and i have been searching for an apartment in BA for almost 3 months... today, he went to see one (i am in SF at the moment) and they asked him several questions about his life. He didn't even see the apartment because the old lady who was renting it, wouldn't keep her mouth shut by...
  10. ellbee

    MUST apostille FBI letter

    I was wondering if you could provide more info about your lawyer? Perhaps I can get a temp work visa while I have my FBI/Birthcertificate mailed to BA. I would appreciate it!! Thanks!:D
  11. ellbee

    Fun Shit to Do When Your Broke

    Wow. this is a Tranny
  12. ellbee

    Fun Shit to Do When Your Broke

    yeah, with all these transitorios...and the can be expensive indeed!
  13. ellbee

    Stop on Imports...

    stupid move (as usual) from argentina...oh , when will this country ever learn! get ready to have your house wiped out by robbers...or your hand cut off while talking on your phone or checking your watch. maybe i should start putting my credit card between my butt cheeks. its a hard place to...
  14. ellbee

    English Language University Textbooks

    If you have history, literature, art and philosophy, i will take them
  15. ellbee

    Rooftop bar/restaurant with a view

    Maybe because this is a forum to actually get suggestions and suggest ideas to other people? it should be a collaboration. If i didn't suggest anything is because I DONT KNOW OF A PLACE If the person didn't do a search, don't blame them for not having your magnificent brain. Since you...
  16. ellbee

    Rooftop bar/restaurant with a view

    and do you have to be so grumpy about it? create a new topic then ...if it bothers you so much geez people!
  17. ellbee

    Moving to BA in 2 weeks

    good luck stay away from: Barrio Once, Constitucion, Boca, Flores - be very careful around Palermo at night. its quite dark in certain areas. in fact, be careful everywhere you go. keep your eye on your belongings at all times especially when you ride the bus/subte. try to keep all...
  18. ellbee

    Are Our Criticisms of Argentine Legitimate?

    YOu are right but in order to change , the public needs to change this is called democracy. once the public stops complaining and starts acting/expressing and try to change the corrupt system, then the government could change. other than that, yes, the public deserves what they get cause they...
  19. ellbee

    En Negro

    well, you walk around BUenos Aires and you see dog shit everywhere. the the streets are never cleaned so where does the money go? government officials pockets. piece of cake. and cops, are mostly corrupted.
  20. ellbee

    El Alamo-Closed By Gov

    its funny how things in Argentina are closed for the wrong reasons....but then again. its Argentina. everything is a contradiction and like most latin american countries: el mono baila por la plata. you get away with murder if you pay. this is why Argentina will never come out of that...