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  1. J

    Best Neighbourhood In Ba For Tourist To Stay.

    Agreed - but for me its definitely the best barrio to live in - I'm actually glad to be back :) I mean I liked Recoleta a lot - but Belgrano feels more like ''home'' for me :)
  2. J

    Best Neighbourhood In Ba For Tourist To Stay.

    Dublin knows :)
  3. J

    How You Imagine Forum Members

    ...and now for the European/caucasian me (eat your heart out Joe - jealousy is an ugly thing :) lol
  4. J

    How You Imagine Forum Members

    damn - trying again :)
  5. J

    How You Imagine Forum Members

    Okay - bugger this time for ME to do ''how *I* see me'' :) Why? Because I can :) FIRST of all - the JAPANESE me :)
  6. J

    How You Imagine Forum Members

    Okay - NOW I get what ''multiquote'' is for... ...I was wondering when it would be my turn - not sure what I am more insulted by - the cheap nasty imitation sword, the chancha wife or me having a less than flattering figure... All I can say here is that I am definitely taller, not so...
  7. J

    How You Imagine Forum Members

    ...I was wondering when it would be my turn - not sure what I am more insulted by - the cheap nasty imitation sword, the chancha wife or me having a less than flattering figure... All I can say here is that I am definitely taller, not so ''chancho'' and I definitely have better taste in both...
  8. J

    Finally Back In Belgrano - Favourite Bars Anyone ?

    Thanks guys - you've given me a few more to add to my ''try list'' :) The CLOSEST thing I came to a real British style bar (for me anyway) was ''Jack the Ripper Bar'' in Recoleta - THAT is a definite must - the owner (the one we met anyway) is a great guy and we had a few fun nights there while...
  9. J

    Best Japanese Food Outside Of Japan (So Far...:)

    Reminds me of the bento place I had on the corner where I lived just close to Makuharihongo station... Karaage bento, terikyaki bento and of course the ''curry raisu'' - yum :) FOOD was never an issue when I got home from work :) Bento joint on one corner, sushi joint on the other corner, the...
  10. J

    Best Neighbourhood In Ba For Tourist To Stay.

    I don't get why everybody hates Belgrano? :) lol Its a nice barrio :) When I first got here myself and my partner lived in Belgrano for three years - we moved to recoleta for 6 months and then because we had the landlady from hell (long story) we moved back here again via a short stay in Palermo...
  11. J

    Finally Back In Belgrano - Favourite Bars Anyone ?

    Hi syngirl - I'm off Cabildo...
  12. J

    Finally Back In Belgrano - Favourite Bars Anyone ?

    Yes Dublin (thought I'd abbreviate there :) thats the thing - have been there and you can obviously tell that what I am looking for is a place that feels like a pub ''back home''. For me ''back home'' basically means the places I have lived: Oz, Ireland, UK, etc, etc... To be honest the sort of...
  13. J

    Best Neighbourhood In Ba For Tourist To Stay.

    ...yes but its safe and secure - and when you go out you go somewhere else to party ;)
  14. J

    Plans to Leave? :)
  15. J

    Plans to Leave?

    Putas Harry Putas...:) jajaja...
  16. J

    Should Prostitution Be Made Illegal In Argentina?

    I was just thinking - back in Roman times they actually had temple prostitutes - really quite practical when you think about it - sort of turned the temple into a ''one stop shop'' - you could do your rituals, make your offerings, ask for what you want, get a bit and then be on your way... The...
  17. J

    Should Prostitution Be Made Illegal In Argentina?

    Exactly :) That is just perfect...:)
  18. J

    Best Neighbourhood In Ba For Tourist To Stay.

    I don't think you can go wrong with Recoleta or Belgrano :)
  19. J

    Best Japanese Food Outside Of Japan (So Far...:)

    You won't be disappointed :)
  20. J

    Plans to Leave?

    There IS a lot wrong with the place (as others have said) but 4 years into my Argentina experience I feel like I am pretty much here for keeps. Someone else talked about the option of moving country to be able to ''live within your means'' - that was part of it for me - although I've also done...