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  1. J

    Blue Dollar - Over

    I trust them - we'll be able to have dollars in our accounts here like before and of course they would never do another ''corralito'' would they ? :) Noooo.... :) lol For me its business as usual - dollars in my overseas accounts or I get my blue rate by doing dollar to bitcoin to pesos - all...
  2. J

    I Went To Burger King Today

    ...they just appear - they are taking over the world - its really just a clever front for the reptilian conquest of earth...:) (And trust me - that is NOT beef in those burgers - it was probably one of your neighbours the week before...:)
  3. J

    How Much To Charge For Private English Lessons???

    PS When I am talking about degree qualifications I am talking about those undertaken under the Oxford system - you DO a major dissertation for your master's degree (mine was one year of research and over 300 pages of dissertation - NOT a one hour oral exam or a 20 page ''assignment'' lol) In...
  4. J

    How Much To Charge For Private English Lessons???

    (NOTE: Having said the above I haven't actually hung out my shingle and made a serious effort to GET private students here - I've not taught at a university for at least 10 years now and have to admit I would probably feel a bit ''rusty''...)
  5. J

    How Much To Charge For Private English Lessons???

    This is one I have been thinking about recently - I've just organised a second job for myself to go with the first one (primary) - both online and overseas based but ones that I can continue to do from here (Buenos Aires) and still be paid in dollars (THAT, obviously, is essential)... BUT - then...
  6. J

    Entering and leaving argentina with different passports

    Not sure if it helps but each time I've done the Uruguay/dollar run (colonia) I've done it on my Aussie passport with current Argentine visa in it but I entered Argentina this time (and each time) using either my British or my Irish passports and have never had a problem really... The last time...
  7. J

    Good Sushi Restaurant

    Well - I can see we have a few leads here to try out at least - Dashi or Miyako sounds like the go so far and Furusato for delivery - I am happy to try these out as well and see how they compare with what I used to eat in Japan - I have times where I really *need* to have some good Japanese food...
  8. J

    When Will The Blue Market Be Suspended?

    I've only been here four years so far so I am still learning - but I am sure its not going to be boring :) lol
  9. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    Hybrid Ambassador - if like you me you love to see good sword technique - this is wonderful - from ''mei'' onwards (before actually) you just know you are seeing something special - his technique (for me anyway) is perfection... From collector I became a practitioner of Iaido - and from there a...
  10. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    Ah - now here is another impressive one I just spotted on youtube today - steel cutting with the katana (seriously :)
  11. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    Indeed :) I have had the privilege of watching and studying under some of the best in Japan - they are artists truly :) Lets put it this way - you would not want to make an enemy out of someone that gifted with the sword - not unless you can run very fast :) lol Some of the best I have seen were...
  12. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    (Basically, because of the connection with Japan and Argentina - the tradition of immigration - not only since 1945 of course but mostly because of it - I suppose I was expecting to see much more of this sort of thing happening here...)
  13. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    Now THIS is something you will not see every day - I can't explain the level of mastery of the sword you have to have to DO what this guy is doing - its perfect :) If you get bored with the intro just skip to about 6 minutes and 40 seconds into the video - this was for the Guinness Book of...
  14. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    Nakamura Sensei :) What technique - old clip and terrible quality but still worth watching :)
  15. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    Here is a sensei I have not seen before - demonstrating traditional tameshigiri... His technique is very good...
  16. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    This reminds me Hybrid Ambassador - if you had the chance for some up close sword study in Japan you will have come across swords with ''cutting test'' inscriptions on the nakago (tang). As you know, the traditional testing of a katana is ''tamashigiri'' - cutting of rolled up tatami mats (from...
  17. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    Hybrid Ambassador - I'm glad you mentioned ''showa-to'' - its surprising how many Nihonto collectors got into the hobby that way - that first pickup from a garage sale or a deceased estate... Of course its also interesting what *surprises* pop up from time to time. One of my personal favourites...
  18. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    The katana is not real but with a girl who looks like that who cares :) lol Damn I miss Japan :) lol
  19. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Thank you SO MUCH :) lol My Japanese is *rubbish* nowadays (I even have to use google translator to write in Japanese because I can't remember all the characters and I don't have the special software or keyboard either:) Yes, I remember some hiragana and katakana but when it comes to KANJI -...
  20. J

    Nihonto Club Anyone ?

    Here is the sort of group or organization I would love to set up here if there was the interest: